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(1) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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I will give You all my life
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Shine Jesus Shine Lord the light of Your love is shining
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Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名 Father, we love You, we worship and adore You
As The Deer (Verse 1) 如鹿切慕溪水
Shine, Jesus, Shine 哦!主發光
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
就在這裡 Right Here.
讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美
I love you more than anything in life
如鹿切慕溪水 As The Deer 我渴慕來敬拜你 As a deer panteth for the water,
聖靈啊 求你來 我軟弱 你明白 我無言 你嘆息 親自為我代求 你鑒察 我的心 使我走在屬神旨意 你醫治 我的靈 使我生命再次絢麗
生命的活水江河 River of Living Water
生命在於祢 My life is in You Lord ©1986 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
親愛的聖靈 Come Holy Spirit CCLI #
親愛的聖靈 Come Holy Spirit CCLI #
如同鹿切切渴慕溪水, 我靈亦渴慕追求你。 唯有你是我心所愛, 我渴慕來敬拜你。
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
Heavenly Father our God 願人都尊祢的名為聖 May Your Name be honored and adored
進入我的心,親愛耶穌, 求主來進入我的心; 因我心靈極疲乏困倦, 現在進入我的心。
Presentation transcript:


Baptism by the Holy Spirit 聖靈的洗 Baptism by the Holy Spirit (經歷神營會) 劉梅蕾 師母 生命河靈糧堂 ROLCC May 6, 2018


我們需要活水江河 How We Need the River Verse 1: 主 我渴慕祢 Lord, I thirst for You 因無人像祢能滿足我 There is no one else who satisfies 我靈 渴慕著祢 My soul, it longs for You 又如鹿深深切慕溪水 Like the deer panting for the water

主 我心等候 牽引我進入祢榮耀 主 求祢降臨 在這亁旱疲乏地 赐力量使我站立 Now I wait for You Take me to Your courts of glory 主 求祢降臨 在這亁旱疲乏地 Fall upon me, Lord Give me strength to help me stand 赐力量使我站立 In this dry and weary land

Living water flow to us again, we pray Chorus: 我們需要活水 How we need the river 我們需要靈雨 How we need the rain 活水江河來湧流 我們 祈求 Living water flow to us again, we pray

Let Your holy presence fill this place (x2) 降下祢的榮耀 Shower down Your glory 降下祢的恩典 Shower down Your grace 以祢聖潔同在充滿我 Let Your holy presence fill this place (x2)

聖潔 聖潔 聖潔 聖潔 聖潔 Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, 聖潔 主 Holy Lord

Lord, we seek to know Your glory and our hearts cry, “Abba Father.” Verse 2: 主 我們呼求 Deep calls unto deep 渴望來認識祢榮耀 Lord, we seek to know Your glory 因無人像祢 For there is only You 我們呼喊 「阿爸 父神」 and our hearts cry, “Abba Father.”

主 耶穌請來 祢恩典和愛 更新我 求 吹進我心 充滿祢新的憐憫 使全地來敬拜祢 Now Lord Jesus, come May Your love and grace restore us 求 吹進我心 Breathe upon us, Lord 充滿祢新的憐憫 Let Your mercies be brand new 使全地來敬拜祢 Let the whole earth worship You

Living water flow to us again, we pray Chorus: 我們需要活水 How we need the river 我們需要靈雨 how we need the rain 活水江河來湧流 我們祈求 Living water flow to us again, we pray

Let Your holy presence fill this place (x2) 降下祢的榮耀 Shower down Your glory 降下祢的恩典 Shower down Your grace 以祢聖潔同在充滿我 Let Your holy presence fill this place (x2)

To worship in Spirit and Truth Your power (repeat chorus) Bridge: 耶穌 釋放我們 Jesus, come and free us 敬拜用心靈誠實 To worship in Spirit and Truth 醫治 向我們彰顯 Heal us, and reveal to us 祢能力 Your power (repeat chorus)

Living water flow to us again, we pray Chorus: 我們需要活水 How we need the river 我們需要靈雨 How we need the rain 活水江河來湧流 我們祈求 Living water flow to us again, we pray

Let Your holy presence fill this place (x3) 降下祢的榮耀 Shower down Your glory 降下祢的恩典 Shower down Your grace 以祢聖潔同在充滿我 Let Your holy presence fill this place (x3)