我每思念十字寶架 並主如何在上懸掛 我就不禁渾忘身家 鄙視從前所有驕傲


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Presentation transcript:

我每思念十字寶架 並主如何在上懸掛 我就不禁渾忘身家 鄙視從前所有驕傲 When I sur-vey the won-drous cross, On which the Prince of glo-ry died, My rich-est gain I count but loss, And pour con-tempt on all my pride. 我每思念十字寶架 When I sur-vey the won-drous cross -1 1/4

願主禁我別有所誇 除了基督的十字架 前所珍愛虛空榮華 今為祂血情願丟下 For-bid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sac-ri-fice them to His blood. 我每思念十字寶架 When I sur-vey the won-drous cross -2 2/4

看從祂頭祂腳祂手 憂情慈愛和血而流 那有愛憂如此相遘 荊棘編成如此冕旈 See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sor-row and love flow min-gled down; Did e’er such love and sor-row meet, Or thorns com-pose so rich a crown? 我每思念十字寶架 When I sur-vey the won-drous cross -3 3/4

假若宇宙都歸我有 盡獻於主仍覺不夠 愛既如此奇妙深厚 當得我心我命所有 Were the whole realm of na-ture mine, That were a pre-sent far too small; Love so a-maz-ing, so di-vine, De-mands my soul, my life, my all. 我每思念十字寶架 When I sur-vey the won-drous cross -4 4/4