Seven Words On the Cross


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Presentation transcript:

Seven Words On the Cross 十架七言 Seven Words On the Cross

我的耶穌,我的救贖 你的恩典,在我心靡 我的一切,你都知道 我往那裡,逃你的靈? 我的耶穌,我的救贖 你的恩典,在我心靡 我的一切,你都知道 我往那裡,逃你的靈? My Jesus, my redemption Your grace is in my heart You know everything about me where shall I flee from your Spirit? 十架七言 1/8

我的耶穌,你的犧牲 在各各他,髑髏之地 捨下尊貴,拋下榮華 在十架上,你的禱告: My Jesus, your sacrifice in Golgotha the Place of Skull Give up the honor, and let go of the glory your prayer on the cross: 十架七言 2/8

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. 父呀!赦免他們, 他們不曉得他們所作的 Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. 十架七言 3/8

Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise. 你說: 今天我要與你 一同在樂園 Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise. 十架七言 4/8

看,你的母親!看,你的兒子 Woman, behold, your son! 十架七言 5/8

My God, my God why have you forsaken me? 我的神!我的神! 為什麼離棄我?! My God, my God why have you forsaken me? 十架七言 6/8

我渴了 成了 I thirst It is finished 十架七言 7/8

我的耶穌,我的救贖 你曾為我,白白犧牲 我的軟弱,被你剛強 我把靈魂,交在你手裡 My Jesus, my redemption You have sacrificed for me I am weak, you made me strong Father, into your hands I commit my spirit! 十架七言 8/8

我的軟弱,被你剛強 我把靈魂,交在你手裡 I am weak, you made me strong Father, into your hands I commit my spirit! 十架七言 End