Helen Chen, DTM Toastmasters D67 Parliamentarian 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Helen Chen, DTM Toastmasters D67 Parliamentarian 2014 議事規則入門: 開會時如何運用你應有的權利 Helen Chen, DTM Toastmasters D67 Parliamentarian 2014

會議有三種: (一)臨時會議 (二)委員會 (三)永久集會 會議有三種: (一)臨時會議 (二)委員會 (三)永久集會  *演講會一般開會屬於例會 這次討論範圍不包括: 國家的各級會議 公司會議 共同研習會 (Brain Storming/ Seminar) 工作會議(Work- Shop) 會議中的小組討論會(Panel Forum) 圓桌會議 (Round Table ) 座談會 (Symposium Forum)

會議規範第一條: 「凡是三人以上,循一定的規則,研究事理,達成決議,解決問題,以收群策群力之效者,謂之會議。」 正式會議:凡是依照議事規程以議事的會議,不論規模大小。 凡是不依照議事規程以議事的會議,祇能算是非正式的會議。

議事規則在日常生活中的實用性 住戶管理委員會 家長會,教師會,班會 公司福委會/員工工會 職業團體 社會團體 (演講會,青商會) 學生團體(學生會,模擬聯合國)

Basics of Parliamentary Procedure 原則 議事和諧精神 人人等權(正反同權) 平等公正 服從多數精神 一時不議二事 尊重少數精神 一人發言 Rules are supposed to facilitate meetings Fair and Good Faith One Time One Business One person at a time Everyone’s vote counts The Majority Rules The minority must be heard and protected

Basics of Parliamentary Procedure 會員權利:對議案的瞭解和知道所做決定的影響。 每個議題都可以自由討論。 發言權利:對同一個議題未發言者有優先權。 All members have the right to understand any question presented during a meeting, and to understand the effect of their decision。 Each issue is entitled to full and free debate No one can speak a 2nd time until all who wish to speak have had a chance

Members 會員 Club Level 分會的層級 Participate 與會 Speak 發言 Vote 投票 Compete 參賽 Run for elections 競選 Club Officers: 分會幹部 President 會長 EVP 教育副會長 Secretary 秘書 VPPR 公關副會長 VPM 會員副會長 Treasure 財務長 SAA 總務長 IPP 前會長

Toastmasters International 世界總會 D67 District 總會 Excom 執委會 Division 部 Division 部 Council 代表大會 Area 區 Area 區 Area 區 Club 分會 Club 分會 Club 分會 Club 分會

Excom 執委會 Council 代表大會 Club Presidents Club EVP District Officers District Governor Lt. Gov. Education Lt. Gov. Marketing Immediate Past District Gov. Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Division Governors Area Governors District Officers District Governor Lt. Gov. Education Lt. Gov. Marketing Immediate Past District Gov. Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Division Governors Area Governors DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The district executive committee includes the district governor, lieutenant governor education and training, lieutenant governor marketing, public relations officer, district secretary, district treasurer, area governors, division governors, and immediate past district governor. Apart from these leadership roles, only individuals who are invited by the district governor and have specific business before the committee may attend district executive committee meetings. In order to conduct business at these meetings, a quorum is required. A quorum is established when a majority of district executive committee members attend the meeting. The committee is subject to the direction and approval of the district council. DISTRICT COUNCIL AUTHORITY The district council—which includes district leaders, club presidents, and vice presidents education—serves as the administrative governing body of the district, operating with powers delegated to the district council by the Board of Directors of Toastmasters International. The district council conducts all business of the district, assumes responsibility for the payment of all debts incurred in the presentation of district council meetings and other district functions, and does not assess or impose any financial obligation on any club or member of a club

Excom 執委會 Council 代表大會 分會會長 分會教育副會長 部總監 區總監 部總監 區總監 總會長 教育副總會長 會員副總會長 前總會長 秘書長 財務長 公關長 部總監 區總監 總會長 教育副總會長 會員副總會長 前總會長 秘書長 財務長 公關長 部總監 區總監 DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The district executive committee includes the district governor, lieutenant governor education and training, lieutenant governor marketing, public relations officer, district secretary, district treasurer, area governors, division governors, and immediate past district governor. Apart from these leadership roles, only individuals who are invited by the district governor and have specific business before the committee may attend district executive committee meetings. In order to conduct business at these meetings, a quorum is required. A quorum is established when a majority of district executive committee members attend the meeting. The committee is subject to the direction and approval of the district council. DISTRICT COUNCIL AUTHORITY The district council—which includes district leaders, club presidents, and vice presidents education—serves as the administrative governing body of the district, operating with powers delegated to the district council by the Board of Directors of Toastmasters International. The district council conducts all business of the district, assumes responsibility for the payment of all debts incurred in the presentation of district council meetings and other district functions, and does not assess or impose any financial obligation on any club or member of a club

