助我進深 Deeper, Deeper C.P. Jones Hymn #337.


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Presentation transcript:

助我進深 Deeper, Deeper C.P. Jones Hymn #337

1. 進深!進深! 入主仁愛深淵 每日更進深 登高!登高! 效主智慧完全 更知主恩深 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 1. 進深!進深! 入主仁愛深淵 每日更進深 登高!登高! 效主智慧完全 更知主恩深 1. Deeper, deeper, in the love of Jesus Daily let me go; Higher, higher in the school of wisdom More of grace to know.

求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 Oh, deeper yet, I pray! And higher every day, And wiser, blessed Lord, in thy precious, holy Word.

2. 進深!進深!直趨保惠恩師 時刻受啟示 必要 生命 與主合而為一 實行祂旨意 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 2. 進深!進深!直趨保惠恩師 時刻受啟示 必要 生命 與主合而為一 實行祂旨意 2. Deeper, deeper, blessed Holy Spirit, Take me deeper still, Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus, And His perfect will.

求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 Oh, deeper yet, I pray! And higher every day, And wiser, blessed Lord, in thy precious, holy Word.

3. 進深!進深!雖經艱難試煉 還向標竿行 根深 蒂固 在主聖潔中堅 結果好收成 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 3. 進深!進深!雖經艱難試煉 還向標竿行 根深 蒂固 在主聖潔中堅 結果好收成 3. Deeper, deeper! Tho’ it cost hard trials, Deeper let me go! Rooted in the holy love of Jesus, Let me fruitful grow.

求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 Oh, deeper yet, I pray! And higher every day, And wiser, blessed Lord, in thy precious, holy Word.

4. Deeper, higher, every day in Jesus, 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 4. 進深!登高!每日跟主腳步 行走得勝路 全身 滿有 耶穌榮耀形狀 真為基督徒 4. Deeper, higher, every day in Jesus, Till all conflict past, Finds me conqueror, and in His own image Perfected at last.

求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 助我進深 Deeper, Deeper 求主助我進深,我願登峰造極! 賜我悟性更新, 領我進入真理 Oh, deeper yet, I pray! And higher every day, And wiser, blessed Lord, in thy precious, holy Word.