2/17/2019 Rev. Joseph Chang BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂 Why Baptism 為什麼要受洗 2/17/2019 Rev. Joseph Chang BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂
Two Reasons:/兩個原因:
I. Entering into God’s kingdom. 進入耶穌的國度.
“XXX Now that you recognize Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and willing to follow the teachings of the Bible to become a disciple, the servant of God hereby baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, entering into the kingdom of Jesus Christ. “XXX 既然你在神, 在天使, 在人面前都宣告你接受 耶穌基督成為你個人的救主, 神的僕人在這裡奉聖 父, 聖子, 聖靈的名給你施洗, 歸入耶穌基督的國度.”
“XXX Now that you recognize Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and willing to follow the teachings of the Bible to become a disciple, the servant of God hereby baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, entering into the kingdom of Jesus Christ. “XXX 既然你在神, 在天使, 在人面前都宣告你接受 耶穌基督成為你個人的救主, 神的僕人在這裡奉聖 父, 聖子, 聖靈的名給你施洗, 歸入耶穌基督的國度.”
How did it happen? 這事如何發生? 4所以,我們藉著洗禮歸入死,和他一同埋葬,原是叫我們一舉一 動有新生的樣式,像基督藉著父的榮耀從死裡復活一樣。5我們若 在他死的形狀上與他聯合,也要在他復活的形狀上與他聯合;6因 為知道我們的舊人和他同釘十字架,使罪身滅絕,叫我們不再作 罪的奴僕;【羅 6:4~6】 4We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 5For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6We know that our old selfwas crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. 【Rom 6:4~6】
這個世界在她的身上已經無分, 無權, 無紀念. The world has no portion, no right, no claim in her. (尼Neh 2:20).
10我告訴你們,一個罪人悔改,在神的使者面前也是這樣為他歡喜。」【路 15:10】 10"Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents." " 【Luke 15:10】
Renewal Camp 生命更新營
Kingdom of God made an invasion. 天國入侵這個世界
Which Country 哪一個國家?
2nd Important Reason: Obedience. 洗禮的第二個重要的意義就是表明我是 “順服”主耶穌的. Obedience brings Blessings. 因為 “順服就是蒙福” Obedience brings Authority. 因為 “順服裡面帶著權柄”.
II. Obedience 順服
II. Obedience 順服 13當下耶穌從加利利來到約但河,見了約翰,要受他的洗。 14約翰想要攔住他,說:我當受你的洗,你反倒上我這裡 來麼?【太 3:13~14】 13Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. 14John would have prevented him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" 【Matt 3:13~14】
II. Obedience 順服 15耶穌回答說:你暫且許我,因為我們理當這樣盡諸般的義 (或作:禮)。於是約翰許了他。16耶穌受了洗,隨即從水裡 上來。天忽然為他開了,他就看見神的靈彷彿鴿子降下,落在 他身上。17從天上有聲音說:這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。 【太 3:15~17】 15But Jesus answered him, ""Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." "Then he consented. 16And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; 17and behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." 【Matt 3:15~17】
II. Obedience 順服 15耶穌回答說:你暫且許我,因為我們理當這樣盡諸般的義 (或作:禮)。於是約翰許了他。16耶穌受了洗,隨即從水裡 上來。天忽然為他開了,他就看見神的靈彷彿鴿子降下,落在 他身上。17從天上有聲音說:這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。 【太 3:15~17】 15But Jesus answered him, ""Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." "Then he consented. 16And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; 17and behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." 【Matt 3:15~17】
Jesus is not a sinner, why did he receive baptism? 耶穌不是一個罪人, 為什麼要受洗? Obedience 順服
盡諸般的義 Fulfill all Righteousness. (Fulfill God’s Righteousness.) 盡豬般的義 Fulfill my own Righterousness.
盡豬般的義 Fulfill my own Righterousness.
盡豬般的義 Fulfill my own Righterousness. High blood sugar 高血糖 I am hungry 我很餓. I do not have a lot of money. 我沒有很多錢. The donut store has the lowest price of all food stores here, so I bought and ate. 這個店最便宜. 我就買來吃了. Don’t worry, I also gulp in a big cup of black coffee.不用擔 心, 因為我也喝了一大杯的黑咖啡.
盡諸般的義 Fulfill all Righteousness. (Fulfill God’s Righteousness.) 1. Payback the loan of the father. 還父親的債. 2. Jesus paying temple tax. 耶穌付丁稅.
24到了迦百農,有收丁稅的人來見彼得,說:你們的先生 不納丁稅麼(丁稅約有半塊錢)?25彼得說:納。他進了 屋子,耶穌先向他說:西門﹐你的意思如何?世上的君 王向誰徵收關稅、丁稅?是向自己的兒子呢?是向外人 呢?【太 17:24~25】 24When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the half- shekel tax went up to Peter and said, "Does your teacher not pay the tax?" 25He said, "Yes." And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, ""What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?"" 【Matt 17:24~25】
26彼得說:是向外人。耶穌說:既然如此,兒子就可以免 稅了。27但恐怕觸犯他們(觸犯:原文作絆倒),你且往 海邊去釣魚,把先釣上來的魚拿起來,開了他的口,必 得一塊錢,可以拿去給他們,作你我的稅銀。【太 17:26~27】 26And when he said, "From others," Jesus said to him, ""Then the sons are free." 27"However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself." " 【Matt 17:24~27】
2nd Important Reason: Obedience. 洗禮的第二個重要的意義就是表明我是 “順服”主耶穌的. Obedience brings Blessings. 因為 “順服就是蒙福” Obedience brings Authority. 因為 “順服裡面帶著權柄”.
Fullfill all Righteousness brings Blessings. 盡諸般的義帶來祝福. Fullfill all Righteousness brings Authority. 盡諸般的義帶來權柄
David’s Lifetime Lesson.大衛一生的領悟 3以色列的 神、以色列的磐石曉諭我說:那以公義治理 人民的,敬畏 神執掌權柄,【撒下 23:3】 3The God of Israel has spoken; the Rock of Israel has said to me: When one rules justly over men, ruling in the fear of God, 【2Sam 23:3】
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount 耶穌的登山寶訓
28耶穌講完了這些話,眾人都希奇他的教訓;29因為他教訓他們,正像有權柄的人,不像他們的文士。【太 7:28~29】 28And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, 29for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes. 【Matt 7:28~29】
Jesus heals the paralytic.耶穌醫治癱子
6但要叫你們知道,人子在地上有赦罪的權柄;就對癱子 說:起來!拿你的褥子回家去罷。7那人就起來,回家去 了。8眾人看見都驚奇,就歸榮耀與神,因為他將這樣的 權柄賜給人。【太 9:6~8】 6"But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins""-he then said to the paralytic- ""Rise, pick up your bed and go home."" 7And he rose and went home. 8When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men. 【Matt 9:6~8】
You are serving in God’s kingdom, do you want to receive his blessings Do you like to serve with God’s authority? 要不要有神的權柄來完成神國的事情? If your answer is “yes”, 若果你的答案是 “是的”. You need to be obedient, you need to fulfill all righteousness. 那麼你就要順服, 你就要盡諸般的義. Start with your baptism. 就從你的接受洗禮開始.