耶穌基督見証的恢復 Recovery of the Testimony of Jesus Christ


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Presentation transcript:

耶穌基督見証的恢復 Recovery of the Testimony of Jesus Christ

天國子民應有的光景 The right situation of the heavenly kingdom people - 你們是世上的鹽,世上的光,造在山上的城 You are the salt and the light of the world, and a city that is set on a hill (馬太 Matt 5:13,14) - 門徒被稱為基督徒,是從安提阿起首 The disciples were first called Christian in Antioch (Acts 11:26)

現今神兒女的光景 - 有如尼希米時代被擄歸回的猶太人 和耶路撒冷的光景 The current situation of the children of God – It’s like the situation about Jewish remnant that survived the exile, and also about Jerusalem (尼希米記 Nehemiah 1:1-3) 百姓遭大難,受凌辱 People are in great trouble and disgrace 耶路撒冷的城牆拆毀,城門被焚燒 The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire

城牆 The walls - 分別 Separation - 保護 Protection - 見証 Testimony 城門 The Gates - 控制出入 Control for coming in and going out - 引到道路 Lead to the ways

要有感覺,要有反應 Do not be indifferent, be responsive - 尼希米听見這話,就坐下哭泣,悲哀几日,在天上的神面前禁食祈禱 When Nehemiah heard these things, he sat down and wept. For some days he mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven..(1:4)

有行動 He took action - 尼希米請假,回到耶路撒冷 Nehemiah asked for leave, and went back to Jerusalem (2:5,9-11) - 堪察實情 Surveyed the damages (2:13-15) - 帶頭爭戰,重建 Took the lead to fight and rebuild (2:17,4:14)

從城門城牆重建看耶穌基督見証的恢復 To understand the recovery of the testimony of Jesus Christ through the rebuilding of the gates and the walls of Jerusalem 1. 羊門 Sheep Gate (3:1) 2. 魚門 Fish Gate (3:3) 3. 古門 Old Gate (3:6)

4. 谷門 Valley Gate (3:13) 5. 糞廠門 Dung Gate (3:14) 6. 泉門 Fountain Gate (3:15) 7. 水門 Water Gate (3:26) 8. 馬門 Horse Gate (3:28) 9. 東門 East Gate (3:29) 10. 哈米弗甲門 Inspection Gate (3:31) 11. 羊門 Sheep Gate (3:32) 代表神兒女團体完整的經歷 Represent God’s children complete corporate experience

破壞最大的部分 The greatest damaged part (尼 Neh. 2:13 – 15): 泉門到水門之間 Between the Fountain Gate and the Water Gate 讀經禱告的生活和經歷 The life and experience of reading God’s word and prayer (弗 Eph. 5:26, 猶 Jude 20,21) 需要竭力修造 It takes zealous work of repairing (尼 Neh. 3:15 -26)

全民建造 All participate 祭司 Priests (3:1,22,28) 利未人 Levites (3:17) 勞力之人 Laborers (3:7) 祖孫三代 Three generations (3:4) 父子女兒二代 Two generations (3:6,11,12) 對著自已的房屋建造 Build toward own houses (3:10)

銀匠,作香之人 Gold smith, perfume-makers (3:8) 商人 Merchants (3:32) 一手作工,一手拿兵器 Did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other (4:17)