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主我高舉祢的名 主我深愛稱頌祢 主 我高舉祢的名 Lord, I lift Your name on high

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2 主我高舉祢的名 主我深愛稱頌祢 主 我高舉祢的名 Lord, I lift Your name on high
主 我高舉祢的名 主我高舉祢的名 Lord, I lift Your name on high 主我深愛稱頌祢 Lord, I love to sing Your praises

3 我真歡喜祢同在 我真歡喜祢救贖我 I’m so glad You’re in my life
I’m so glad You came to save us

4 祢從天上降世間指引我路 在世間被釘十架 我罪得贖
You came from heaven to earth to show the way 在世間被釘十架 我罪得贖 From the earth to the cross my debt to pay

5 從十架到墳墓 From the cross to the grave 從墳墓升回天 from the grave to the sky

6 Lord, I lift Your name on high
主 我高舉祢的名 Lord, I lift Your name on high

7 Lord, I lift Your name on high
主 我高舉祢的名 Lord, I lift Your name on high

8 懇求主 祢看看我雙手 一切我所有 甘心為祢用 改變世界 Won’t You Lord, take a look at our hands
G-003 改變世界 懇求主 祢看看我雙手 Won’t You Lord, take a look at our hands 一切我所有 甘心為祢用 Every thing we have, use it for Your plan

9 懇求主 祢看看我的心 塑造 煉淨我將我分別為聖
Won’t You Lord, take a look at our heart 塑造 煉淨我將我分別為聖 Mold it, refine it, as you set us apart

10 我們要奔向祢的祭壇 We want to run to altar 得著祢的火焰 And catch the fire

11 Between the living and the dead
站在破口中 to stand in the gap 搶救那失喪的靈魂 Between the living and the dead

12 求主賜我憐憫的心 為這迷失的人群 Give us a heart of compassion
For a world without vision

13 我們要改變世界 We will make a difference 帶來盼望 在這地 Bringing hope to our land

14 To build this church without walls
回應祢的呼召 We will answer the call 建立無牆的教會 To build this church without walls

15 Bring salvation to the lost, to the lost
讓祢榮耀彰顯 Let Your glory be shown 賜下救恩給萬民 給萬民 Bring salvation to the lost, to the lost

16 As we gather face to face
讓讚美飛揚 在這美麗的時刻 As we come in this place 我們相聚在一起 As we gather face to face

17 神的愛擁抱著我們 神的靈充滿這地 We can feel His sweet embrace
And His Spirit fills this place

18 當稱謝進入祂的門 當讚美進入祂的院 Let us enter His gates with thanks
Let us enter His courts with praise

19 擊鼓跳舞揚聲歡呼 凡有氣息都要讚美祂 As we dance and sing for joy
Everything that has breath worship

20 讓讚美從四處響起 讓音符在空中飛舞 Let praise arise form all the earth
Let songs of worship fill the air

21 We open our hands and hearts to God
讓我們的心向神敞開 We open our hands and hearts to God

22 讓讚美從四處響起 讓音符在空中飛舞 Let praise arise form all the earth
Let songs of worship fill the air

23 We open our hands and hearts to God
讓我們的心向神敞開 We open our hands and hearts to God

24 We open our hands and hearts to God
讓我們的心向神敞開 We open our hands and hearts to God

25 揚聲歡呼讚美稱頌我的王 高聲頌揚歡唱 哈利路亞
G-010 揚聲歡呼讚美 揚聲歡呼讚美稱頌我的王 Shout for joy and sing your praise to the King 高聲頌揚歡唱 哈利路亞 Lift your voice and let your Hallelujahs ring

26 來到主寶座前尊崇讚美祂 我們歡呼喜樂進入神的面前
Come before His throne to worship and adore 我們歡呼喜樂進入神的面前 Enter joyfully now the presence of the Lord

27 祢是創造主 You are my Creator 祢施行拯救 You are my Deliverer

28 You are Lord, And You are my Healer
祢已救贖我 You are my Redeemer 祢是主 最大的醫生 You are Lord, And You are my Healer

29 You are now my Shepherd and my Guide
祢是豐盛之主 You are my Provider 祢是我的牧者 引領我 You are now my Shepherd and my Guide

30 耶穌 我君王 Jesus, Lord and King 我讚美祢 I worship You

31 耶穌 我君王 Jesus, Lord and King 我讚美祢 I worship You

32 His gift of Love we will celebrate
來慶賀 讓我們來慶賀 Come on and Celebrate 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 His gift of Love we will celebrate

