神 要 開 道 路 God will Make a Way.


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Presentation transcript:

神 要 開 道 路 God will Make a Way

God will Make a Way 神要開道路 [ 1.1 ] 神要開道路 God will make a way 在曠野無路之處 where there seems to be no way. 雖未看見 祂已看顧 He works in ways we cannot see. 祂要為我開道路 He will make a way for me. God will Make a Way 神要開道路

God will Make a Way 神要開道路 [ 1.2 ] 祂是我引導 He will be my guide, 領我靠近祂懷抱 hold me closely to His side, 愛和力量 日日幫助 with love and strength for each new day. 祂要開道路 祂要開道路 He will make a way, He will make a way. God will Make a Way 神要開道路

God will Make a Way 神要開道路 [ C.1 ] 他必在曠野裡開道路 By a roadway in the wilderness 引導我 He'll lead me, 在沙漠中開江河供應我 and rivers in the desert will I see. God will Make a Way 神要開道路

God will Make a Way 神要開道路 [ C.2 ] 天地將要廢去 Heaven and earth will fade, 他的話語永長存 but His word will still remain, 在今日他要作新事 He will do something new today. God will Make a Way 神要開道路