我想念妳 我的媽媽 我想念妳我的媽媽 永遠永遠都不能忘記 無論在天涯或在海角 媽媽我想念妳 /I AM THINKING OF YOU, MAMA 我想念妳我的媽媽 永遠永遠都不能忘記 無論在天涯或在海角 媽媽我想念妳 I am thinking of you, my mama, I will never forget you, No matter where I stayed-either far or near by, I always thinking of you, mama.
I am thinking of you, my mama, When you hold me in your arms, 我想念妳我的媽媽 日日夜夜都不能忘記 記得小時候在妳懷裏 常聽妳唱催眠曲。 I am thinking of you, my mama, I will never forget you, When you hold me in your arms, and sang me a lullaby.
離開妳身旁多少年 流浪異鄉孤獨又淒涼 時光飛逝一去不回頭 童年甜蜜難忘記 Have been departed from you for many years, I wandered through places alone, As time passed by, the sweet memory of child-hood still kept in my mind.
我想念妳我的媽媽 永遠永遠都不能忘記 無論天涯無論在海角 哦 媽媽我愛妳 I am thinking of you, my mama, I will never forget you, no matter where I stayed-either far or near by, Oh, I love you mama.
離開妳身旁多少年 流浪異鄉孤獨又淒涼 時光飛逝一去不回頭 童年甜蜜難忘記 Have been departed from you many years, I wandered through places alone, As times passed by, the sweet memory of child-hood still kept in my mind.
我想念妳我的媽媽 永遠永遠都不能忘記 無論天涯無論在海角 哦 媽媽我愛妳 I am thinking of you, my mama, I will never forget you, No matter where I stayed- either far or near by, Oh, I love you mama, Oh, I love you mama.
/TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, MY MOTHER 媽媽請妳也保重 /TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, MY MOTHER 若想起故鄉 目屎就流落來 免掛意請妳放心 我的阿母 免掛意請妳放心 My tears rolled down when I think of my hometown, Please do not worry about me, my mother, please do not worry about me.
雖然是孤單一個, 我也來到他鄉的這個省都, 不過我是真勇健的 媽媽請妳也保重 Although I am alone, I am alone, I am in the distant lands now, I am a courageous one, Take care of yourself, my mother.
月光冥想要寫批來寄給妳 希望會平安過日我的阿母 免掛意請妳放心 I wanted to drop you a line under the moon- light. wishing you happy and safe everyday. Please do not worry about me.
想彼時強強離開, 想彼時強強離開 我也來到他鄉的這個省都, 不過我是真打拼的 媽媽請妳也保重 Although I have forced to leave you, I have forced to leave you, I am in the distant lands now, and I am a hard working one, Please take care of yourself, my mother.
寒冷的冬天 夏天的三更冥 請保重無倘傷風 我的阿母 免掛意請妳放心 In the cold winter or a hot summer night, Take care of yourself and do not get sick. Please do not worry about me.
期待著早日相會, 我也來到他鄉的這個省都, 不過我是真會返去的 媽媽請妳也保重 Looking forward to see you again, Although I am in the distant lands now, I promised to return home, to return home, Take care of yourself, my mother.