In the World but not of the World –


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Presentation transcript:

In the World but not of the World – 在世界中但不屬於世界 In the World but not of the World – 作先知講道 Prophesy 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 14 章

前言 Introduction - 對付恩賜的問題 Deal with issue of spiritual gifts (12:1) - 孩子要成人 A child need to become a man (13:11) - 追求愛,是追求生命長大To follow the way of love is to pursue growth in life (14:1) - 切慕屬靈恩賜,特別是作先知講道 To desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophesy

先知講道與說方言 Prophecy and tongues (1-5) 林前十四章 1 Corin. Chapter 14 先知講道與說方言 Prophecy and tongues (1-5) - 說方言,對神說,造就自已 Speaking in tongues, speak to God, edifies himself (2,4a) - 先知講道是對人說,為造就教會 Prophesy is to speak to men, edifies the church (3,4b)

- 先知講道,強過說方言 Prophecy is greater than tongues (5) - 所以要羡慕作先知講道 Therefore desire for prophecy (1)

B. 說方言必須繙譯 Tongues must be interpreted (6-25) - 否則沒有益處,無意思 Otherwise, it will profit nothing and be insignificant (6-13) - 要用靈也要用悟性,禱告唱詩… With spirit and with mind to sing pray… (14-19)

C. 說方言是為不信的人作表記 Tongues are for a sign to unbelievers (20-25) - 心志上作大人 Be mature in understanding (20) - 作先知講道,為信的人之表記 Prophecy is a sign for believers (22) - 可以勸醒人,使人信服 Convince and convict unbeliever (23-25)

在聚會中,運用恩賜 Exercising gifts in the meeting (26-40) - 有詩歌,有教訓…凡事都當造就人everyone has a hymn, or a word…for the strengthening of the church (26-30) - 都可以作先知講道 You can all prophesy (31-33)

- 凡事照著次序行 Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way (34-40) - 要切慕作先知講道,也不要禁止說方言 Be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues (39)