中国煤矿区生态修复规划及其案例 Zhenqi Hu1,2 胡振琪1,2 Wu Xiao1,2 肖武1,2


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Presentation transcript:

Ecological Restoration Planning for Coal Mining Areas in China and Case Studies 中国煤矿区生态修复规划及其案例 Zhenqi Hu1,2 胡振琪1,2 Wu Xiao1,2 肖武1,2 1.Institute of Land Reclamation & Ecological Restoration China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing) 1.中国矿业大学(北京),土地复垦与生态重建研究所 2. Engineering Research Center of Mining Environment & Ecological Safety, Ministry of Education 2.矿山生态安全教育部工程研究中心

Outline 1. Introduction 引言 2. Ecological Restoration Planning for Abandoned Coal Mines 废弃矿区的生态修复规划 3. Ecological Restoration Planning for Active Coal Mines 正在开采矿区的生态修复规划

1. Introduction 引言 Coal is China’s most abundant, important, and widely distributed fossil fuel resource. 煤炭是中国最丰富、最重要,也是应用最广泛的化石能源。 Coal resources distribution in China 中国煤炭资源分布图

1. Introduction 引言 Coal yield and growth rate from 1990 to 2010 in China 1990-2010中国煤炭产量与增长率 China’s coal production was 3.8 billion tons in 2014. 90% from underground mining 2014年中国煤炭产量达到38亿吨,而90%的煤矿为井工矿

Impact of coal mining on environment in China Coal mining has produced a lot of environmental problems while it makes great contribution to economic growth

Impacts of coal mining on eco-environment vary in different part of China Northwest 西北地区: Mining subsidence induced cracks and fissures; 开采沉陷引发的地表裂缝和裂纹; Soil erosion; 水土流失; Acid coal waste dumps spontaneous combustion; 酸性煤矸石山的自燃 Land occupation by surface mining露天开采的土地压占 东 Eastern东部地区: Mining subsidence induced ponds area, 下沉积水 farmland lose, 耕地减少 Village movements 村庄搬迁 中 部 自 供 给 补 Southern南部地区: mining subsidence induced landslide and mudslides, 开采沉陷引发的滑坡和泥石流 groundwater loses 地下水流失 带 带

Land Reclamation and ecological restoration In General, Land Reclamation and ecological restoration has become an urgent task in China Restoration planning is very important for repairing the environment in mining areas. it is a basis of restoration engineering. it is a basis of regional environmental protection , economic development and ecological civilization construction.

Case studies Hegang Subsidence land Reclamation Plan 鹤岗采煤塌陷地治理规划 东 Liaoyuan National Mining Museum 辽源国家矿山公园 中 部 自 Heze Subsidence land Reclamation Plan 菏泽采煤塌陷地治理规划 供 给 补 Huainan Datong Wetland Park 淮南大通湿地公园 带 带

2. Ecological Restoration Planning for Abandoned Coal Mine 废弃矿区的生态修复规划 Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南 The mining history of Datong coal mine was 67 years, from 1911 to 1978, with 27.465 million tons of coals produced in total. According to surveys and estimates, the subsidence area is 2.89 km2, with a maximum subsidence of over 10 m. 淮南大通煤矿自1911年到1978年,有67年的开采历史,共开采3.7465亿吨煤炭。引发的沉陷土地约2.89km2,最大下沉深度达到10m。 Huainan city 淮南 The study area is located in Huainan City, Anhui Province 研究区位于安徽省淮南市

Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南 The study area is 438 ha. The location of the study area is the transition section between the main city in the north and the new district in south and is the link between these two districts. 研究区面积438公顷,地处山北主城区和山南新区的过渡地段,是两城区之间相互联系的纽带,同时也是未来淮南城市生态环境的标志性区域之一。

Current situation 现状 Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南 Mining subsidence 地表沉陷 Coal waste dumps, 5 dumps 煤矸石山 3 waste yard; Garbage and water pollution 垃圾压占和水污染

Technical roadmap 技术路线图 Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南 Technical roadmap 技术路线图 Investigation and Monitoring 调查与监测 Assessment 评价 Function division and Restoration Plan 功能分区域修复 规划 Soil remediation 土壤修复 Hydrological system restoration 水系修复 Revegetation 植被恢复 Topography 地形 Remote sensing 遥感 Field investigation 实地调查 GIS Soil contamination 土壤污染 Hydrological system水系 Biodiversity 生物多样性 Land use 土地利用

Function division 功能分区 Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南

Landuse Planning 土地利用规划 Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南

Some Restoration Treatments 修复措施 Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南

