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Presentation transcript:



維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 可程式恆溫恆濕試驗機Temperature & Humidity Tester W-9045 採用高精度微電腦觸控式溫度及濕度控制器、搭配高穩定度的白金測溫抵抗體,配合溫濕度測試的風速循環系統、以達到均勻、準確、穩定的溫度、濕度控制。獨立的升溫、降溫、加濕、冷卻除濕系統,可單獨作高溫、低溫及恒溫恒濕的不同環境試驗。 The balanced temperature and humidity controlling system (BTHC) controls the SSPR in P.I.D to make the heat quantity and humidity content provided equal those dissipated by this system so that this equipment can keep a good operating performance for a long period of time.

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045-150L W-9045-225L W-9045-30L W-9045-30H • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -30~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time -30°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -30°C within 45 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045-45S W-9045-45M W-9045-45L W-9045-45H • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -45~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time -45°C~+100°C, approx 45 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -45°C within 60 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 雙段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, dual stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045-70M W-9045-70L W-9045-70H • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 50x75x60 cm 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -70~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±3%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time -70°C~+100°C, approx 70 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -70°C within 90 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 雙段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, dual stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 123x163x87 cm 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-S1 W-9045A-M1 W-9045A-L1 W-9045A-XL1 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 40x50x40 cm 40x60x50 cm 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range 0°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±1.5%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±3%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to 0°C within 20 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 113x138x67 cm 113x148x77 cm 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 1Ø 240V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-DL1 W-9045A-TL1 W-9045A-FL1 W-9045A-SL1 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 100x100x100 cm 100x150x100 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range 0°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to 0°C within 20 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 173x188x127 cm 180x186x145 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-S3 W-9045A-M3 W-9045A-L3 W-9045A-XL3 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 40x50x40 cm 40x60x50 cm 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -30°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±1.5%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±3%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -30°C within 40 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 113x138x67 cm 113x148x77 cm 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 1Ø 240V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-DL3 W-9045A-TL3 W-9045A-FL3 W-9045A-SL3 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 100x100x100 cm 100x150x100 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -30°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -30°C within 45 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 173x188x127 cm 180x186x145 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-S4 W-9045A-M4 W-9045A-L4 W-9045A-XL4 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 40x50x40 cm 40x60x50 cm 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -40°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±1.5%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±3%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -40°C within 40 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 二元式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, two-stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 113x138x67 cm 113x148x77 cm 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 1Ø 240V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-DL4 W-9045A-TL4 W-9045A-FL4 W-9045A-SL4 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 100x100x100 cm 100x150x100 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -40°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -40°C within 50 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 二元式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, two-stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 173x188x127 cm 180x186x145 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-S5 W-9045A-M5 W-9045A-L5 W-9045A-XL5 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 40x50x40 cm 40x60x50 cm 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -50°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±1.5%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±3%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -50°C within 60 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 參機式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, three-stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 113x138x67 cm 113x148x77 cm 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 1Ø 240V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-DL5 W-9045A-TL5 W-9045A-FL5 W-9045A-SL5 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 100x100x100 cm 100x150x100 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -50°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -50°C within 60 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 參機式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, three-stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 173x188x127 cm 180x186x145 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-S7 W-9045A-M7 W-9045A-L7 W-9045A-XL7 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 40x50x40 cm 40x60x50 cm 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -70°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±1.5%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±3%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -70°C within 70 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 參機式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, three-stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 113x138x67 cm 113x148x77 cm 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 1Ø 240V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045A-DL7 W-9045A-TL7 W-9045A-FL7 W-9045A-SL7 • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 100x100x100 cm 100x150x100 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range -70°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to -70°C within 80 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 參機式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, three-stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 173x188x127 cm 180x186x145 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045B-S W-9045B-M W-9045B-L W-9045B-XL • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 40x50x40 cm 40x60x50 cm 50x60x50 cm 50x75x60 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range 0°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±1.5%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±3%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to 0°C within 20 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 113x138x67 cm 113x148x77 cm 123x148x77 cm 123x163x87 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 1Ø 240V 50Hz

維成儀器有限公司 Weicheng Instrument 規格 Specifications 型號 Model W-9045B-DL W-9045B-TL W-9045B-FL W-9045B-SL • 系統 System 平衡調溫調濕控制系統 Balanced Temperature & Humidity control system 內箱尺寸 Interior size (WxHxD) 60x85x80 cm 100x100x80 cm 100x100x100 cm 100x150x100 cm 溫度範圍 Temp. range 0°C~100 °C (+150°C optional) 濕度範圍 Humid. range 15~98% R.H  溫度波動度 Temp. fluctuation ±0.3°C 濕度波動度 Humid. fluctuation ±2%RH 溫度均勻度 Humid. uniformity ±1.0°C 濕度均勻度 ±5%RH 升溫時間 Heating up time +20°C~+100°C, approx 35 min. 降溫時間 Cooling down time +20°C to 0°C within 20 min. 內箱材質 Interior material 不鏽鋼四號沙面光板 SUS#304 stainless steel plate 外箱材質 Exterior material 保溫材質 Insulation material 硬質PE發泡及玻璃棉 Rigid polyurethane foam & glass wool at 150°C 冷凍系統Refrigeration  system 氣冷式Air cooled 單段式,全密閉式壓縮機 hermetic compressor, single stage refrigeration system 保護裝置 Safety devices 無熔絲開關,壓縮機過載保護開關,冷媒高壓保護開關,超高溫保護開關,保險絲,水盤缺水保護開關,電磁保護開關,故障警告系統 no fuse breaker, refrigerator overload relay, refrigerator high pressure switch, over-temp. protector, protection fuse, water level protector, protection relay, system trouble monitor alarm 配件 Accessories 視窗,上下可調隔板兩片,測試孔Ø50mm,室內燈 viewing window, shelves (freely adjustable 2 pcs), cable port (50 mm dia.) and chamber lamp 體積 Dimension 133x173x107 cm 173x188x107 cm 173x188x127 cm 180x186x145 cm 電源 Power 1Ø 220V 50/60Hz or 3Ø 220V/380V/415V/440V 50Hz