In the World but not of the World –


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Presentation transcript:

In the World but not of the World – 在世界中但不屬於世界 In the World but not of the World – 身体 Body 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 12 章

前言 Introduction - 信上所提的事 (問題,疑問) For the matters you wrote about (problems, questions) (7:1) - 哥林多人蒙神恩惠,口才知識全備,有恩賜 Corinthians have grace from God, do not lack spiritual gifts (1:1,7) - 但仍屬肉体,在基督裡為嬰孩,有嫉妒分爭 They are carnal and babes in Christ (1:5-7, 10; 3:1-3; 14:4,12,18,-20,26 )

A. 屬靈的恩賜 Spiritual Gifts (12:1-11) B. 一個身体 Body (12:12-13) 林前十二章 1 Corin. Chapter 12 A. 屬靈的恩賜 Spiritual Gifts (12:1-11) B. 一個身体 Body (12:12-13) C. 造就教會 Church (12:28-30) - 恩賜為身体,為造就教會 Gifts are for the body and for edifying the church - 要長大,要建造 Need to grow and be built up (3:6,7)

A. 屬靈的恩賜 Spiritual Gifts (12:1-11) - 原則 Principle (1-3) a. 不等於屬靈 Not equivelant to being spiritual b. 和說話有關 Has to do with speaking c. 為服事主 For serving the Lord d. 被聖靈感動 By the Holy Spirit e. 口裡認耶穌為主 Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus

- 恩賜,職事,功用有分別;靈,主,神卻是一位 There are different kinds of gifts, services and working; yet the Spirit, the Lord and God is the same (12:4-6) a. 出於一位靈 From the same Spirit b. 為服事一位主 Serving the same Lord c. 一位神在眾人裡面運行一切的事 The same God works in all men

- 聖靈顯在各人身上,叫人得益處 The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the common good: (12:7-11) a. 這人蒙聖靈賜他智慧的言語 The word of wisdom - (1:30, 2:6,7) b. 那人也蒙這位聖靈賜他知識的言語 The word of knowledge (8:1-7)

d. 醫病的恩賜 Gifts of healing c. 信心 Faith d. 醫病的恩賜 Gifts of healing e. 異能 Miraculous powers f. 先知 Prophecy g. 辨別諸靈 Distinguishing between sprits h. 說方言 Speaking in tongues I. 翻方言 Interpretation of tongues

- (但)這一切都是這位聖靈所運行,隨已意分給各人的 (But) All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as He determines. - 就如身子是一個,卻有許多肢体 (For as) The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts.

B. 一個身体 Body (12:12-13) - 我們都從一位聖靈受洗(浸),成了一個身体 We were all baptized by one Spirit into one body a. 肢体雖多,仍是一個身子,基督也是這樣 Though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.

b. 猶太,外邦(你我)同為一体是個奧秘, The Gentiles (you and me)… with Israel, members together of one body is a mystery (弗 Eph. 2:11-13;3:6)

c. 怎可能 How – 信徒籍水和聖靈浸入(歸入) The believers, through water and the Spirit, were baptized into: 基督 (Christ),基督的死 (Christ’s death) (羅6:3),父子靈三一神的名裡 into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (太28:19),基督的身体裡 (into the body of Christ) (13)

- 飲於一位靈 (裡面充滿基督) We were all given the one Spirit to drink (Filled with Christ inwardly) (賽 Isa 12:3; 約 John 4:10,14; 7:38,39)

身体的原則 The principle of the body - 彼此需要 We need each other a. 勿自卑,如腳,如耳 Do not despise ourselves as feet, as ears (12:14-20) b. 如今神隨自已的意思,把肢体俱各安排在身上 In fact God has arranged the parts in the body, everyone of them, just as He wanted them to be. (12:18) c. 勿自高,如眼,如頭 Do not be proud as eyes and head (12:21)

- 彼此相顧 Have equal concern for each other (12:22-25) a. 人以為軟弱,更不可缺少 Those parts of the body that seems to be weaker are indispensible b. 我們看為不体面的,加上体面 The parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor.

c. 神配搭這身子,把加倍的体面給那有缺欠的肢体 God has combined (composed) the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it. (12:24) - 你們就是基督的身子,並且各自作肢体 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (12:27)

C. 造就教會 Edifying the Church (12:28-30) - 神在教會所設立的 In the church God has appointed: a. 使徒 apostles b. 先知 prophets c. 教師 teachers

d. 行異能的 workers of miracles e. 得恩賜醫病的 those with gifts of healing f. 幫助人的 those able to help others g. 治理事的 those with gifts of administration h. 說方言的 those speaking in different kinds of tongues i. (但)要求那更大的恩賜 But eagerly desire the greater gifts

A. 屬靈的恩賜 Spiritual Gifts (12:1-11) B. 一個身体 One Body (12:12-13) 林前十二章 1 Corin. Chapter 12 A. 屬靈的恩賜 Spiritual Gifts (12:1-11) B. 一個身体 One Body (12:12-13) C. 造就教會 Edifying the Church (12:28-30) - 恩賜為身体,為教會 Gifts are for the body and the church - 要長大,要建造 Need to grow and be built up (3:6,7)