Case Study No.1 – Huainan 案例一: 淮南 Results of the AML reclamation project I 修复后的大通湿地生态区

Industrial Square Restoration 工业广场修复 Shaft Restoration 原井口修复 Wetland Restoration 湿地修复 Wetland Restoration 湿地修复

Mining Park Distribution in China Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 Mining Park Distribution in China Liaoyuan National Mining Park 辽源国家矿山公园 The essence of Mining Park: restoration of mining area with the goal of park construction 矿山公园的实质——是以公园建设为目标的矿区生态修复 Only the region features can lead the plan of Liaoyuan National Mining Park to Success. 要占据国家矿山公园建设和发展的“一席之地”,只有突显地域特色。

Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 Investigation 调研

Data Analysis 数据分析 Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源

Function Division 功能分区 Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 Function Division 功能分区 A Corridor 一廊: About the Modern Mining History 中国近代矿业发展的历史回廊 Mining Relic Protection and Ecological Restoration Demonstration 矿业遗迹保护生态治理示范 Amusement and Shopping 大众休闲娱乐 观赏游乐购物 Patriotism Education and Mining History 爱国主义教育矿业情感诠释 Xi’an 西安 Shengli 胜利 Taixin泰信 Two Cores 两核: Mining produce exhibition and experience zone 矿业生产展示、拓展体验核心区 Three Districts 三区: Landscape districts which form the eco-isolation area. 景观集中区,形成绿色生态隔离带和生态保护屏障

Special Plan - Mining Relic 专项规划—重要矿业遗迹保护规划 Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 Special Plan - Mining Relic 专项规划—重要矿业遗迹保护规划

Special Plan – Natural Landscape 专项规划--典型自然景观规划 Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 Special Plan – Natural Landscape 专项规划--典型自然景观规划

Special Plan – Cultural Landscape 专项规划--典型人文景观规划 Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 3、典型人文景观规划 Special Plan – Cultural Landscape 专项规划--典型人文景观规划 Folk Painting “农民画”文化 Miner 矿工文化 Deer “梅花鹿”文化 Folk Music 二人转 Chinese Lute “琵琶”文化

Aerial View of Design Sketch-鸟瞰效果图 Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源 Aerial View of Design Sketch-鸟瞰效果图

Case Study No.2 – Liaoyuan 案例二: 辽源

3. Ecological Restoration Planning for Active Coal Mine 在开采矿区的生态修复规划 Ecological Restoration Planning for Active Coal Mine with Long Mining History Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 Hegang city 鹤岗 Large areas of land subsidence , especially the subsidence in the urban area became an obstacle for the sustainable development. 大面积的土地塌陷,特别是很多沉陷区位于主城区内,严重影响了鹤岗的可持续发展。 Built because of coal mining, Hegang is a city with long mining history, the annual output achieve 18.47 million tons. 鹤岗是一座“因煤而兴,缘煤而建”的城市,煤炭开采历史悠久,年产量将达到1847万吨/年。

Technical roadmap 技术路线图 Data Collection 资料收集 Natural, Economic Condition 自然经济资源状况 Current Subsidence Situation 采煤沉陷地现状 Land subsidence prediction 采煤塌陷地预测 Impact of Subsidence to the Existing Plan 采煤沉陷地对现有规划的影响及建议 Restoration Plan for Subsidence areas 采煤沉陷地治理规划 Plan for Industrial Park 工业园区规划 Function Division 规划功能分区 Overall Urban Plan and Overall Landuse Plan 城市总体规划及土地利用总体规划 Shantytowns Reconstruction Plan  棚户区改造规划 Restoration Projects 治理项目 Transportation Plan  交通线路规划

据统计,截止到2013年,鹤岗市境内采煤沉陷地共7932.12 hm2。 Current Subsidence situation 沉陷现状 Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 According to the statistics, the total area of subsidence land was 7932.12 hm2 in 2013。 据统计,截止到2013年,鹤岗市境内采煤沉陷地共7932.12 hm2。

2020 9400.31hm2 11993.25hm2 Subsidence Prediction 沉陷预测 Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 Mine Closure 闭矿 2020 9400.31hm2 11993.25hm2 Probability Integral Method

Maximum Depth Subsidence Prediction 沉陷预测 Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 Maximum Depth 2014-2020 2014-Mine Closure 6.7m 39.4m 19.0m 7.4m 32.9m 7.1m 21.9m 10.8m

