Why Do I Sing About Jesus?


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重 生 Born Again.
146我知所信的是誰 I Know Whom I Have Believed
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Presentation transcript:

Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 為何我要歌頌耶穌 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303

為何我要歌頌耶穌 我心深處充滿快樂, 主耶穌拯救了我; 讚美救主奇妙聖名, 潔淨我裡外罪過。 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 作詞 / Lyrics: Albert A. Ketchum 作曲 / Composer: 我心深處充滿快樂, Deep in my heart there's a gladness - 主耶穌拯救了我; Jesus has saved me from sin! 讚美救主奇妙聖名, Praise to His name, what a Saviour! 潔淨我裡外罪過。 Cleansing without and within! 1-V.1 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303

為何我要歌頌耶穌 為何我要歌頌耶穌? 為何祂寶貴無上? 祂是我主我救贖主, 祂死,使我釋放。 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 作詞 / Lyrics: Albert A. Ketchum 作曲 / Composer: 為何我要歌頌耶穌? Why do I sing about Jesus? 為何祂寶貴無上? Why is He precious to me? 祂是我主我救贖主, He is my Lord and my Saviour: 祂死,使我釋放。 Dying, He set me free! 1-R.1 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303

為何我要歌頌耶穌 只要一見主的美善, 我心已滿足無憂; 只要一見慈愛救主, 我靈即快樂自由。 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 作詞 / Lyrics: Albert A. Ketchum 作曲 / Composer: 只要一見主的美善, Only a glimpse of His goodness, 我心已滿足無憂; That was sufficient for me; 只要一見慈愛救主, Only one look at the Saviour, 我靈即快樂自由。 Then was my spirit set free. 2-V.1 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303

為何我要歌頌耶穌 為何我要歌頌耶穌? 為何祂寶貴無上? 祂是我主我救贖主, 祂死,使我釋放。 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 作詞 / Lyrics: Albert A. Ketchum 作曲 / Composer: 為何我要歌頌耶穌? Why do I sing about Jesus? 為何祂寶貴無上? Why is He precious to me? 祂是我主我救贖主, He is my Lord and my Saviour: 祂死,使我釋放。 Dying, He set me free! 2-R.1 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303

為何我要歌頌耶穌 千萬人中祂最美好, 祂是玫瑰,百合花; 祂是豐盛恩惠源頭, 恩典慈愛祂賜下。 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 作詞 / Lyrics: Albert A. Ketchum 作曲 / Composer: 千萬人中祂最美好, He is the fairest of fair ones, 祂是玫瑰,百合花; He is the Lily, the Rose; 祂是豐盛恩惠源頭, Rivers of mercy surround Him, 恩典慈愛祂賜下。 Grace, love, and pity He shows. 3-V.1 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303

為何我要歌頌耶穌 為何我要歌頌耶穌? 為何祂寶貴無上? 祂是我主我救贖主, 祂死,使我釋放。 Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 作詞 / Lyrics: Albert A. Ketchum 作曲 / Composer: 為何我要歌頌耶穌? Why do I sing about Jesus? 為何祂寶貴無上? Why is He precious to me? 祂是我主我救贖主, He is my Lord and my Saviour: 祂死,使我釋放。 Dying, He set me free! 3-R.1 生命聖詩 303 Hymns of Life 303