神的路 God's Way.


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Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
(調用“全路程我救主领我” All the Way My Savior Leads Me)
Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

神的路 God's Way

神的路最美善 雖我不明瞭 為何憂愁試煉 常把我環繞 God's way is the best way 雖我不明瞭 Tho' I may not see 為何憂愁試煉 Why sorrows and trials 常把我環繞 Oft gather 'round me

主用各樣方法 煉我像精金 故我順服信靠 我慈悲父神 He ever is seeking 煉我像精金 My gold to re-fine 故我順服信靠 So humbly I trust Him 我慈悲父神 My savior divine

God's way is the right way I'll trust in Him al-ways 神的路最美善 God's way is the best way 神的路最美好 God's way is the right way 我願常依靠祂 I'll trust in Him al-ways 惟祂能引導 He knoweth the best Chorus

I'll trust in Him al-ways 神的路最美善 God's way is the best way 計劃我前途 My path He hath planned 我願時常依靠 I'll trust in Him al-ways 憑祂手攙扶 While holding His hand

不論黑暗光明 平安無憂慮 主是我避難所 我永不恐懼 In shadow or sunshine 平安無憂慮 He ever is near 主是我避難所 With Him for my refuge 我永不恐懼 I never need fear

God's way is the right way I'll trust in Him al-ways 神的路最美善 God's way is the best way 神的路最美好 God's way is the right way 我願常依靠祂 I'll trust in Him al-ways 惟祂能引導 He knoweth the best Chorus

神的路我最愛 惟祂能引導 我全心投靠祂 甜蜜且安好 God's way shall be my way 惟祂能引導 He knoweth the best 我全心投靠祂 And leaning upon Him 甜蜜且安好 Sweet' sweet is my rest

災害不能臨到 平安無煩惱 我要永遠靠主 祂至聖至寶 No harm can be fall me 平安無煩惱 Safe, safe, shall I be 我要永遠靠主 I'll cling to Him ever 祂至聖至寶 So precious is He

God's way is the right way I'll trust in Him al-ways 神的路最美善 God's way is the best way 神的路最美好 God's way is the right way 我願常依靠祂 I'll trust in Him al-ways 惟祂能引導 He knoweth the best Chorus