Blessings Through Mountains and Over Rivers


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Presentation transcript:

Blessings Through Mountains and Over Rivers 千山万水,恩惠相随 Blessings Through Mountains and Over Rivers

走过千山 渡过万水 祢的恩惠 步步相随 生离死别 祢都安慰 祢的作为 奇妙可畏 Your blessings follow me when I pass through mountains and cross over rivers You give me strength in my time of sorrow How awesome are your deeds!     

我要赞美 祢的作为 一心称谢 祢的恩惠 祢手所行 诚实公平 配得赞美 何等宝贵 I will praise you, and your works I give thanks to you, and your goodness The works of your hands are faithful and just Your wonderful acts are precious You are worthy of my praise

主耶和华 恩惠有怜悯 主耶和华 恩惠有怜悯 主耶和华 公义慈爱 信实守约 何等宝贵 The Lord is love The Lord is merciful The Lord is gracious and righteous You are faithful How precious you are

走过千山 渡过万水 祢的恩惠 步步相随 我也赞美 一心称谢 祢的恩惠 步步相随 Your blessings follow me when I pass through mountains and cross over rivers I will praise you wholeheartedly Your grace follows me