讚美的季節/Season Of Praise This is the season of praise.


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Presentation transcript:

讚美的季節/Season Of Praise This is the season of praise. 來慶祝讚美季節 哈利路亞!哈利路亞! This is the season of praise. Alleluia! Alleluia!

This is the season of joy. X 2 This is the season of joy. 哈利路亞!哈利路亞! 來慶祝歡樂季節 This is the season of joy. X 2 Alleluia! Alleluia! This is the season of joy.

This is the season of praise. X 2 在聖誕夜眾信徒唱, 同來分享這好信息x 2 歡樂的信息,奧秘的信息。 是關乎恩典王的降生。 This is the season of praise. X 2 On Christmas night all Christians sing to share the news the angels bring. x 2 News of great joy, news of great mirth. News of our merciful King’s birth.

Sing we now of Christmas, Sing we noel, the King is born, noel. 歡欣,歡欣, 來歡渡聖誕節,我們唱歡欣。x 2 來唱歡欣,君王降生,歡欣。 來歡渡聖誕節,我們唱歡欣。 Noel, noel, Sing we now of Christmas, sing we all noel. x 2 Sing we noel, the King is born, noel. sing we all noel.

He is born, the divine Christ child. 聖嬰孩基督今降生 同來吹響風笛歡喜應和 聖嬰孩基督今降生。救贖主降生喜不勝 一代過去一代繼起,先知早預言主的來臨 He is born, the divine Christ child. Play the musette and the bagpipe merrily. Sing we all of the savior mild. Ages long since have come and gone; Prophets long have fortold his coming.

同來迎接榮耀清晨,讓歡喜歌聲不停息 聖嬰孩基督今降生 同來吹響風笛歡喜應和 救贖主降生喜不勝 Now we welcome the glorious dawn. Let us sing with a joyful song. He is born, the divine Christ child. Play the musette and the bagpipe merrily. Sing we all of the Savior mild.

Christians, Now rejoice With heart and soul and voice. 眾信徒歡唱,以心以靈以聲。 眾信徒歡唱。聖嬰孩基督今降生。 聖嬰孩基督今降生。 我們唱歡欣!哈利路亞! 眾信徒同揚聲! Christians, Now rejoice With heart and soul and voice. Christians, Now rejoice He is born, the divine Christ child Sing we all noel ! Alleluia! Christians, lift your voices !

Good Christians, now rejoice With heart and soul and voice. 宗主信徒歡喜,以心以靈以聲。 請聆聽我們信息:救主基督今降生。 人畜皆同來敬拜,歡迎馬槽中小聖嬰。 Good Christians, now rejoice With heart and soul and voice. Give ye heed to what we say : Jesus Christ is born today. Man and beast before him bow, and he is in the manger now.

This is the season of praise. This is the season of praise! 基督今降生,基督今降生。 來慶祝讚美季節。 哈利路亞!哈利路亞! 慶祝讚美季節 Christ is born today, Christ is born today. This is the season of praise. Alleluia! Alleluia! This is the season of praise!

Alleluia, alleluia. Sing noel ! 哈利路亞,唱歡欣!/  Alleluia, Sing Noel ! 哈利路亞,哈利路亞,唱歡欣! Alleluia, alleluia. Sing noel !

Let your voices greet the morn singing “ Christ the Lord is born!” 大家出聲道早安, 唱著〝基督今降生!〞 在今日全地當歡喜。 同來高聲讚美頌揚,唱歡欣! Let your voices greet the morn singing “ Christ the Lord is born!” On this day, the world rejoices. Give your praise and lift your voices. Sing noel !

Glory be to God in heaven. Sing noel ! X 2 歡欣!歡欣! 榮耀歸至高的真神唱歡欣! X 2 天軍歌聲震天庭,頌讚到萬代不停, 因今日全地當歡喜。 同來高聲讚美頌揚,唱歡欣! Noel, noel, Glory be to God in heaven. Sing noel ! X 2 Angels shout with voices strong, In an everlasting song, for this day the world rejoices. Give your praise and lift your voices. Sing noel !

Alleluia, alleluia. Sing noel ! Christ is born Emmanuel; 哈利路亞,哈利路亞,唱歡欣! 哈利路亞,哈利路亞,高聲唱歡欣! 主基督以馬內利; 受造萬物,唱歡欣,唱歡欣! Alleluia, alleluia. Sing noel ! Christ is born Emmanuel; all creation, sing noel, sing noel !

All the bells of heav’n are ringing, 天上鐘聲一起敲響, 世上受造萬物高唱, 高唱,高聲唱歡欣,歡欣! 唱歡欣,唱歡欣,唱歡欣! All the bells of heav’n are ringing, All creation now is singing, singing , Singing glad noel, noel! Sing noel, sing noel, sing noel !

