我何等愛耶穌 O, How I Love Jesus Hymnary 231 Frederick Whitfield


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Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

我何等愛耶穌 O, How I Love Jesus Hymnary 231 Frederick Whitfield CCLI #1133585 1

1. 有一尊名我最愛聽, 我最愛唱不已; 這是地上最甜之名, 其音悅耳無比。 There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; 這是地上最甜之名, It sounds like music in my ear, 其音悅耳無比。 The sweetest name on earth. 1 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 2

我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! Chorus: 我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! 2 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 3

2. 這名說出救主大愛, 捨命償我罪債; 祂流寶血為我受害, 罪人惟此是賴。 It tells of a Savior’s love, Who died to set me free; 祂流寶血為我受害, It tells me of His precious blood, 罪人惟此是賴。 The sinner’s perfect plea. 3 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 4

我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! Chorus: 我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! 4 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 5

有祂光照引領。 Yields sunshine all the way. 3. 這名說出父神豐富, It tells me what my Father hath 天天賜福豐盈; In store for every day, 我雖行經黑暗窄途, And though I tread a darksome path, 有祂光照引領。 Yields sunshine all the way. 5 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 6

我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! Chorus: 我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! 6 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 7

4. 這名說出主的心腸, 能感最深痛楚; 誰能像祂分我憂傷, 惟有耶穌我主。 It tells of One whose loving heart 能感最深痛楚; Can feel my deepest woe; 誰能像祂分我憂傷, Who in each sorrow bears a part, 惟有耶穌我主。 That none can bear below. 7 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 8

我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! Chorus: 我何等愛耶穌, O, how I love Jesus, 因耶穌先愛我。 Because He first loved me! 8 of 8 CCLI # 1133585 9