Digging the Second Grave For Naturalism – No “Big Bang” 挖掘自然主義二墓 - 無“宇宙大爆炸” Christopher Chui, PhD Acknowledgment: I am indebted to numerous sources in.


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Presentation transcript:

Digging the Second Grave For Naturalism – No “Big Bang” 挖掘自然主義二墓 - 無“宇宙大爆炸” Christopher Chui, PhD Acknowledgment: I am indebted to numerous sources in the Internet, NASA photos, and several books, especially John Hartnett’s book “Starlight, Time and the New Physics,” and many research papers of Robert Gentry. http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 5/25/2019 1

God Created the Universe 上帝創造了宇宙 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 “太初有道、道與 神同在、道就是 神。” 約1:1 “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.” Gen 1:1 “起初,上帝創造天地。” 創 1:1 5/25/2019 2

Einstein’s 1915 Paper Points to a Static Universe Robert Gentry pointed out that Einstein’s 1915 General Relativity points to a Static Universe 1915 Karl Schwarzschild produced an exact solution Schwarzchild’s exact solution reveals black holes We will never find intelligent life like ourselves in the outer space! No two planets are completely identical! Our spirits will find spiritual beings in Heaven!

Einstein’s 1915 Paper Points to a Static Universe 愛因斯坦1915年文件指向一個靜態的宇宙 羅伯特金特里指出,愛因斯坦1915的廣義相對論點,指向一個靜態宇宙 1915年卡爾史瓦西產生一個確切的解決方案 史瓦西的精確解揭示黑洞 我們將永遠在太空找不到像我們自己的智能生命! 沒有兩個行星是完全一致的! 我們的靈魂會在天堂找出屬靈的生命!

Official View of the “Big Bang”

官方的观点 “大爆炸”

Gentry’s Work on Cosmology During 1997-1998, Dr. Robert Gentry published three research papers in the Modern Physics Letters arguing that the original 1915 paper of Einstein on general relativity is correct after all. He stated that “the universe is governed by the Einstein static spacetime solution of the field equation, not by the F-L solution.” (A. Friedmann, Zeitschrift für Physik 10(1922) 377 and G. Lemaitre, Annales Societe Scientifique Bruxelles A47 (1927) 49.) He pointed out a big problem with the Big Bang, which involved nonconservation of cosmic background radiation losses amounting to more than 30 million times the baryonic mass of the visible universe!

金特里宇宙论上的研究 在1997-1998年期间,罗伯特金特里博士发表了三个研究论文在现代物理学认为,毕竟原来的1915年爱因斯坦广义相对论的论文是正确的。他说,“宇宙是由爱因斯坦场方程的静态时空解决方案的约束,而不是由弗里德曼, 勒梅特的解决方案.” (A. Friedmann, Zeitschrift für Physik 10(1922) 377 and G. Lemaitre, Annales Societe Scientifique Bruxelles A47 (1927) 49.) 他指出,与宇宙大爆炸的大问题,其中涉及宇宙背景辐射,可见宇宙重子质量不守恒, 损失质量超过3 千万倍 !

Where did 1048 tons of matter come from? Where did the high temperature of 1032 K come from? How could energy turn into matter? Energy alone will NOT generate enough matter. The immense gravitation would probably cause this lump of immense matter to contract like our sun. This lump of immense matter would probably turn into the biggest supernova. It will NOT generate galaxies!

1048 吨的质量从何而来? 1032 K的高温从哪里来? 能源怎么能变成物质? 能源本身不会产生足够的物质. 巨大的引力会导致这巨大的物质收缩像我们的太阳一样. 这种巨大的物质收缩可能会变成最大的超新星. 它不会产生星系!

Where is the Anti-Matter? The largest accelerator in Fermi Lab near Chicago draws gigawatts of power loading down the power grid. The annual power consumption is over 2 million dollars. With this gigawatt power, very little anti-matter is produced, because it is inherently unstable. It reverts to matter within a second. Devices to trap the anti-matter require energy. Any imbalance will turn the antimatter back into matter. The rest of the energy is lost to heat! Cooling is required. Again, large amount of energy is required for cooling!

反物质在哪里? 在芝加哥附近的费米实验室最大的加速器绘制百亿瓦的功率,装载下来电网。年耗电量超过200万美元。这个百亿瓦的功率,生产很少是反物质,因为反物质是不稳定的。它在一秒钟内恢复成为物质。 反物质的存储设备需要能量。任何不平衡能量反物质会变成的普通物质。其余的能量转为热量浪费掉!需要冷却。同样,需要大量的能源用于冷却!

Ball Matter Expansion vs “Big Bang” 球物质扩展与 “宇宙大爆炸” 5/25/2019

Galaxies are not moving very fast Galaxies are not moving very fast. Otherwise we should see galaxy centers would be moved towards the direction of motion of the galaxy. The center of the Milky Way is moving towards the Virgo Cluster with a velocity of about 90 km/s. The Local Group speeds are about 100 to 400 km/sec towards the Virgo Cluster. The Virgo Cluster is about 60 million light-years away.

星系的速度不是很快 星系移动速度不很快。否则,我们应该看到星系的中心将是对星系的运动方向移动, 银河系中心走向室女座星系团的速度约90公里/秒。 本地组的速度向室女座星系团约100至400公里/秒。室女座星系团距离约6 千万光年。

Galaxy Velocity Dispersion Inside the Local Group, galaxy velocity dispersion is about 72 km/sec. This is also true for dwarfs and giant galaxies. Since the distance of the sun to the center of the Galaxy is about 8 kpc, which is about 2.47 x 1017 km, the time for the Milky Way Galaxy to disappear is about 100 million years!