Have you heard the sound of the angel voices. Angels’ Carol/天使佳音 Have you heard the sound of the angel voices. Ringing out so sweetly, ringing out so clear? Have you seen the star shining out so brightly. As a sign from God that Christ the Lord is here ? 你可曾聽到天使的歌聲, 是何等的甜美,嘹亮? 你可曾看到那顆明亮的星星, 是預表基督君王將來臨?

that they bring from heaven. To the humble shepherds Have you heard the news that they bring from heaven. To the humble shepherds who have waited long? Gloria in excelsis De- o x 2 Hear the angels sing their joyful song. 你可曾聽到天上的信息, 要傳給那等待已久的牧羊人? 請聽天使高聲歡唱, 榮耀歸於至高真神! x 2

in the winter’s stillness, Like a gentle snowfall in the gentle night; He is come in peace in the winter’s stillness, Like a gentle snowfall in the gentle night; He is come in joy like the sun at morning . Filling all the world with radiance and with light. 在寂靜的冬天,祂帶著平安而來, 好像暗夜悄然降落的雪花。 祂帶著歡樂而來,好像清晨的太陽, 使世界充滿光和熱。

He is come in love as the child of Mary; In a simple stable we have seen his birth. Gloria in excelsis De- o x 2 Hear them sing “ Peace on earth “ 祂帶著愛而來,是瑪麗亞的小嬰孩, 我們看見祂降生在卑微的馬槽裏。 請聽天使高聲歡唱, 榮耀歸於至高真神! x 2 平安歸於世上人

He will bring new light to a world in darkness, Like a bright star shining in the skies above; He will bring new hope to the waiting nations. When he comes to reign in purity and love. 祂將真光帶給黑暗的世界, 就像天空那顆最閃耀的星; 祂將新希望帶給全人類, 祂的國度是純正與慈愛。

Let the earth rejoice at the Saviour’s coming. Let the heavens answer with the joyful morn: Gloria in excelsis De- o x 2 Hear the angels singing “ Christ is born” x 2 全地當歡欣因救主已來臨, 天上用欣喜的黎明來回應:  榮耀歸於至高真神! x 2  請聽天使高聲唱〝基督已降生〞 x 2   

聖誕宣告/ A Christmas Proclamation  歡欣!來唱哈利路亞 以樂歌宣告主降生 歡欣!來唱哈利路亞 因今日彌賽亞來臨 Rejoice! Sing an alleluia and proclaim with jubilant song. Rejoice! Sing an alleluia, For today Messiah has come.

歡欣歌唱!唱快樂的歌。 歡欣,來唱哈利路亞 因今日彌賽亞來臨。 Rejoice and sing a jubilant song. Rejoice, sing an alleluia, for today Messiah has come.

讓樂音在全地迴響不息 讓讚美在天庭唱不停 讓主榮耀照亮每個心間 當向主唱樂歌 x 3 當向主唱快樂歌 Fill the earth with the sound of his music. Fill the air with the sound of his praise. Fill each heart with the light of this glory. Sing to the Lord a song x 2 Jubilant x 3 Jubilant song.

歡欣!來唱哈利路亞 以樂歌宣告主降生。 因今日彌賽亞來臨。 Rejoice! Sing an alleluia and proclaim with jubilant song. Rejoice! Sing an alleluia, For today Messiah has come.

聽啊天使高聲唱, 榮耀歸於新生王。 神人融洽長歡欣; 地上平安人蒙恩。 Hark the herald angels sing, Glory to the new born King. Peace on earth, and mercy mild; God and sinner reconciled.

興起世間大小邦 齊與諸天共頌揚 天唱地和喜不勝 基督生於伯利恆 聽啊天使高聲唱 榮耀歸於新生王 Joyful all ye nations rise. Join the triumph of the skies. With angelic host proclaim: Christ is born in Bethlehem. Hark! The herald angels sing: Glory to the newborn King.

歡欣!來唱哈利路亞 以樂歌 宣告主降生 同歡欣來唱哈利路亞 因今日彌賽亞來臨 Rejoice! Sing an alleluia and proclaim with jubilant song. Rejoice and sing an alleluia, For today Messiah has come.

讓樂音在全地迴響不息。 讓讚美在天庭唱不停。 讓主榮耀照亮每個心間。 當向主唱樂歌 x 3 當向主唱快樂歌。 Fill the earth with the sound of his music. Fill the air with the sound of his praise. Fill each heart with the light of this glory. Sing to the Lord a song x 2 Jubilant x 3 Jubilant song.

歡欣!來唱哈利路亞 以樂歌宣告主降生 因今日彌賽亞來臨 在今日彌賽亞來臨! Rejoice! Sing an alleluia and proclaim with jubilant song. Rejoice! Sing an alleluia, For today Messiah has come. Today the Messiah has come!