You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(1)


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Presentation transcript:

You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(1) Lord, you are my Savior and my help in time of need, 主,你是我的救主,我隨時的幫助 my refuge and my hope. 我的避難所與盼望 O Lord, from fear now I am freed. 主啊,我已不再恐懼 When troubles come and skies grow dark, 當患難逼近,黑暗臨到 I’m safe within your hands. 我在你手中得安穩 You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(1)

You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(2) Though the nations war and people rage, 縱然萬國爭鬥,眾民狂暴, by your side I’ll take my stand. 我要侍立你旁 You are my light and my salvation. 你是我的亮光,我的拯救, You are my hope through all my days. 是我一生所盼望的 Let the people all be joyful. Let the faithful sing your praise: Haleluia! Haleluia! 讓萬民歡喜,讓信靠你的稱頌哈利路亞, You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(2)

You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(3) Glory to your holy name. 讚美神,榮耀歸於你的聖名 Sing hosannas, sing your glory evermore. 唱和散那,歌頌你的榮耀直到永遠 Sing out your praise! 高聲讚美主 Walk beside me, Lord, and speak to me. 主啊,求你與我同行,對我說話 Guide me in your path each day. 每日領我走在你的道中 You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(3)

You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(4) When I stumble, Lord, or lose my way, 當我跌倒或入迷途 be my guide, my light, my stay. 主啊,求你做我引導,我的亮光與支柱 Open now my eyes to your wisdom, Lord; 求你開我的眼,讓我認清你的智慧 to the beauty of each hour. 看見每一刻的榮美 Show me how to care. Teach me how to pray; 教我如何關懷,如何禱告 You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(4)

You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(5) share your wondrous love from day to day. 日日散播你奇妙大愛 You are my light and my salvation. 你是我的亮光,我的拯救, You are my hope through all my days. 是我一生所盼望的 Let the people all be joyful. Let the faithful sing your praise: Haleluia! Haleluia! 讓萬民歡喜,讓信靠你的稱頌哈利路亞, You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(5)

You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(6) Glory to your holy name. 讚美神,榮耀歸於你的聖名 Sing hosannas, sing your glory evermore. 唱和散那,歌頌你的榮耀直到永遠 Sing out your praise! 高聲讚美主 You Are My Light 你是我的亮光(6)