银河速度的分散 本地组内,银河速度弥散是约72公里/秒。小矮星系和巨大的星系也是这样 。由于太阳的距离银河系中心大约是25600光年,这是约2.47x1017公里,银河系的消失时间是大约1亿年!

Contents of the “Big Bang” Universe “大爆炸” 的宇宙内容 正常物质4% 暗物质 暗能量 5/25/2019 Solving Problems of Dark Matter - Christopher Chui, PhD

Gentry: “The Genuine Cosmic Rosetta”-1 Dr. Gentry’s contributions to cosmology deserve our hearing. On June 14, 1998, he published “The Genuine Cosmic Rosetta” in the Modern Physics Letters. The abstract states that “Reexamination of general relativistic experimental results shows the universe is governed by Einstein’s static-spacetime general relativity instead of Friedman-Lemaitre expanding-spacetime general relativity. The absence of expansion redshifts in a static-spacetime universe suggests a reevaluation of the present cosmology is needed.”

金特里:“真正的宇宙罗塞塔” -  1 金特里博士对宇宙学的贡献,值得我们学习 。1998年6月14日,他在近代物理快报发表了“真正的宇宙罗塞塔” 。 “复审广义相对论的实验结果显示宇宙是由爱因斯坦的静态时空,而不是弗里德曼 - 勒梅特扩大时空广义相对论, 广义相对论管辖的抽象状态。 没有扩大在一个静态的时空宇宙红移的情况下,表明目前的宇宙论的重新评估是必要的。”

Gentry: “The Genuine Cosmic Rosetta”-2 Many physicists recognized that the in-flight photon energy loss which accompanies photon wavelength expansion represents nonconservation of energy. This fact has been conveniently ignored by big bang believers! Simple calculations show the following: Assuming a nominal universe volume is of 15 billion-ly radius, and the present 2.7K cosmic background radiation having photon density of 410 photon/cm3. Then, the average energy of one photon at 2.7K = 10-15 erg, and that at 3000K = 1.13 x 10-12 erg. Therefore, the total expansion energy loss would be equal to 5.5 x 1075 ergs. This is about 3 times the total galactic mass of a universe composed of 1021 solar masses.

金特里:“真正的宇宙罗塞塔” -  2 许多物理学家认识到,在飞行中的光子能量损失,伴随着光子的波长扩展能量不守恒。这一事实已方便地给大爆炸的信徒忽略了!以下简单的计算表明:假设宇宙的体积是150亿光年半径,目前2.7K的宇宙背景辐射的光子密度410光子/厘米3。然后,一个光子的平均能量在2.7K=10-15 尔格,并在3000K=1.13× 10-12尔格。因此,在总量扩大的能量损失将等于5.5×1075尔格。这是1021太阳群众组成的宇宙星系总质量的3倍左右。

Gentry: “The Genuine Cosmic Rosetta”-3 For an initial fireball temperature of 3 million K, the total radiation loss would be about 3000 times of the mass of our present universe. When the initial temperature is believed to be 30 billion K, then the nonconservation losses would have been 30 million times the mass of our present universe! However, if our universe is governed by Einstein’s static-spacetime general relativity and Einstein redshifts, then the energy will be conserved.

金特里:“真正的宇宙罗塞塔” -  3 对于一个300万度 K的初始火球的温度,总辐射损失将是我们目前的宇宙质量大约3000倍。被认为是300亿度 K的初始温度,不守恒的损失是我们目前的宇宙质量的3 千万倍! 但是,如果我们的宇宙是由爱因斯坦的静态时空广义相对论, 和爱因斯坦红移管辖,那么能源将得到守恒。

Our Galaxy at the center of concentric spherical shells of galaxies The two sky surveys show concentric and circular structures with our Galaxy as center The Big Bang Model should expect more galaxies at greater distances as we look back in time The sky maps show galaxy density oscillates with distance, hence circular structure Galaxies are found at certain discrete distances resulting in preferential variations with our Galaxy as the center 5/25/2019 25

银河系是在星系的同心球壳中心 两个天空地图的调查显示同心圆形结构,我们的银河系为中心 大爆炸模型在更远的距离应该期待更多的星系 天空地图显示星系密度振荡的距离,因此,圆形结构 我们发现银河系为中心的优惠变化产生一定的离散距离星系 5/25/2019 26

Gloria Deo “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” Ex. 20:11。 “Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;” Gen. 1:14 LIFE MUST BE CREATED BY GOD! THE BIG BANG NEVER HAPPENED! NO DARK MATTER OR DARK ENERGY NEEDED! THE BIBLE IS TRUSTWORTHY IN SCIENCE AND IN FAITH!

荣耀归给上帝 “因為六日之內、耶和華造天、地、海、和其中的萬物、第七日便安息.所以耶和華賜福與安息日、定為聖日。” 出 20:11。 “神說、天上要有光體、可以分晝夜、作記號、定節令、日子、年歲.” 創 1:14 生命必须是上帝创造的! 大爆炸从来没有发生过! 没有暗物质或暗能量! 圣经在科学与信仰是值得信赖的!