Excom Duties 執委會職責 Review and Approve the District Success Plan 審查和通過地區總會計劃 Prepare the Budget 準備年度預算 Oversee the district’s financial operation 監督地區財務運作 Recommend the assignment of clubs to areas/divisions 建議分會的分區和分部規劃 Review recommendations reports of district committees 審查地區委員會的報告 Assume tasks assigned by the district council 承擔會員大會分派的任務 2/3 vote to remove any elected district leader from office, without cause 2/3通過不需要理由,可以撤除任何經選舉的地區幹部 No others may attend 其他人員不得與會

TI Annual Business Meeting 每一個分會都有一票可以出席世界總會的八月年度會議。D67 通常委託給總會長。 Held at the International Conventions in August Every Club is entitled to 1 vote Voting for international officers and directors Voting for the passing of proposals Proxies are usually assigned to the District Governor A quorum also needs to be met for the voting results to be official For more information on assigning proxies to the TI Annual Business Meeting: http://www.toastmasters.org/proxyquestions

Quorum 法定人數/開會人數 Executive Committee (Excom) meetings 執委會 ½ (Area, Division Governors, District Officers: PR/Secretary/Treasure/IPD/LTM/LTE/DG) ** No proxies allowed 不接受委托書 Council meetings 會員代表大會 1/3 (President +EVP + Proxy) ** Excom members have voting rights 執委會員有投票權 ** Proxy委托書可請任何一位同分會會員出席: 一個會員/分會幹部 member/club officer -> 最多兩票 Max: 2 votes 執委會會員Excom members -> 最多三票 Max: 3 votes 中華民國演講協會 ½ 會員 District Council Quorum A quorum is needed to conduct business. If any business is done at council meetings where a quorum is not present, then a majority of the clubs must approve the action through a post-meeting vote. QUORUM The minimum number of the members required to be present for a meeting to transact business DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE BYLAWS Article X: Council Meetings, Quorum, Proxies, and Voting, (c) Quorum One-third of the club presidents and vice presidents education from member clubs in the district, or proxies...shall constitute a quorum for all district council meetings. In the event that any business is transacted at any district council meeting at which a quorum is not present, the action shall be deemed as valid as if a quorum were present if it thereafter is expressly approved in writing, personally, by mail, fax, email, electronic transmission or other reasonable means, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the member clubs in the district on the basis of two (2) votes per club. Proxies can only be carried by another Toastmaster who is registered in the same club. Excom members can only carry proxies signed by their own club Presidents/EVP.

Council代表大會 Excom執委會 + proxies 1/3 Quorum 法定人數 Club Presidents Club EVP District Officers District Governor Lt. Gov. Education Lt. Gov. Marketing Immediate Past District Gov. Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Division Governors Area Governors + proxies 1/3 District Officers District Governor Lt. Gov. Education Lt. Gov. Marketing IP District Gov. Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Division Governors Area Governors Quorum for the Council meeting is 1/3 of the club presidents + EVP + Proxies. However, everyone, including Excom members has voting rights.

If the Quorum is not met 如果法定人數未達到: If any business is done at council meetings where a quorum is not present, then a majority of the clubs must approve the action through a post-meeting vote. 如果未達到法定人數,任何在會員大會討論的議題需要過半數的分會透過會後表決同意議案。

Sample Agenda Call to order 宣佈開會 Quorum certification 確定法定人數 Adoption of agenda 確認會議議程 Reading & approval of minutes 確認會議記錄 Treasure’s Report 財務報告 Reports of officers and committees 其他報告 Unfinished Business 前會遺留事項 New Business 本次會議討論事項(新提案) Adjournment 散會

有效率的民主會議 時間是大家的,循一定規則,解決問題。 出席人可以:發言,動議,提案,討論,表決,選舉。 Time belongs to everyone, follow procedures to solve issues Members: speak, move, propose, discuss, vote, elect. 會議程序:會議進行的流程 議事程序:處理問題的過程 Meeting Procedure: flow of agenda Parliamentary Procedure: handling an issue