33 The Son of God who loved us and gave us life
神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 The Son of God who loved us and gave us life

34 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 We shout Your praise, O King
You give us joy nothing else can bring

35 We’ll give to You our offering
我們歡然向祢獻祭 We’ll give to You our offering 高聲歡呼讚美 in celebration praise

36 Come on and celebrate, celebrate
讓我們來歡呼 來慶賀 Come on and celebrate, celebrate 歡呼來慶賀 celebrate and sing

37 Celebrate and sing to the King
歡呼來慶賀 大君王 Celebrate and sing to the King

38 Come on and celebrate, celebrate
讓我們來歡呼 來慶賀 Come on and celebrate, celebrate 歡呼來慶賀 celebrate and sing

39 Celebrate and sing to the King
歡呼來慶賀 大君王 Celebrate and sing to the King

40 Lets offer the sacrifice of praise unto the Lord (x2)
G-012 讓我們以頌讚為祭 讓我們以頌讚為祭來獻給神(x2) Lets offer the sacrifice of praise unto the Lord (x2)

41 這是我們嘴唇的果子 是我們嘴唇的感謝 This is the fruit of our lips
giving thanks to His name

42 讓我們以頌讚為祭來獻給神 全心來讚美主 Lets offer the sacrifice of praise unto the Lord
Praise Him with all our hearts

43 Where there seems to be no way
G-013(牧) 神要開道路 神要開道路 God will make a way 張牧師版 在那絕望之處 Where there seems to be no way

44 He works in ways we cannot see
祂的方式 難以明瞭 He works in ways we cannot see 張牧師版 祂要為我開道路 He will make a way for me

45 Hold me closely to His side
祂是我引導 He will be my guide 張牧師版 領我親近祂身旁 Hold me closely to His side

46 With love and strength for each new day
以愛力量 更新每日 With love and strength for each new day 張牧師版 祂要開道路(x2) He will make a way (x2)

47 主必在曠野開道路來引領我 在沙漠中開江河供應我
By a roadway in the wilderness He’ll lead me 張牧師版 在沙漠中開江河供應我 And rivers in the desert will I see

48 天地將要廢去 但祂話語卻長存 Heaven and earth will fade
張牧師版 但祂話語卻長存 But His word will still remain

49 He will do something new today
在今日祂成就新事 He will do something new today 張牧師版

50 Where there seems to be no way
G-013 神要開道路 神要開道路 God will make a way 新靈糧詩選(423首) 在曠野無路之處 Where there seems to be no way

51 He works in ways we cannot see
雖未看見 祂已看顧 He works in ways we cannot see 祂要為我開道路 He will make a way for me

52 Hold me closely to His side
祂是我引導 He will be my guide 領我靠近祂懷抱 Hold me closely to His side

53 With love and strength for each new day
愛和力量 日日幫助 With love and strength for each new day 祂要開道路(x2) He will make a way (x2)

54 祂必在曠野裡開道路引領我 在沙漠中開江河供應我
By a roadway in the wilderness He’ll lead me 在沙漠中開江河供應我 And rivers in the desert will I see

55 天地將要廢去 祂的話語永長存 Heaven and earth will fade
But His word will still remain

56 He will do something new today
在今日祂要作新事 He will do something new today

57 聖潔被殺羔羊 在寶座上耶穌 我願祢來 Holy is the Lamb has been slain
G-014 我願祢來 聖潔被殺羔羊 Holy is the Lamb has been slain 在寶座上耶穌 Jesus sits on the throne

58 榮耀尊貴感謝 都歸與寶座耶穌 Glory, honor and thanksgiving
All belong to Jesus on the throne

59 Holy, Holy Jesus, the Lamb of God (x2)

60 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come
阿們 阿們 Amen, Amen 主耶穌啊 我願祢來 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come

61 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come
阿們 阿們 Amen, Amen 主耶穌啊 我願祢來 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come

62 Who was, who is and who is to come
昔在今在永在 Who was, who is and who is to come 全能主上帝 Lord, God of all mighty

63 Lord, I desire you to come
快要再來君王 King who is to come 主啊 我願祢來 Lord, I desire you to come

64 Honor, Honor Jesus, the Lamb of God
尊貴 尊貴真神羔羊耶穌(x2) Honor, Honor Jesus, the Lamb of God

65 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come
阿們 阿們 Amen, Amen 主耶穌啊 我願祢來 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come

66 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come
阿們 阿們 Amen, Amen 主耶穌啊 我願祢來 Lord Jesus, I desire you to come

67 G-015 和散那 和散那 和散那 Hosanna, Hosanna, 和散那歸於至高神 Hosanna in the highest!

68 和散那 和散那 Hosanna, Hosanna, 和散那歸於至高神 Hosanna in the highest!

