課程說明(Course Description) 經濟學是探討人類的選擇行為,以及這些選擇行為間互動情形的一門社會科學。本課之主旨則在介紹經濟學家如何探討個人在各種組織與市場結構之選擇行為。課程內容包括: 經濟學與經濟課題、市場如何運作、家戶選擇行為之探討、廠商選擇行為與市場結構、市場失靈與政府角色等。
指定用書: Economics, seventh edition By Michael Parkin (雙業書廊代理,Tel: 02-23684198) 參考書籍 : N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics, 3rd edition Joseph E. Stiglitz, Economics, 2nd edition Bradley R. Schiller, The Economy Today, 9th edition Alan C. Stockman, Introduction to Economics, 2nd edition
課程大綱 1. Introduction: What is Economics, The Economics Problem 2. How Market Work: Supply and Demand, Elasticity, Efficiency and Equity 3. Households’ Choices: Utility and Demand, Possibilities, Preferences, and Choices 4. Firms and Markets: Output and Costs, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 5. Market Failure and Government: Externalities, Public Goods and Common Resources
評分方式: 學期成績由作業成績(15%),課堂表現(15%),期中考成績(35%)與期末考成績(35%)加權平均而得,期中考定於2004年11月4日舉行,期末考定於2005年1月13日舉行. 講義位址: http://www.econ.nthu.edu.tw/teachers/chuang/index.html