口病實驗平時考試 (11) 姓名 學號 日期 組別.


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Presentation transcript:

口病實驗平時考試 (11) 姓名 學號 日期 組別

(5/29)-1. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示plasmacytoid myoepithelial cell (slide 78)

(5/29)-2. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示pseudocartilage (slide 78)

(5/29)-3. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示myxomatous tissue (slide 79)

(5/29)-4. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示hyalinization (slide 79)

(5/29)-5. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示papillary projection

(5/29)-6. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示cystic structure with eosinophilic granular material

(5/29)-7. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示lymphoid tissue with germinal center

(5/29)-8. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示tumor islands with mucous cell

(5/29)-9. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示tumor islands with epidermoid

(5/29)-10. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示tumor island with cribriform (Swiss-cheese) appearance

(5/29)-11. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示why it is a solid type (slide 86)

(5/29)-12. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示tumor islands consisting with oncocytes

(5/29)-1. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis A 83 years old female patient came to our OPD for swelling masses over his bilateral pre-auricular and infra-auricular area for 3 years. The masses were firm to fluctuant to palpation. The patient was a heavy smoker. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis (口病網頁下載組織病理照片).

(5/29)-2. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis This 34 y/o male has found a nodule over right infra-auricular area for 5-6 years, which was painless and no special feeling. No facial numbness is complained. So, he did not pay attention about it. Recently he went to LDC for full mouth scaling, the LDC dentist noted this swelling. According to his statement, he felt it grew larger and tenderness recently. So, he come to our OPD for further evaluation and treatment. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis( 口病網頁下載組織病理照片).

(5/29)-3. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis A 24 years old female patient came to our OPD for a painful bluish swelling mass over her right palatal area for 6 months. The mass was firm to fluctuant to palpation. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis (口病網頁下載組織病理照片).

(5/29)-4. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis A 54 years old male patient came to our OPD for a painful, tender, ulcerated swelling mass with induration over his palatal area for 3 months. The mass was firm to palpation. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. The patient did not have betel-quid chewing habit (口病網頁下載組織病理照片).