69 我們齊聲讚美 Lord, we lift up your name 祢至聖尊名 With hearts full of praise.

70 權柄 尊榮 歸主我神 Be exalted, O Lord, my God 和散那歸於至高神 Hosanna in the highest!

71 glory to the King of kings!
榮耀 榮耀 Glory, glory, 願榮耀歸萬王之王 glory to the King of kings!

72 glory to the King of kings!
榮耀 榮耀 Glory, glory, 願榮耀歸萬王之王 glory to the King of kings!

73 我們齊聲讚美 Lord, we lift up your name 祢至聖尊名 With hearts full of praise.

74 glory to the King of kings!
權柄 尊榮 歸主我神 Be exalted, O Lord, my God 願榮耀歸萬王之王 glory to the King of kings!

75 耶穌 因祢聖名我們敬拜 跪下在祢面前來敬拜 因祢聖名我們敬拜 Jesus at Your name we bow the knee
G-017 因祢聖名我們敬拜 耶穌 因祢聖名我們敬拜 Jesus at Your name we bow the knee 跪下在祢面前來敬拜 Jesus at Your name we bow the knee

76 耶穌 因祢聖名我們敬拜 也承認祢是主 Jesus at Your name we bow the knee
and acknowledge You as Lord

77 You are the Christ, You are the Lord
耶穌是主 耶穌是主 You are the Christ, You are the Lord

78 Through Your Spirit in our lives
懇求聖靈指教我 Through Your Spirit in our lives 耶穌基督是主 We know who You are

79 My strength is in You, Lord
生命在於祢 生命在於祢 主 My life is in You, Lord 力量在於祢 主 My strength is in You, Lord

80 盼望在於祢 主 My hope is in You, Lord 在於祢 it’s in You

81 我要以生命來讚美祢 我要盡全力來讚美祢 I will praise You with all of my life
I will praise You with all of my strength

82 With all of my life, with all of my strength
全心讚美祢 全力讚美祢 With all of my life, with all of my strength 我的盼望在於祢 All of my hope is in You

83 在祢 在於祢 in You, it’s in You 在祢 在於祢 在於祢 in You, it’s in You

84 G-022 起來榮耀 起來榮耀榮耀 Let's rise and glorify 榮耀我主耶穌 Let's glorify the Lord

85 起來榮耀榮耀 Let's rise and glorify 榮耀我主耶穌 Let's glorify the Lord

86 讓我們榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀主耶穌 Let's give all glory, glory
Glory, glory, glory to the Lord

87 Let's give all glory, glory
讓我們榮耀 榮耀 Let's give all glory, glory 榮耀 榮耀主 Glory to the Lord

88 Victor of darkness and death
祢是大君王 You're the King of kings 勝過黑暗死亡 Victor of darkness and death

89 洗淨心靈憂傷 Healer of broken hearts 帶來喜悅平安 Prince of joy, love and peace

90 Ruler of heaven and earth
祢是全能神 You're the mighty God 掌管世上萬有 Ruler of heaven and earth

91 Giver of my brand new life
除去罪惡捆綁 Redeemer of all sins 賜給我 新的生命 Giver of my brand new life

92 I worship You, Almighty God
我敬拜祢全能神 我敬拜祢 全能真神 I worship You, Almighty God 有誰能像祢 there is none like You

93 I worship You, O Prince of Peace
我敬拜祢 和平君王 I worship You, O Prince of Peace 我心何等渴慕祢 that is what I want to do

94 for You are my righteousness
我讚美祢 I give You praise 祢是我的公義 for You are my righteousness

