獻 詩 Special Music.


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獻 詩 Special Music.
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©1985 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing
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A Presentation By: Mike Sharobim Pictures By: Unknown source
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©1985 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing
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穿過高山越過海洋 你的愛如溪水流長 我將敞開我的心房 自由自在任我翱翔 張開誠心讚美的口 舉起我聖潔的雙手 我要永遠讚美你 你的愛真偉大
c B (1) c (1) (2) c (2) B B 千萬個理由 10,000 Reasons 我的靈 讚美祢 我全所有 讚美祢的聖名 像第一次開口 盡我所有 讚美祢的聖名 (1) Bless the Lord, O my soul 我全所有 讚美祢的聖名 O my.
Incomparable love, incomparable love, This is an incomparable love,
A Presentation By: Mike Sharobim Pictures By: Unknown source
和撒那, 和撒那 Hosanna Hosanna.
Presentation transcript:

獻 詩 Special Music

The Holy City 聖 城 昨冥當我在安眠,一個美夢顯現; 我站在舊耶路撒冷,在彼就是聖殿; 我聽見囝仔唱歌,歌聲響亮好聽, Last night I lay a-sleeping, there came a dream so fair, I stood in old Jerusalem, beside the temple there, I heard the children singing, and ever as they sang, Me thought the voice of angels from heav’n in answer rang. 昨冥當我在安眠,一個美夢顯現; 我站在舊耶路撒冷,在彼就是聖殿; 我聽見囝仔唱歌,歌聲響亮好聽, *我親像聽見天使,見天頂在應聲,(x2)

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Lift up your gates and sing Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Lift up your gates and sing. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your King. "耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷,衆城門今出聲, 和散那歸於上帝,和散那歸王聖名!"

And then me thought my dream was changed the streets no longer rang And then me thought my dream was changed the streets no longer rang. Hushed were the loud hosanna, the little children sang. The sun grew dark with mystery, the morn was cold and chill, As the shadow of a cross arose upon the lonely hill. 忽然美夢開始轉變,街路今皆無聲, 囝仔快樂和散那忽然皆無可聽, 太陽忽然神秘變暗,清早寒冷無比, 親像十字架之蔭影蓋滿孤單之山邊,

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Hark how the angels sing Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Hark how the angels sing! Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your King! "耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷,當聽天使出聲, 和散那歸於上帝,和散那歸王聖名!"

And once again the scene was changed, New earth there seemed to be And once again the scene was changed, New earth there seemed to be. I saw the Holy City beside the tide-less sea; The light of God was on its streets, The gates were open wide, And all who would might enter, And no one was denied. 今又一次夢境轉變,親像新地新天! 我看著聖之城市,豎在安靜海邊; 上帝榮光遍照街路,城門已經大開; 凡若願意欲進入,無人會受趕開。

No need of moon and stars by night, Or sun to shine by day, It was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away. 暗冥不免有月與星,日時不免太陽, 這就是新耶路撒冷,永遠不會失蹤。

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Sing for the night is o’er Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Sing for the night is o’er! Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna forevermore! 耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷,唱今暗冥過完, 和散那歸於上帝!和散那直到永遠!