發言的種類 Types of Speaking 會議詢問:議事詢問及請求説明 秩序問題:糾正主席 權宜問題:影響個人權利(比方説聼不到) 申訴動議:不服主席裁決 提案討論: 提案,討論,表決 幹部選舉: Requests: parliamentary & information Point of Order Question of Privilege Appeal Main motion for discussion & voting Voting of officers

What is a Motion? 什麼是提案? Before you raise a main motion 提案前先溝通協調: A Motion is a formal proposal by a member that the assembly takes certain action. 提案是一個從一個會員對大會採取某種行爲的正式提議, 限定一個問題。 Before you raise a main motion 提案前先溝通協調: Current situation? 現在狀況如何? What do you want to be changed? 你希望做什麽改變?(不是題問,是提方案) Consult TI district handbook, by laws, and policies. 閲讀總會手冊,章程,政策 Who will benefit? 誰會受惠?Who will be impacted? 誰會受影響? Communicate with those who will have an interest 與相關人員溝通 Learn who is in favor of your idea 知道誰支持你 Prepare documents for the debate 準備討論時用的相關背景資料 Consult the District officers & Parliamentary on procedures 請教地區幹部和議事長有關程序和提案細節 Write your suggestion as a motion/resolution 準備完整的提案 Make sure those in favor will attend the meeting 確定支持你的會出席

How to write a Resolution/Motion? 如何寫提案/動議? 完整而具體的提案:案由,提案人,附屬人,説明,辦法 A complete Resolution contains: TITLE - to identify the problem or issue or its proposed solution AUTHOR – lists who is submitting the solution (private member or constituent body) PREAMBLE – is used when factual information is necessary to support the Resolved section. Each Preamble clause should be written as a separate paragraph, beginning with the word Whereas”. The Preamble never contains a period and each paragraph should close with a semi-colon. The next to the last paragraph should close with a semi-colon, after which a connecting phrase, such as Therefore or Therefore Be It or Now Therefore, Be It is added. RESOLVED – this section indicates what action is proposed. There may be more than one resolved clause, each stated separately. The word RESOLVED is underlined and printed in capital letters, followed by a comma and the word "THAT". Each resolved clause must be a separate paragraph and may be ended with a period or a semi-colon. The next to the last clause should be followed by the word “AND”. (See handout for examples)

Basic procedures for a motion 提案的基本程序: A member rises their hand 舉手請求發言 Member is recognized by Chairman 主席准發言 Member proposes a motion 提動議 Another seconds 徵求附議 Chairman states the motion 宣佈動議成立 Assembly discusses (For and Against) 討論 (正反) Chairman takes vote (For and Against) 表決 (正反) Chairman announces result 宣佈結果

Motion from the Floor Suggestions (do not require discussion/voting) Chairman responds (it is suggested that these issues be brought up and discussed in private) Motion (Needs discussion/voting) “I move …” (Clearly stating the motion) - Needs to be seconded - Discussion follows (Pro/Con debates issue) - Amendments allowed (needs to be seconded and voted) - can raise motion for issue to be referred to a committee (needs to be seconded and voted) - can raise to a point of information (to get more details) - Voting

臨時動議/建議 建議 (不需要討論/表決) 動議 (需要討論/表決) “我動議…” (請清楚表明提案) - 需要有另一名成員附議 主席回覆 (大部份D67會員大會的發言都屬於建議,在私下的場合討論比較合適,把時間保留給需要大家一起討論和表決的議題。) 動議 (需要討論/表決) “我動議…” (請清楚表明提案) - 需要有另一名成員附議 - 討論 (雙方都有機會表達意見) - 可以提修正案 (需要再附議和表決) - 可以提議付委(需要附議和表決) - 可以向主席要求提供更多資訊 - 表決

會議議案可以被: a motion can be... 通過, 或修正後通過 否決, 或打消 擱置 付委給某人 (委員會) 於某日後提出報告 延期至某日再討論 收回或撤回 無期延期 Passed, with amendments Defeated Tabled Referred to a person (committee) Postponed Withdrawn or rescinded Postponed indefinitely

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 1: 練習一 臨時動議 Motion from the floor:

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 1: 練習一 臨時動議 Motion from the floor: 完整的提案:人,事,時,地,物, 金額 A Complete Proposal/Motion: People, Task, Time, Location, Item, Amount 現況? Current situation? 改變? New situation? 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 1: 練習一 臨時動議 Motion from the floor: 完整的提案:人,事,時,地,物, 金額 A Complete Proposal/Motion: People, Task, Time, Location, Item, Amount 現況? Current situation? 改變? New situation? 主席: 我是(名字/職位)。 我動議中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Chairman: I am (Name/Position). I move that we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 因為要簡化案例,這一個主動議不是非常的完整。 To simplify the example, this motion is not written in its complete form.

