Community Disaster Information Sharing and Service Platform


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Presentation transcript:

社区灾害信息共享服务平台APP使用介绍 Community Disaster Information Sharing and Service Platform APP

Community Disaster Information Sharing and Service Platform 平台简介 名称:   社区灾害信息共享与服务平台 Community Disaster Information Sharing and Service Platform 用途: 增加社区居民及时快速掌握所在社区灾害风险情况、逃生自救基本技能和灾害基本知识的渠道,提升社区居民对各类灾害的认知水平,增强社区居民的减灾防灾意识。   Increasing the channels for community residents to quickly grasp the disaster risk situation in their communities, and to escape the basic skills and basic knowledge of disaster.   Enhance the community residents to understand the various types of disasters, and enhance awareness of residents reduction and disaster prevention.

APP介绍 APP版本: APP有Android和iOS两个版本 语言版本: APP have two version: Android and iOS 语言版本:   现在为中文和英文两个版本,未来会添加孟加拉语和尼泊尔语两个版本。 Now we have Chinese and English versions, two versions of Bengali and Nepal will be added in the future.

APP页面及详情介绍 APP pages and Information introduction

APP首页模块 HomePage HomePage Warning Self Rescue Knowledge Risk Map Reconstruction Shelter Stockpiles Volunteers Manager Emergency Search Personal Center

Warning 预警信息 Warning 主要实现在灾害发生前对灾情等级、危害程度、紧急程度等信息进行公示公告,提醒社区居民、志愿者及工作人员,采取防范措施,以降低灾害发生时的损失。  Mainly to publicity the disaster level, the degree of harm, urgency and other information before the disaster, and notice to remind the community residents, volunteers and staff, to take preventive measures to reduce the loss of the disaster occurred.   用户可以清楚地查看预警信息,发布时间和信息源,列表按时间顺序显示信息。 当点击任何预警信息时,用户可以查看预警信息的详细内容。 The user could clearly view of the warning information, release time and information sources, and it is displayed in chronological order; when click on any warning information, the user can view the details of the warning.

预警信息详情 Warning Detail Warning Detail 预警信息的详细内容。右上角有收藏和分享按钮。   预警信息的详细内容。右上角有收藏和分享按钮。   用户可以将信息分享到Facebook,Twitter和新浪。 The details of warming information. There have Collection and Share button on the upper right corner. User could sharing the information to Facebook, Twitter, and Sina.

自救互救 Self Rescue Self Rescue 自救互救主要实现以图片、视频等方式对灾害应急避难、紧急自救、灾害救护等内容的相关知识进行宣传和普及。当灾害发生时,用户可以利用这些知识,按照指南规定的操作规程规范来展开自救互救,可以有效提高避难疏散速度,提升自救互救效率,减少灾害造成的损失。 Self Rescue mainly to using the image-text, video and other functions to make the disaster emergency evacuation, emergency first aid, disaster relief and other related knowledge to publicity and popularization.When the disaster occurs, the user can use this knowledge, in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the operating rules to start self rescue, can effectively improve the speed of evacuation, improve self-help and save efficiency, reduce the damage caused by the disaster.

Self Rescue

灾害科普知识 Knowledge Science Knowledge 主要实现对自然灾害(地震、火灾、洪水、台风、山体滑坡以及其他)、事故灾难、公共卫生等突发公共事件基础知识的查阅;增强社区居民、志愿者及工作人员对灾害基础知识的了解,有助于消除对灾害的恐惧,有利于规避灾害发生风险,减少灾害损失  Science Knowledge mainly to show the basic knowledge of the natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, floods, typhoons, landslides and other), accident disasters, public health and other information;   It can enhance community residents, volunteers and staff to understand the basics of disaster, help them to eliminate the fear for disaster, help to avoid the risk of disaster, reduce disaster losses.

Knowledge 灾害科普知识详情

灾害风险分布图 Risk Map Risk Map 灾害风险分布图用来显示灾害易发生区域信息,用不同的显色来标识各种灾害区域。   灾害风险分布图用来显示灾害易发生区域信息,用不同的显色来标识各种灾害区域。  Risk Map is used to show the Disaster Risk Area on the map. There have use different color to display the risk area.

恢复重建指南 Reconstruction Reconstruction 上传   恢复重建指南用来显示关于重建的一些策略,计划,指导,进度和标准的信息内容。为灾后重建监督监管提供帮助。  The Reconstruction page is used to display the information of Policy, Planning, Guidelines, Progress and Standard . To help the people to manage the post-disaster reconstruction process.

添加进度信息 Reconstruction Add information 提交   用户可以添加新的进度信息并上传一些照片,点击右上角的图标提交信息。 User could create new information and upload some photos, click the icon on upper right corner to submit the information. 添加图片

避难场所分布图 Shelter Shelter   主要实现应急避难场所、应急避难路线、物资储备点、帐篷安置点等信息的发布,为快速逃生防御和减轻灾害损失奠定基础。   Shelter Map is used to show the Shelter area. And the user could find the nearest shelter on this map.

登录界面 Login Login page 登录界面可以使用户登录系统,并且可以在页面上点击注册按钮来进行新用户注册。   登录界面可以使用户登录系统,并且可以在页面上点击注册按钮来进行新用户注册。   Login page is used to login system. And the user could register by click the Register button.

