试炼中的歌吟 The song of Trials


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Presentation transcript:

试炼中的歌吟 The song of Trials 當我四面受敵 不被困住 心裏作難 不至失望 逼迫卻不被丟棄 打倒卻不至死亡 耶穌的生顯明在我身上 When I am hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; Perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not abandoned; Struck down, but not destroyed, The life of Jesus may be revealed in my body.

當我四面受敵 不被困住 心裏作難 不至失望 逼迫卻不被丟棄 打倒卻不至死亡 耶穌的生顯明在我身上 When I am hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; Perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not abandoned; Struck down, but not destroyed, The life of Jesus may be revealed in my body.

將我的眼光放在未來 讓我的盼望定睛天上 暫時的苦楚在榮耀的光中 蛻變成不朽的生命與剛強 Fix my eyes on the future glory, And my hopes on the heavenly kingdom.  These temporary sufferings shall be transformed To eternal life and strength in His glory.

黎明的曙光即將到來 雨後有彩虹高掛穹蒼 死亡與復活僅是一線之隔 試煉後綻放出屬天的光亮 It is dawning; And following a storm, a rainbow shall pierce the clouds. Life and death Separated only by a thin line I’ll be blessed by the heavenly lights after all these trials.

试炼中的歌吟 The song of Trials 當我四面受敵 不被困住 心裏作難 不至失望 逼迫卻不被丟棄 打倒卻不至死亡 耶穌的生顯明在我身上 When I am hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; Perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not abandoned; Struck down, but not destroyed, The life of Jesus may be revealed in my body.

將我的眼光放在未來 讓我的盼望定睛天上 暫時的苦楚在榮耀的光中 蛻變成不朽的生命與剛強 Fix my eyes on the future glory, And my hopes on the heavenly kingdom.  These temporary sufferings shall be transformed To eternal life and strength in His glory.

黎明的曙光即將到來 雨後有彩虹高掛穹蒼 死亡與復活僅是一線之隔 試煉後綻放出屬天的光亮 It is dawning; And following a storm, a rainbow shall pierce the clouds. Life and death Separated only by a thin line I’ll be blessed by the heavenly lights after all these trials.

黎明的曙光即將到來 雨後有彩虹高掛穹蒼 死亡與復活僅是一線之隔 試煉後綻放出屬天的光亮 It is dawning; And following a storm, a rainbow shall pierce the clouds. Life and death Separated only by a thin line I’ll be blessed by the heavenly lights after all these trials.