2014-2020 Subsidence Prediction Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 沉陷预测 Damage Degree Analysis 损毁程度分析 2014-2020 Seriously Damaged Vegetation severely impacted, cultivation and buildings destroyed. 重度损毁 地表沉陷严重,植被生长受到严重影响,农作物绝产,建筑物不能正常使用。 Medium Damaged Vegetation impacted, crop output decreases, buildings need maintenance. 中度损毁地表沉陷较严重,植被生长受到一定影响,农作物减产,建筑物需适当维修。 Slight Damaged No impact on vegetation, buildings could continue to be used. 轻度损毁地表出现轻微的变形,基本不影响植被生长,建筑物可正常使用。

Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 Function Division 治理分区 Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 优先永久治理区 Permanent Reclamation Areas 优先临时治理区 Temporary Reclamation Areas 动态治理 Dynamic Reclamation Areas 未来治理区 Future Reclamation Areas

Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 Reclamation Projects 治理项目 Case Study No.3 – Hegang 案例三:鹤岗 31 reclamation projects of 3 category has been planned during 2014 to 2020. 结合以上治理分区,本规划在近期(2014-2020年)共安排了3类31个治理重点项目。 5 Alternative Industry Projects 替代产业用地治理项目(5个) 3 Temp Construction land Reclamation Projects 短期建设用地治理项目(3个) 23 Dynamic Cultivated land Reclamation Projects 动态农业用地治理项目(23个)

Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 Study Area 研究区概况 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 巨野 矿区 Juye Mining area located in the southwest part of Shandong Province, with 80km from south to the north, and 12km from east to the west, the coal bearing area is about 729km2 巨野矿区位于山东省西南部,南北长80km,东西宽12km,含煤面积约729㎞2。

矿区由6对矿井组成,截止2010年底,已有4对投产。 Study Area 研究区概况 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 Juye Mining area including 6 coal mines, till 2010, 4 of them started mining. 矿区由6对矿井组成,截止2010年底,已有4对投产。

塌陷面积为63782hm2,占矿区面积的87%,积水面积39581hm2,占塌陷面积的62.1%。 Subsidence Prediction 采煤沉陷预测 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 Stage 1 近期(2013-2020) Stage 2 中期(2021-2030) Stage 3 远期(2031-2050) Closure 闭矿(2051-2080) The subsidence area is 63782hm2 , account 87% of the coal mine boundary, and the water logging area is 39581hm2, account for 62.1%. 塌陷面积为63782hm2,占矿区面积的87%,积水面积39581hm2,占塌陷面积的62.1%。

1 Belt, 1 Corridor, 4 Districts “一带,一廊,四区” Plan Concept and Function Division 规划理念与功能分区 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 1 Belt, 1 Corridor, 4 Districts “一带,一廊,四区” Juyun Mining Ecology Economic Belt 巨郓矿业生态经济带 Tourism District of Water Margin 水浒文化旅游区 With the goal of joint development of coal mining and agriculture, economy and ecology, based on the mining development, with consideration of local feature, to restore the land subsidence area and create an area combined with agriculture, ecology and sightseeing. 以“煤粮兼得”、经济发展和生态优化为治理目标,依托矿业发展,结合当地文化特色,通过塌陷地治理打造菏泽东部一条集农业、生态、观光等为一体的生态经济廊道。 Sightseeing High Efficiency Agriculture 观光高效农业区 East Chemical Industry Corridor 巨东化工长廊 Eco-economic District 水域生态经济区 Agriculture and fishery District 绿色农渔示范区

综合考虑了巨野矿区采煤塌陷速度、治理能力、技术手段等,编制了巨野矿区的采煤塌陷地近期、中期和远期三期的治理规划、确定了各期的治理目标。 Reclamation Goal and Projects 治理目标与治理工程 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 Planning Map 治理规划图 With consideration of the subsidence rate, reclamation ability and technology, divide three stages and set the goals for each stage. 综合考虑了巨野矿区采煤塌陷速度、治理能力、技术手段等,编制了巨野矿区的采煤塌陷地近期、中期和远期三期的治理规划、确定了各期的治理目标。

Restoration Goal for each stage Reclamation Goal and Projects 治理目标与治理工程 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽 Restoration Goal for each stage 各期治理目标 Subsidence area in this stage 本期塌陷面积 Subsidence area without restoration in last stage 上期未治理面积 Restored subsidence area 治理水域面积 Subsidence area reclaimed into farmland 恢复土地面积

First Stage Second Stage Last Stage 各阶段治理布局图

Subsidence area after restoration 治理目标与治理工程 Case Study No.4 – Heze 案例四:菏泽

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Other Cases: Subsidence land Restoration in Jining 其他案例:济宁市采煤塌陷地治理

Thank you!! Welcome to Institute of Land Reclamation & Ecological Restoration, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), and Engineering Research Center of Mining Environment & Ecological Safety, Ministry of Education