第一大段與第二大段之比較 The Comparison of 1st and 2nd Section.


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Presentation transcript:

第一大段與第二大段之比較 The Comparison of 1st and 2nd Section

His identity (耶穌的身分) and the source of his power (能力的 來源). 第二大段 (2nd Section) Miracles 神蹟(Longer)  Teaching/Preaching 教導/傳道 Parables 比喻 (Teaching about teaching, parable about parable)  Responses 人們的回應 (Explanations of the source 對 能力的解釋) Jesus’ explanation 耶穌的解釋 Discipleship 門徒的意義 第一大段 (1st Section) Miracles 神蹟  Teaching/Preaching 教導/傳道 (Not about content 不重內容, but on its effect 而重效果 )  Responses 人們的回應 Authority 權柄的問題 : His identity (耶穌的身分) and the source of his power (能力的 來源).

比喻 (parable) 直喻 (明喻) (simile) 寓意 (諷喻) (allegory) 隱喻 (暗喻)   (metaphor)

v.10-12 第一段解釋 (1st explanatory paragraph) 馬可福音 4.1-20 撒種的比喻 Mark 4.1-20 The Parable of the Sower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1-9 比喻本身 (The parable) v.10-12 第一段解釋 (1st explanatory paragraph) v.13-20 第二段解釋 ( 2nd explanatory paragraph) _________________________________________________________ 關鍵句 (Key): 4.13 “又對他們說:你們不明白這比喻麼? 這樣 怎能明白一切的比喻呢?”

The response to which man made to Jesus The parable is about the proclamation of the gospel and how it is received. 比喻是 有關 福音的傳講 與 福音如何被接受. The response to which man made to Jesus himself. 是人對耶穌的反應. 2. The parable conveys the same message as in 4.11: The proclamation of Jesus divides mankind into two groups: outsiders and inner circle. 比喻傳遞的訊息與 4.11一樣: 當耶穌傳講信息時, 就把人分成兩種: 在外面的 與 在內圈裡面的兩種.

3. The crowds who hear Jesus gladly, but not prepared to the way of discipleship, are those whose concerns are continued on themselves to the exclusion of the thought of the kingdom of God. 人們高高興興聽了耶穌, 但是沒預備要走門徒的道路 , 就 是那些只想到他們自己, 根本沒有想過神國的人. 4. Those who bear fruits are those to whom the secret of the kingdom of God is given. 結果子的人就是神國的奧秘給了他們的人. As the truth in 4.11: If the disciples cannot understand about their own response, they are numbering themselves with the outsiders. 如同4.11所述的真理 , 如果門徒不能了解他們自己的回應 是屬於那一 類的話 , 他們就仍舊是屬於那在外面的.

5. The rest of Jesus’ teaching can be understood by those who have grasped the meaning of these words. 要明白耶穌其它的教導都根據 是否抓到了這些話的真意. 6. The parable is similar to “crossword clue”. It makes sense only to those who are prepared to accept their challenges. 耶穌的比喻 如同玩縱橫字謎遊戲時所提供的線索. 只對那些願意接受這類挑戰的人才有意義. 7. Jesus’ intention in teaching in parables: To challenge his listeners and make them think for themselves. 耶穌用比喻教導人的目的: 向聽到他話的人挑戰, 要他們好好想一想他們自己 (是屬於那一類).