95 I worship You, Almighty God
我敬拜祢 全能真神 I worship You, Almighty God 有誰能像祢 there is none like You

96 獻上感恩的心 歸給至聖全能神 獻上感恩 Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One

97 Give thanks because He's given
因祂賜下獨生子 Give thanks because He's given 主耶穌基督 Jesus Christ, His Son

98 獻上感恩的心 歸給至聖全能神 Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One

99 Give thanks because He's given
因祂賜下獨生子 Give thanks because He's given 主耶穌基督 Jesus Christ, His Son

100 如今軟弱者 已得剛強 貧窮者 已成富足 And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich

101 Because of what the Lord
如今都因為主 Because of what the Lord 已成就了大事 has done for us

102 如今軟弱者 已得剛強 貧窮者 已成富足 And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich

103 Because of what the Lord
如今都因為主 Because of what the Lord 已成就了大事 has done for us

104 感恩 感恩 Give thanks

105 上帝啊 求祢為我造清潔的心 使我裡面重新有正直的靈
G-027 求主為我造清潔的心 上帝啊 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create me a clean heart , Oh my God 使我裡面重新有正直的靈 And renew a right spirit within me

106 不要丟棄我使我離開祢的面 不要從我收回祢的聖靈
Cast me not away from your presence 不要從我收回祢的聖靈 Take not your Holy Spirit away from me

107 求祢使我仍得救恩之樂 賜我樂意的靈扶持我 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
And uphold me with a willing spirit

108 主榮耀已向我們彰顯 祂國度權柄已降臨 主榮耀已彰顯 The Lord has displayed His glory
The Kingdom is coming in power

109 主聖靈已來賞賜復活生命 哦主祢是何等偉大 The Spirit has come bringing life from the dead
How excellent is our God

110 男:哈利路亞願祢國降臨 女:瞎眼看見 耳聾聽見
Men: hallelujah, let Your kingdom come 女:瞎眼看見 耳聾聽見 Women: Let the blind see, let the deaf hear

111 男:哈利路亞願祢國降臨 女:瘸腿跳躍 如同小鹿
Men: hallelujah, let Your kingdom come 女:瘸腿跳躍 如同小鹿 Women: Let the lame men leap like a deer

112 合:我們同來傳揚萬王之王耶穌 如今願祢國度降臨
All: Jesus, we acclaim You Lord of all creation 如今願祢國度降臨 Bringing Your Kingdom to us now

113 He has risen from the dead, and He is Lord
G-002 (He is Lord) 祂是主 祂是主 祂是主 He is Lord, He is Lord 祂是從死裡復活的榮耀主 He has risen from the dead, and He is Lord

114 萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

115 萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

116 That Jesus Christ is Lord
耶穌基督是主 That Jesus Christ is Lord

117 祢是主 祢是主 祢是從死裡復活的榮耀主 You are Lord, You are Lord
You have risen from the dead, and You are Lord

118 萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

119 萬膝要跪拜 萬口要頌揚 耶穌基督是主 Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

120 That Jesus Christ is Lord
耶穌基督是主 That Jesus Christ is Lord


122 我有這喜樂 非世間賜給我(x3) 非世間賜我 非世間所能奪去
G-018 我有這喜樂 我有這喜樂 非世間賜給我(x3) 非世間賜我 非世間所能奪去

123 我有主耶穌 非世間賜給我(x3) 非世間賜我 非世間所能奪去

124 G-005 靠著耶穌得勝 在祢愛裡我要宣告 我軟弱得改變

125 在祢愛裡我要宣告: 祢是王

126 在祢愛裡我要宣告 我不再罪中打轉

127 是祢帶領著我得勝

128 靠著耶穌得勝(x2) 終此生要靠著主愛去得勝

129 靠著耶穌得勝(x2) 不必懼怕挫敗

130 深知主恩更廣闊 是祢帶領著我得勝

131 G-008 興起發光 最高的山峰為祂矗立 最深的海洋有祂氣息

132 最小的分子為祂舞動 浩瀚的星河為祂閃爍

133 宇宙萬物祂手所造 得規律和生氣

134 世世代代在祂懷中 得保障和安息

135 願興起發光 神的子民 主的榮光 照耀全地

136 興起發光 神的子民 宣揚祂名 直到地極

137 G-032 主我願單屬祢 我的主 我心愛祢 我的主 我渴慕祢

138 願祢愛來吸引我 使我心單單愛祢

139 哦 耶穌 我需要祢 煉淨我完全屬祢

140 願祢愛來摸著我 使我心全然屬祢


142 懇求一件事 G  我向上主懇求一件事 One thing I ask, one thing I seek 讓我能住在祢殿中 That I may dwell in Your house O Lord 我的一生我的全人 All of my days, all of my life 要瞻仰祢的榮面 That I may see You Lord

