China’s Labour Inspection Sanction system and Judiciary


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Presentation transcript:

China’s Labour Inspection Sanction system and Judiciary Mr. Lu Yulin Deputy Director-General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Human Resources And Social security, P.R. China 在组设置中可使用此模板作为演示培训材料的起始文件。 节 右键单击幻灯片以添加节。 节可以帮助您组织幻灯片或促进多个作者之间的协作。 备注 使用“备注”节传递备注或为受众提供其他详细信息。 演示过程中,可在“演示文稿视图”中查看这些备注。 请记住字体大小(对于可访问性、可见性、录像和联机生产都非常重要) 协调的色彩 特别注意图形、图表和文本框。 请考虑与会者将以黑白或 灰色调打印。请运行测试打印,以确保当以纯黑白和 灰色调打印时,您的颜色工作正常。 图形、表格和图表 保持简单: 如果可能,请使用一致的、不分散的样式和颜色。 标记所有图表和表格。

Outline Background Labour inspection sanction system Relations between labour inspection system and judiciary Challenges and options 提供演示文稿的简要概述。 介绍演示文稿的重点及其重要的原因。 逐一介绍主要主题。 为了使观众了解演示文稿,您可以在整个演示文稿过程中重复此概述幻灯片,突出显示下一个您将讨论的特定主题。

Ⅰ. Background 1 Governance structure: 4 level governments Legislation: Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, rules, local regulations General and specialized inspection: MOHRSS, SAWS, MOH, AQSIQ Labour and social security inspection (shortened as labour inspection) : Inspectorates: 2391; inspectors: 23000. (2010)

Ⅰ. Background 2 Article 18 of the Regulations on Labour and Social Security Inspection (2004) (1) Make the administrative penalty decision where administrative penalty shall be executed in accordance with the law; (2) Make the order of correction or other appropriate administrative disposal decision where correction shall be made; (3) Withdraw the record where the case is minor and correction has been made. Where the case is beyond the scope of labour and social security inspection, the case shall be transferred to the relevant department; where there is suspected involvement in crime, the case shall be transferred to the judicial authority. 提供演示文稿的简要概述。 介绍演示文稿的重点及其重要的原因。 逐一介绍主要主题。 为了使观众了解演示文稿,您可以在整个演示文稿过程中重复此概述幻灯片,突出显示下一个您将讨论的特定主题。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 1 Labour Inspection Penalty 1 Order for Correction & Administrative Disposal 2 Administrative Remedy 3 这是概述幻灯片的另一个选项。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 2 1. Legal basis of labour inspection sanction Labour Law (1995) Labour Contract Law(2008) Employment Promotion Law (2008) Social Insurance Law (2011) Regulations on Labour and Social Security Inspection(2004) Other departmental provisions and local legislations 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 3 2. Case dealing procedures Place a case on the file: 5 days to start and within 2 years span; Investigate and inspect: 2 persons and ID presented; To be completed within 60 working days (30 days extension upon approval) Penalties and sanctions: within 15 work days; Execution: decisions to be executed as prescribed and compulsory execution within 180 calendar days. 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 4 3. Procedures of labour inspection penalties A. General procedures > Collect evidences through investigation and inquiry >> Exam the result (by the head of the Dohrss), where the case is important and complicated or serious penalty to be imposed, collective discussion shall be held >>> Inform the party concerned of the facts, course and legal basis of the penalty to be imposed and his rights >>>> Hear the statement and explanation of the party concerned 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 5 3. Procedures of labour inspection penalties (Cont.) B. Hearing procedures Open hearing will be held where the case is important and complicated or serious penalty been imposed and if the party is so request C. Simple procedures Where the case is simple or small amount of fine is imposed, simple procedures (on-the-spot disposal procedures) could be applied 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 6 4. Types of labour inspection penalties: >>> Warning (minor cases); >>> Fine, the Administrative Penalty Law(2009); >>> Confiscation of illegal gains; >>> Production or business suspension injunction or temporary detention or revocation of certificates or business licenses. 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 7 5. Order for correction or administrative disposal Order for correction Labour inspection administrative disposal e.g. orders for payment of wages, economic compensation and damages Not a penalty 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 8 6. Administrative remedy for labour inspection penalty Open hearing (as above mentioned) Administrative reconsiderations >>administrative remedy Administrative Reconsideration Law (1999) >> internal supervision >> by the legal affairs department of the corresponding government or the legal affairs divisions of the Dohrss 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

