靠着耶稣得胜 Jesus, My Victory.


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Presentation transcript:

靠着耶稣得胜 Jesus, My Victory

靠着耶稣得胜 在祢爱里我要宣告 我软弱得改变 在祢爱里我要宣告祢是王 In Your love, Lord, I declare now, Jesus, My Victory 在祢爱里我要宣告 In Your love, Lord, I declare now, 我软弱得改变 “My weaknesses gain strength!” 在祢爱里我要宣告祢是王 In Your love, Lord,I declare now, “You are King!” 1-V.1

靠着耶稣得胜 在祢爱里我要宣告 我不在罪中打转 是祢 带领着我得胜 In Your love, Lord, I declare now, Jesus, My Victory 在祢爱里我要宣告 In Your love, Lord, I declare now, 我不在罪中打转 “No more will I stay in sin!” 是祢 带领着我得胜 It’s You, Who me to victory leads. 1-V.2

靠着耶稣得胜 靠着耶稣得胜 靠着耶稣得胜 终此生要靠着 主爱去得胜 Jesus, my victory, Jesus my victory, with His love all my days I will conquer all. 1-R.1

靠着耶稣得胜 靠着耶稣得胜 靠着耶稣得胜 不必惧怕挫败 深知主恩更广阔 是祢 带领着我得胜 Jesus, My Victory 靠着耶稣得胜 靠着耶稣得胜 Jesus my victory, Jesus my victory, 不必惧怕挫败 深知主恩更广阔 never fearing setbacks, knowing greater is His grace. 是祢 带领着我得胜 It’s You, Who me to victory leads. 1-R.2