Praise to the Lord, the Almighty [1/4] Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 讚美上主,全能真神,宇宙萬有君王; 我靈頌主,因主永遠是你救贖健康: 聽見之民,都來靠近主聖殿 歡然向主恭敬讚揚! All ye who hear, Now to his temple draw near, Joining in glad adoration.
讚美上主,如此奇妙,統治世間萬有, 展開恩翼,如此溫柔,將你時常保佑: 你豈不見,有求皆蒙主恩典 按祂旨意,應允所求。 [2/4] 讚美上主,如此奇妙,統治世間萬有, 展開恩翼,如此溫柔,將你時常保佑: 你豈不見,有求皆蒙主恩典 按祂旨意,應允所求。 Hast thou not seen, How thy heart's wishes have been, Granted in what he ordaineth?
Ponder anew, What the Almighty can do, If to the end he befriend thee. [3/4] 讚美上主,扶助保護,使你作工順利, 上主美善,上主慈恩,必天天垂顧你: 仔細思量,全能的主愛深長 做你朋友何等福氣。 Ponder anew, What the Almighty can do, If to the end he befriend thee.
Let the Amen, Sound from his people again: Gladly for ay we adore him. [4/4] 讚美上主,讓我崇拜之心讚美鼓舞! 但願天下凡有血氣,同來稱揚上主! 屬主的民,重新一致說: 阿們,歡然恭敬讚揚上主。 Let the Amen, Sound from his people again: Gladly for ay we adore him.