Entering in your sanctuary


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Presentation transcript:

Entering in your sanctuary 进入你的圣所 Entering in your sanctuary 小羊诗歌

进入祢的圣所, 瞻仰祢的荣美 entering in your sanctuary, gazing at your beauty 歇下一切工作, 与祢享安息 pausing from my duties, I find rest in you 来到祢宝座前, 注目祢的圣洁 coming before your throne, adoring your holiness 向祢倾心吐意, 主啊我爱祢 pouring my heart to you, how I love you Lord

哦, 我爱祢带我去飞翔 Oh, I love you to take me soaring 上到密云山顶, 一窥天国的奥秘 on the cloud enshrouded peaks to peek at the mystery of your kingdom 哦, 我爱饮于祢的活泉 Oh! I loving drinking from your living stream 更新我的生命, 使我重新得力 that renews my life, and renews my strength

进入祢的圣所, 瞻仰祢的荣美 entering in your sanctuary, gazing at your beauty 歇下一切工作, 与祢享安息 pausing from my duties, I find rest in you 来到祢宝座前, 注目祢的圣洁 coming before your throne, adoring your holiness 向祢倾心吐意, 主啊我爱祢 pouring my heart to you, how I love you Lord

哦, 我爱祢带我去飞翔 Oh, I love you to take me soaring 上到密云山顶, 一窥天国的奥秘 on the cloud enshrouded peaks to peek at the mystery of your kingdom 哦, 我爱饮于祢的活泉 Oh! I loving drinking from your living stream 更新我的生命, 使我重新得力 that renews my life, and renews my strength

进入祢的圣所, 瞻仰祢的荣美 entering in your sanctuary, gazing at your beauty 歇下一切工作, 与祢享安息 pausing from my duties, I find rest in you 来到祢宝座前, 注目祢的圣洁 coming before your throne, adoring your holiness 向祢倾心吐意, 主啊我爱祢 pouring my heart to you, how I love you Lord

哦, 我爱祢带我去飞翔 Oh, I love you to take me soaring 上到密云山顶, 一窥天国的奥秘 on the cloud enshrouded peaks to peek at the mystery of your kingdom 哦, 我爱饮于祢的活泉 Oh! I loving drinking from your living stream 更新我的生命, 使我重新得力 that renews my life, and renews my strength

带我进入内室, 我爱听祢声音 entering in your inner chamber I loving hearing your voice 再向我说恩言, 我心等候祢 Speak to me your kind words here I wait for you