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 1: 練習一 臨時動議 Motion from the floor: 完整的提案:人,事,時,地,物, 金額 A Complete Proposal/Motion: People, Task, Time, Location, Item, Amount 現況? Current situation? 改變? New situation? 附議 I Second the motion. 主席: 我是(名字/職位)。 我動議中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Chairman: I am (Name/Position). I move that we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch.

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 1: 練習一 臨時動議 Motion from the floor: 完整的提案:人,事,時,地,物, 金額 A Complete Proposal/Motion: People, Task, Time, Location, Item, Amount 現況? Current situation? 改變? New situation? 出席人都可以附議,不需要唱名 Any member can second a motion without introducing their name 主席: 我是(名字/職位)。 我動議中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Chairman: I am (Name/Position). I move that we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 附議 I Second the motion.

It has been moved and seconded that Example 1: 練習一 有人動議有人附議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. 現在開始討輪,各位有沒有意見? It has been moved and seconded that we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. The motion is now open for discussion. 主動議經過復議 motion made and seconded 主席接著重復 Chairman formally places it before the assembly by stating it 討論開始 motion is open for discussion 聲明發言性質 State your position (in favor, or oppose) 二次發言機會 Speak 2 times 每次不超過5分鐘 limited to 5 minutes each time 一時不議二事 One motion at a time 不得發言離題 Focus on the Main Motion

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 (順序:越上面越優先) Order of Precedence (priorities top to bottom) 17 Lay on the Table 擱置動議 16 Previous Question (or Close Debate & Vote) 停止討論動議 15 Limit or Extend Limits of Debate 限制/延長討論動議 14 Postpone to a Certain Time 延期討論動議 13 Refer to Committee 付委動議 12 Amend 修正動議 11 Postpone Indefinitely 無期延期動議 (無期打消)

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 11 Postpone Indefinitely 無期延期動議 (無期打消) 只有兩人覺得很重要,所以議案成立,可是其他人並不覺得很重要. 給面子,讓提案人有台階下. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 主席: 我提第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入咖啡。 Chairman: I move to strike out bubble tea and insert coffee.

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 主席: 我提第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入咖啡。 Chairman: I move to strike out bubble tea and insert coffee. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入咖啡。 Amendment #1: striking out bubble tea and inserting coffee. 還沒有通過前, 又有人舉手…

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入咖啡。 Amendment #1: striking out bubble tea and inserting coffee. 主席: 我提第二修正案,咖啡前面加入熱。 Chairman: I move to amend the amendment by inserting hot before coffee.

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入咖啡。 Amendment #1: striking out bubble tea and inserting coffee. 主席: 我提第二修正案,咖啡前面加入熱。 Chairman: I move to amend the amendment by inserting hot before coffee. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 12 Amend 修正動議   加入字句  to insert or add words 刪除字句 to strike out words 刪除並加入字句 to strike out and insert words 第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入咖啡。 Amendment #1: striking out bubble tea and inserting coffee. 主席: 我提第二修正案,咖啡前面加入熱。 Chairman: I move to amend the amendment by inserting hot before coffee. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote 通過

Secondary amendment passed and inserted into the primary amendment. Example 2: 練習二 第二修正案通過,納入第一修正案。 把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入熱咖啡 開始討輪,各位有沒有意見? Secondary amendment passed and inserted into the primary amendment. striking out bubble tea and inserting hot coffee We are back to the first amendment. 第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入熱咖啡。 Amendment #1: striking out bubble tea and inserting hot coffee. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote 通過

Secondary amendment passed and inserted into the primary amendment. Example 2: 練習二 第二修正案通過,納入第一修正案。 開始討輪,各位有沒有意見? Secondary amendment passed and inserted into the primary amendment. We are back to the first amendment. 修正後第一修正案,把珍珠奶茶刪除並加入熱咖啡。 Amendment #1: striking out bubble tea and inserting hot coffee. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote 修正後第一修正案 通過後 Amendment #1 Passed… 修正後主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯熱咖啡. Amended Main Motion: We order everyone a cup of Hot Coffee for lunch.