救灾物资库存查询 Stockpiles Stockpiles  管理员可以查看救灾物资的详情情况,为救灾物资的分配提供数据支撑。可以按物资的存储种类和 存储点进行查询 This part could query the total amount of relief supplies, and query by the storage point and the type of supplies.

志愿者信息 Volunteers 志愿者信息包括组织和个人两个模块。   志愿者信息包括组织和个人两个模块。  The Volunteers include Organization and Personal two parts.   在个人志愿者模块,用户可以通过不同的技能进行筛选志愿者。 And the user could query the personal volunteers by skills.   为管理员提供志愿者的详细信息,对灾后志愿者的工作安排提供依据。  Provide the detailed information about the volunteers to managers, and help managers to arrange volunteer's work .

管理员信息 Manager 显示所有管理员的信息,并且可以通过点击电话号码对管理员进行呼叫。   显示所有管理员的信息,并且可以通过点击电话号码对管理员进行呼叫。 Display the information of the managers, the user could call the manager by click each manager’s phone number.

紧急电话 Emergency 页面显示所有的紧急电话信息。用户可以通过点击不同的电话号码进行求助。   页面显示所有的紧急电话信息。用户可以通过点击不同的电话号码进行求助。   Display the information of the Emergency Calls, the user could click each phone number to call for help.

搜索 Search 用户可以通过任意关键字进行信息搜索,例如灾害预警信息、自救互救技能和灾害科普知识。   用户可以通过任意关键字进行信息搜索,例如灾害预警信息、自救互救技能和灾害科普知识。 The user can enter any keyword to searching the information such as Warning, Self Rescue, and Knowledge.

个人中心 Personal Center 个人中心显示已登录的用户名,以及社区信息、我的收藏、清理缓存、版本信息以及登出系统等模块。    个人中心显示已登录的用户名,以及社区信息、我的收藏、清理缓存、版本信息以及登出系统等模块。 The personal center is showed the username, Community, My collection, Clear cache, Version and Sign out.

社区信息 Community 社区信息显示每个社区的一些基本信息,用户可以了解社区位置,行政中心,人口数量等基本信息。   社区信息显示每个社区的一些基本信息,用户可以了解社区位置,行政中心,人口数量等基本信息。 The Community is showed the basic information of each community, the user could know the basic information such as community location, administrative location, population etc.

My collection 我的收藏   用户可以查看已经收藏的自救互救技能,灾害科普知识和预警信息。此外,用户还可以将标题滑动到左侧以取消收藏。 The user could check the collection information of Self Rescue, Knowledge and Warning. And also ,the user could slide the title to left to delete the collection.

清理缓存 Clear cache 当用户清理缓存后,如果想要查看信息,所有的信息都需要重新下载。    当用户清理缓存后,如果想要查看信息,所有的信息都需要重新下载。 After the user clear the cache, all of the information will need download again when the user want to look.

服务器硬件需求: Server Hardware: CPU RAM Intel Xeon E3-1200 + 16GB + 服务器可以用云服务器或者硬件服务器,具体如何选择根据本地实际情况来执行。 CPU and memory could according to this standard, other hardware parameters can be configured according to the factory. Can use a cloud server or a hardware server, the specifically choose according to the local actual situation.

Operating Environment 服务器软件需求: Server Software: Server Module 服务器模块 Operating Environment 运行环境 Version 版本 Computer System 操作系统 Linux centos6.5 + DataBase 数据库 mysql 5.5 + Middleware 中间件 tomcat 4.0 +

Warning Information Docking Plan 1:   由孟加拉,尼泊尔两方提供json格式的数据接口用来从服务器获取预警信息。 Bangladesh and Nepal provide json format data interface to get the warning information data from the server. Main field主要字段 nid Warning ID 预警信息ID title Warning title 预警信息标题 field_image Warning title image 预警信息标题图片 field_source Warning source 信息来源 created Release time 发布时间 Example: { "nid": "147", "title": "Overall Orange Flood alert in India", "field_image": "", "field_source": "GDACS", "created": "Mar 29, 2017" }

Warning Information Docking Plan 2:   我们提供接口从孟加拉和尼泊尔的服务器接收预警信息数据。 We set the interface to receive the warning information send by the server of Bangladesh and Nepal. Main field主要字段 nid Warning ID 预警信息ID title Warning title 预警信息标题 field_image Warning title image 预警信息标题图片 field_source Warning source 信息来源 created Release time 发布时间 Example: { "nid": "147", "title": "Overall Orange Flood alert in India", "field_image": "", "field_source": "GDACS", "created": "Mar 29, 2017" }

Other qustions 1. 安卓APP的主要发布平台。 1. The main release platform of Android APP. 2. 对APP的使用建议。 2. The suggestion of APP. 网站的一些信息需求 Information Request for website 1. 自救互救,灾害科普知识,恢复重建指南封面图3张。 尺寸大小:370*270 (px) 1. 3 cover image for self Rescue, science Knowledge and Reconstruction, size: 370*270 (px) 2. 紧急联系人:警察,火警电话,120急救电话图片3张, 尺寸大小:60*60 (px) 2. Emergency calls: Police . Fire man , and Ambulance images size: 60*60 (px) 3. 社区图片和社区的详细介绍,尺寸大小960 *610 3. Community Image and the Detail Information of Community size: 960*610 (px)

谢谢! Thank you!