143  *有一件事 One thing I ask 我心仍尋求見祢榮面 One thing I desire is to see You 見祢榮面 Is to see You

144 2. 懇求恩主 聽我心呼求 Hear me O Lord, hear me when I cry 不要向我隱藏祢的榮面 Lord do not hide Your face from me 祢是我力量 祢是我盾牌 You have been my strength, You have been my shield 祢必要扶持我 And You will lift me up

145 在祢同在中 G-004 1. 在我主聖潔的同在中 我明白真正恩典 祢親身擔當我一切罪 我只能心存敬畏

146 我呼喊聖潔聖潔聖潔主 祢名何等偉大 聖潔聖潔聖潔主 祢在尊貴中掌權 今我生命 在祢聖潔同在中改變
我呼喊聖潔聖潔聖潔主 祢名何等偉大 聖潔聖潔聖潔主 祢在尊貴中掌權 今我生命 在祢聖潔同在中改變

147 2. 在我主權能的同在中 我真是渺小軟弱 當我看見祢智慧權能 我再無別話可說
2. 在我主權能的同在中 我真是渺小軟弱 當我看見祢智慧權能 我再無別話可說

148 3. 在我主榮耀的同在中 我所誇變為塵土 祢的審判顯明祢公義 祢是信實又公正
3. 在我主榮耀的同在中 我所誇變為塵土 祢的審判顯明祢公義 祢是信實又公正

149 我心歸祢 G-009 我心歸祢 我心歸祢 我心全然歸祢 主我神 使我心向祢愛泉源 直到全然屬祢

150 神有一軍隊 G-020 神有一軍隊 在地上行進 哦 高唱釋放歌 醫治在手中 心中有快樂 和永恆的歡喜 神大能軍隊 我在其中

151 說不出的喜樂 G-023 我已得知祂恩典全備 滿足每一樣需要 當我坐祂腳前來受教 就釋放自由逍遙

152 哦 這說不出的喜樂滿有榮耀 滿有榮耀 滿有榮耀 哦 這說不出的喜樂滿有榮耀 哦 一半也未曾述說到
哦 這說不出的喜樂滿有榮耀 滿有榮耀 滿有榮耀 哦 這說不出的喜樂滿有榮耀 哦 一半也未曾述說到 

153 掌權的主 G-028 主耶穌是主是掌權的主 我們靠祂名勝過世界的黑暗 每個種族國家 個人的環境 要宣稱耶穌是主

154 因天上的父 使祂從死裡復活 賜給祂超越一切的名號 並且加添祂宇宙的主權 更立祂為萬王之王

155 穿上你的軍裝 G-029 錫安的兒女 穿上你軍裝 穿上你軍裝走向戰場 帶著大喜樂 贏得全勝利 一遍一遍讚美主名

156 不再是我乃是基督 G-030 現在活著的不再是我 乃是基督在我裡面活著 現在活著的不再是我 乃是基督在我裡面活著

157 祂活著 祂活著 基督在我裡面活著 現在活著的不再是我 乃是基督在我裡面活著
祂活著 祂活著 基督在我裡面活著 現在活著的不再是我 乃是基督在我裡面活著

158 我要向高山舉目 G-031 我要向高山舉目 我的幫助從何而來 我的幫助 從造天地的耶和華而來

159 祢是王 G-033 神 祢極偉大萬有都歸祢 主宰一切 祢是王 尊貴主 我景仰屈膝祢前 讓我頌讚祢

160 神啊!我心堅定 G-035   神啊 我心堅定於祢(x2) 我要唱詩歌頌祢聖名 我的靈要醒起歡唱 琴瑟啊 你們當醒起 我自己要極早醒起 唱美妙旋律

161 美妙旋律 美妙旋律 主耶穌是 美妙旋律 主耶穌 主耶穌 主耶穌是 美妙旋律
美妙旋律 美妙旋律 主耶穌是 美妙旋律 主耶穌 主耶穌 主耶穌是 美妙旋律

162 用愛來充滿我 G-016 用愛來充滿我 來自天上的愛 湧進我心如江河 求用愛充滿我

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