II. Labour Inspection Sanction 9 8. Principles of labour inspection sanction Statutory power and procedures; Openness and fairness; Separation of investigation and disposal , and fine imposing and collection (by banks); The same illegal act shall not be given a penalty for more than once ; Reasonably using discretion; Combing education with punishment; and etc. 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

III. Labour Inspection and Judiciary 1 Labour Inspection and Judiciary Supervision 1 Labour Inspection and Compulsory Execution 2 Labour Inspection and Criminal Justice 3 这是概述幻灯片的另一个选项。

III. Labour Inspection and Judiciary 2 1. Labour inspection and judiciary supervision Legal basis : Administrative Penalty Law(2009), Administrative Litigation Law (1990) and Regulations on Labour Inspections(2004) Filed by the party concerned Heard by the court Verdicts: upheld, discharge or reverse the labour inspection decision 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

III. labour Inspection and Judiciary 3 2. labour inspection and judiciary compulsory execution Legal basis: Administrative Compulsory Law (2011) Applied by the LI in the name of the Dohrss Procedures: >> prior exhortation (10 days before); >> desk review by the court; >> appeal in case of dismiss; >> compulsory execution. 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

III. labour Inspection and Judiciary 4 3. Labour inspection and criminal justice Legal basis : Provisions on Transferring of Suspected Criminal Cases from Administrative Enforcement Agencies (the State Council,2001) Major cases transferred from the LI: >> defraud Job-seekers of their money; >> obtain social insurance benefits by fraud; >> refuse to pay wages; >> forced labour & child labour. 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

IV. Challenges and Options 1 Challenges in The Labour Inspection Itself 1 Challenges in The Cooperation Between The Labour Inspection System and Judiciary 2 Options 3 这是概述幻灯片的另一个选项。

IV. Challenges and Options 2 1. Challenges in the labour inspection itself Legislation problems : > non-operable provisions > lack of coercive measures e.g. property preservation, bank account freezing Pressures from strict procedural and time limit requirements by administrative laws (administrative nonfeasance, i.e. administrative failure to act ) Inadequate institutional capacity (heavy workload and limited resources and skills) 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

IV. Challenges and Options 3 Challenges in the labour Inspection System itself (cont.) Increasing work load and limited resources: New laws and regulations; Extended scope: covering 44.7 million establishments and 780 million working population (2009). Workload ( 2010) >> Routine visit: 1.73 million visits >> Desk review: covering 1.77 million establishments >> Accepting reports and complaints: 3,360,000 cases >> Special inspections: 3time (2010) Inadequate staff: 1:30000 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

IV. Challenges and Options 4 2. Challenges in the cooperation between China’s labour Inspection System and judiciary Regular joint-action mechanism has not yet been established nationally (case by case); Underdeveloped inter-agency coordination (legislation, case discussion, enforcement); Lack of adequate staffs equipped with labour law knowledge in judiciary agencies. ( complexity of labour law and policies) 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

IV. Challenges and Options 5 Establish regular cooperation mechanism: >> joint action; >> jointly issued documents; >> inter-agency agreement; >> information sharing (through “2N”system). Carry out joint workshops or trainings: >> where draft new laws or make amendments; >> Case study; and etc. Strengthen the labor inspection's function of legislation implementation feed-back. 此培训完成后,受众能够做些什么? 简要描述受众将通过哪些方式从此演示文稿受益。

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