歸回 哦!以色列 歸回 歸回 Come Home 我所愛的 歸回 我心呼喚 我已為你受死 只等你心意回轉 我親愛的 歸回 我仍期盼


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Presentation transcript:

歸回 哦!以色列 歸回 歸回 Come Home 我所愛的 歸回 我心呼喚 我已為你受死 只等你心意回轉 我親愛的 歸回 我仍期盼 慕主音樂 [04] 詞、曲:呂敏文、張瑋 歸回 哦!以色列 歸回 Come home! Oh Israel come home! 我所愛的 歸回 我心呼喚 My beloved, come home, My heart cries out! 我已為你受死 只等你心意回轉 For you, I have died just to wait for you to turn back 我親愛的 歸回 我仍期盼 My love, come home, I’m waiting for you 歸回 [1/8]

1 Cont’d 遙望當年 你幼年的愛情 茫茫曠野 你仍緊緊跟隨 From the old days The love you have in your youth 茫茫曠野 Endless wilderness 你仍緊緊跟隨 you’ve being closely following 歸回 [2/8]

1 * 求你將我印心上 求你將我帶臂上 愛情如死之堅強 嫉恨何殘忍 Set a seal upon my heart Set a seal upon my arm 愛情如死之堅強 For love is as strong as death 嫉恨何殘忍 Jealousy as cruel as grave 歸回 [3/8]

眾水不能息滅 大水不能淹沒 所發的電光 是耶和華的烈焰 聽我呼喚 (x3) Many waters can not quench Nor can the floods drown it 所發的電光 是耶和華的烈焰 It burns like a blazing fire like a mighty flame 聽我呼喚 (x3) Hear my calling (x3) 歸回 [4/8]

2 耶穌 是你在呼喚我? 哦主 我怎能忘記你 我心呼喚 我渴望再回到 你愛的溫柔胸懷 我親愛的耶穌 我仍期待 Jesus, is it you who’s calling me? 我怎能忘記你 我心呼喚 How can I forget you! My heart cries out, 我渴望再回到 你愛的溫柔胸懷 I’ve been longing To come back to your warm embrace 我親愛的耶穌 我仍期待 My love, Jesus, I am still yearning 歸回 [5/8]

2 Cont’d 遙望當年 你的恩手牽引我 躥山越嶺 雲柱火柱引領 From the old days Your gracious hands lead me 躥山越嶺 Over the hills 雲柱火柱引領 pillars of fire, cloud, You guides 歸回 [6/8]

2 * 求你將我印心上 求你將我帶臂上 愛情如死之堅強 嫉恨何殘忍 Set a seal upon my heart Set a seal upon my arm 愛情如死之堅強 For love is as strong as death. 嫉恨何殘忍 Jealousy as cruel as grave 歸回 [7/8]

眾水不能息滅 大水不能淹沒 所發的電光 是耶和華的烈焰 測不透的愛(x3) Many waters can not quench Nor can the floods drown it 所發的電光 是耶和華的烈焰 It burns like a blazing fire like a mighty flame 測不透的愛(x3) Immeasurable love (x3) Copyright Forerunner Mission Ministry 歸回 [8/8]