News of the promised King’s birth spread to regions (narration) News of the promised King’s birth spread to regions outside of Bethlehem and wise men from the East also came to worship Him. While shepherds had only their reverence to offer, these Magi brought with them precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. As we come to worship this King, what will we bring to offer Him? (1) Fit for a King 最好的禮
“With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before Him? The prophet Micah asked himself this same question hundreds of years before God’s promise was fulfilled, and its answer remains unchanged: “With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before Him? Shall I come before Him with sacrifice? Will He be pleased with thousands of rams, With ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my soul’s transgressions? (2) Fit for a King 最好的禮
God has already shown you what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (3) Fit for a King 最好的禮
I travel to Bethlehem’s cradle to kneel at the manger tonight. But what can I bring to honor the King that’s worthy of Jesus, the Christ? 我遠道來伯利恆小城,屈膝跪在小馬槽前 但我有什麼能獻給我王,能獻給耶穌我救主 (4) Fit for a King 最好的禮
The sages gave gifts of great wonder, they brought treasures both rich and rare. Compared to their gold, what gifts could I hold to give to the Savior there? 三博士帶來珍奇禮物,都是貴重的稀世珍寶 這相形之下我能獻什麼,能獻什麼給我主 (5) Fit for a King 最好的禮
A heart full of love for His people, a voice that is ready to sing; a life that is willing to give its all, these are the gifts that are fit for a King, the only gifts fit for a King. 是一顆無私的愛心,是隨時讚美的歌聲 是願意付出所有的生命 這些就是最好的禮物,是最好的禮獻給王 (6) Fit for a King 最好的禮
Do I offer great pearls from the ocean? Perfect diamonds that sparkle so bright? A thousand white rams I would bring to the Lamb, but everything pales in His light. 我願獻上最完美的珍珠,和那燦爛奪目的鑽石 或雪白羊群,我都願獻給主 但主榮光勝過這些 (7) Fit for a King 最好的禮
Then what do I have to offer? There’s nothing that He does not own. O show me, my King, a true offering which is worthy to lay at Your throne. 我還有什麼能獻上?因祂擁有一切萬物 哦,求祢指示,寶座上的王 什麼才能配得獻給祢 (8) Fit for a King 最好的禮
A heart full of love for His people, a voice that is ready to sing; a life that is willing to give its all, these are the gifts that are fit for a King, the only gifts fit for a King. 是一顆無私的愛心,是隨時讚美的歌聲 是願意付出所有的生命 這些就是最好的禮物,是最好的禮獻給王 (9) Fit for a King 最好的禮