First amendment passed and inserted into the main motion. Example 2: 練習二 第一修正案通過,納入主動議。 開始討輪,各位有沒有意見? First amendment passed and inserted into the main motion. 修正後主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯熱咖啡. Amended Main Motion: We order everyone a cup of Hot Coffee for lunch. 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 13 Refer to Committee 付委動議 將主動議交付指定成員或委員會,於何時提出報告 省下會議中的討論,另外邀請相關人員與會,不需要全體參與 之後再投票 A motion can be referred to a member or a committee, to make a report at a specific later meeting Saves meeting time, can invite related members, will not involving everyone The Main Motion is to be voted at a later date

Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 13 Refer to Committee 付委動議 主席: 我動議把本議案交付委員會處理。 Chairman: I move to refer the motion to a committee. 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 14 Postpone to a Certain Time 延期討論動議 附議 Second 討論 (正反) Debate 表決 Vote 

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 15 Limit or Extend Limits of Debate 限制/延長討論動議 附議 Second 不討論 No Debate 表決 Vote 2/3

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 16 Previous Question (or Close Debate & Vote) 停止討論動議 附議 Second 不討論 No Debate 表決 Vote 2/3

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 16 Previous Question (or Close Debate & Vote) 停止討論動議 主席: 我動議停止討論,並馬上表決討論中的提案。 Chairman: I move the previous question. OR I call for the previous question. OR I move that we close debate and vote immediately on the pending question. 附議 Second 不討論 No Debate 表決 Vote 2/3

We order everyone a cup of Hot Coffee for lunch. Example 2: 練習二 修正後主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯熱咖啡. Amended Main Motion: We order everyone a cup of Hot Coffee for lunch. Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 17 Lay on the Table 擱置動議 附議 Second 不討論 No Debate 表決 Vote

Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 Motion from Div L Governor Lina Yang : Only host speech contests once a year in Spring Conference, one of which is the required International Speech Contest. I部總監楊郁華提議: 每年僅於春季大會舉辦演講比賽,其中須包含“國際演講比賽”。 Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 17 Lay on the Table 擱置動議 16 Previous Question (or Close Debate & Vote) 停止討論動議 15 Limit or Extend Limits of Debate 限制/延長討論動議 14 Postpone to a Certain Time 延期討論動議 13 Refer to Committee 付委動議 12 Amend 修正動議 11 Postpone Indefinitely 無期延期動議 (無期打消) 先 後 順 序

we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Example 3: 練習三 主動議: 中午幫每一人訂一杯珍珠奶茶. Main Motion: we order everyone a cup of bubble tea for lunch. Incidental motions: 偶發動議的種類 23 Point of Order 秩序問題 24 Submit matter to assembly/an appeal 申訴動議 25 Suspend Rules 暫時停止議事規則 26 Avoid Main motion altogether /object to the consideration of 反對考慮 27 Divide Motion 分開動議 29 Demand rising vote/ Division 分開表決 30 Method of Voting 表決方式 33 Parliamentary inquiry 會議詢問 : 議事程序 33 Request for information 會議詢問 : 一般性問題 沒 有 先 後 順 序

於11/24 會員代表大會提出並通過: Motion from LGET Eric Liang : To increase traveling subsidy of DG, LGET, LGM by 2 days based on the agenda dates for attending World Convention or Officer trainings (i.e. one day each before and after the meeting/training agenda of the Convention or Trainings), subsidy amount US$100 each day. 教育副總會長提議: 提高總會總會長、副總會長每年參與世界總會幹部訓練及世界大會之旅費補助日數為活動日加2日(即原訂開會或訓練行程前後各加一日),每日補助美金100元。

