聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 全能的大主宰 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Lord God Al-might-y 聖哉﹗聖哉﹗聖哉﹗全能大主宰 1/16 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Our song shall rise to Thee 1b 清晨歡悅歌詠 高聲頌主聖恩 Ear-ly in the morn-ing Our song shall rise to Thee 2/16
Mer-ci-ful and Might-y 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 恩慈永不更改 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Mer-ci-ful and Might-y 3/16
榮耀與讚美 歸三一真神 God in Three Per-sons Bless-ed Trin-i-ty 4/16
All the saints a-dore Thee 2 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖徒虔誠敬拜 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly All the saints a-dore Thee 5/16
2b 各以華麗金冠 奉獻寶座之前 Cast-ing down their gold-en crowns A-round the glass-y sea 6/16
Cher-u-bim and ser-a-phim Fall-ing down be-fore Thee 千萬天使天軍 謙敬崇拜上主 Cher-u-bim and ser-a-phim Fall-ing down be-fore Thee 7/16
2d 昔在而今在 永在萬萬年 Who wert, and art, and Ev-er-more shalt be 8/16
Though the dark-ness hide Thee 3 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 主藏在雲彩裡 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Though the dark-ness hide Thee 9/16
Though the eye of sin-ful man 3b 罪人焉得瞻望 真主威嚴榮光 Though the eye of sin-ful man Thy glo-ry may not see 10/16
There is none be-side Thee 3c 惟耶和華至聖 誰堪與主相比 On-ly Thou art ho-ly There is none be-side Thee 11/16
Per-fect in pow'r in love 3d 力 仁 聖 完備 大哉天地王 Per-fect in pow'r in love and pu-ri-ty 12/16
4 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 全能的大主宰 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Lord God Al-might-y 13/16
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea 14/16 4b 天上地下海中 萬物頌主聖名 All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea
Mer-ci-ful and Might-y 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 恩慈永不更改 Ho-ly Ho-ly Ho-ly Mer-ci-ful and Might-y 15/16
4d 榮耀與讚美 歸三一真神 God in Three Per-sons Bless-ed Trin-i-ty! 16/16