(1) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌


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Presentation transcript:

(1) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌 Lord, You’re worthy to be praised and I praise You. 主, 祢配得稱頌讚美, 我願讚美祢 Lord, You’re worthy to bow down to and I bow down to You. 主, 祢配得敬虔屈膝, 我願向祢屈膝 Lord, You’re worthy to be worshipped and I worship You. 主, 祢配得尊崇敬拜, 我願敬拜祢 I praise You, I bow down to You, I worship You. 我讚美祢,願向祢屈膝, 我敬拜祢 (1) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌

(2) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌 Lord, You’re worthy to be honored, and I honor You. 主, 祢配得榮耀尊榮, 我願尊榮祢 Lord, You’re worthy to believe in and I believe in You. 主, 祢配得依賴相信, 我願意相信祢 Lord, You’re worthy to be trusted I put my trust in You. 主,祢配得全心信靠, 我願意信靠祢 I honor You, I worship You, 我尊榮祢, 我敬拜祢, 我願相信救主 (2) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌

(3) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌 Lord, You’re worthy to be loved, and I love You. 主, 祢配得擁戴敬愛, 我願敬愛祢 Lord, You’re worthy of my life, I give my life to You. 主, 祢配得我獻身, 我獻生命給祢 O Lord, You’re worthy, Oh so worthy I give my all for You. 主, 祢配得, 真配得我獻所有給祢 I love You, I live for You, I give my all for You. Lord, You’re worthy. 我敬愛祢, 願為主活, 我獻所有給祢 主, 祢配得 (3) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