Unit 4 A Let‘s talk 课中 (动物小书)


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 A Let‘s talk 课中 (动物小书) 教材版本:人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级英语上册 执教设计:刘淑冰、陈凤葵 名师团队:广东省陈凤葵名师工作室

It’s a pig. It’s a bear. It’s a cat. It’s a dog. It’s a duck.

Look and say What’s this?

Look and guess 1 What’s this? It’s a… a pig 2 3 4 a bear cat a duck

Play a game:What’s missing? 3 1 2 6 4 5

What’s this? What’s this? 1 2 3

What’s this? What’s this? 6 4 5

Look,say and tick(√) √ √ √ √

The Story about footprints of animals (动物的脚印) 5

What's this? A pig ? Good morning,Bear! Yes,it's me. Good morning,Pig! Let's play! Great ! 1 2

What's this? It's a cat. Yes,it's me. Hello, Cat! Let's play! OK ! 4 3

What's this? It’s a duck. Yes,it's me. OK! Hello!duck, Let's play! 5 6

Ha ha!It’s Zoom. Oh!No!Let’s go! What’s this? It’s a wolf. It’s me. 8 7

Look and guess(为动物找脚印) B C D E

Where are the animals? 10 9

Where is the cat?

Where is the dog?

Where is the pig?

Where is the bear? 10 9

Where is the dcuk? 10 9

20 19

Make a mini book

Homework Make a mini book about farm animals.