Incidental motions: 偶發動議的種類 Motion from LGET Eric Liang : To increase traveling subsidy of DG, LGET, LGM by 2 days based on the agenda dates for attending World Convention or Officer trainings (i.e. one day each before and after the meeting/training agenda of the Convention or Trainings), subsidy amount US$100 each day. 教育副總會長提議: 提高總會總會長、副總會長每年參與世界總部幹部訓練及世界大會之旅費補助日數為活動日加2日(即原訂開會或訓練行程前後各加一日),每日補助美金100元。 Incidental motions: 偶發動議的種類 23 Point of Order 秩序問題 24 Submit matter to assembly 25 Suspend Rules 暫時停止議事規則 26 Avoid Main motion altogether 27 Divide Motion 分開動議 29 Demand rising vote 表決方式 33 Parliamentary inquiry 會議詢問 : 議事程序 33 Request for information 會議詢問 : 一般性問題 議案有人附議以後得以付諸討論: 與會代表可以提以下的發言: 1)會議詢問:詢問主席現在的補助辦法 2)會議詢問:詢問主席現在財務狀況 (其實在每一次開會之前應該傳最新的財務報告給所以代表參考,以節省時間。) 3)會議詢問:詢問提案人這多出來的預算要從哪一個項目減少才有可能支付這些多出來的費用。 這一個議題對所有會員有沒有影響? 你還需要哪些資料讓你投下贊成或反對?

於11/24 會員代表大會提出並付委給教育副總會長: Motion from Div L Governor Lina Yang : Only host speech contests once a year in Spring Conference, one of which is the required International Speech Contest. I部總監楊郁華提議: 每年僅於春季大會舉辦演講比賽,其中須包含"國際演講比賽"

Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 Motion from Div L Governor Lina Yang : Only host speech contests once a year in Spring Conference, one of which is the required International Speech Contest. I部總監楊郁華提議: 每年僅於春季大會舉辦演講比賽,其中須包含"國際演講比賽" Subsidiary motions: 附屬動議的種類 17 Lay on the Table 擱置動議 16 Previous Question (or Close Debate & Vote) 停止討論動議 15 Limit or Extend Limits of Debate 限制/延長討論動議 14 Postpone to a Certain Time 延期討論動議 13 Refer to Committee 付委動議 12 Amend 修正動議 11 Postpone Indefinitely 無期延期動議 (無期打消) 議案有人附議以後得以付諸討論: 與會代表可以提以下的發言: 1)會議詢問:詢問主席世界總會的相關規定 2)因爲這是一個非常複雜的議題,許多人都有意見想發言,可是時間有限,所以大家有幾種選擇: 所有的附屬動議都可以提出,以優先順序決定如何處理這個議題。 最好的辦法是提:附委動議,交給一位會員,或交由一個委員會去研究,協調不同的想法,下一次會議再提一個修改案給大會表決。 如果許多人有不同的發言,秩序混亂,代表可以提會議訊問:議事程序,請主席解釋接下來的程序如何回歸主提案。 Incidental motions: 偶發動議的種類 33 Parliamentary inquiry 會議詢問 : 議事程序 33 Request for information 會議詢問 : 一般性問題

重點提示 Key Lessons 請出席會議 請會長/教育副會長填委託書 提案請先溝通好 (勝算如何?) 提案請先寫好 樁腳請先安排好 提案請先溝通好 (勝算如何?) 提案請先寫好 樁腳請先安排好 發言的權利和投票的權利 更有效的開會和討論更有建設性的議題 attend meetings Presidents/EVP fill out proxies Prior communication (chances of winning?) submit proposals in writing who could speak for you? Know your rights to speak and rights to vote We can all attend more efficient meetings following better procedures to make decisions

參與人的權利和義務: 權利:具有出席會議,參與討論,提議或動議、表決、投票、選舉,或退出等權利。 義務:遵守規程,服從決議,及繳納會費等義務。 如無故不出席會議、違反發言禮貌、違返議事規則。作處分的決議需過半數。   參與人應有之態度和認知: 會議前:具基本議事規範能力,培養民主理念。 會議中: a.按時到會,如中途離席應向主席請假。 b.遵守議事規則和秩序。 c.聽從主席合理的裁決和規定。 d.協助主席維持會場秩序。 e.討論問題對事不對人。 f.發言力求精簡和不離題。 g.消除偏見,尊重別人的觀點。 h.貢獻自己的經驗和知識。 i.服從多數通過之決議案。

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 4: 練習四 臨時動議 Motion from the floor:

臨時動議 Motion from the floor: Example 1: 練習四 臨時動議 Motion from the floor: 主席: 我動議過年每一人發NT$2000 的紅包. Chairman: I move that we give everyone a NT$ 2000 red envelope. 附議 I Second the motion.