藝術鑑賞的美學基礎 (i) The Aesthetic Foundation of Art Appreciation.


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Presentation transcript:

藝術鑑賞的美學基礎 (i) The Aesthetic Foundation of Art Appreciation

2005 達文西密碼之旅



光明路徑 (The Path of Illumination) 人民聖母教堂 勝利聖母教堂 聖天使堡 聖彼得大教堂 拿佛納廣場 羅馬 光明路徑 (The Path of Illumination)

Bernini, Habakkuk , 1655-61 Bernini, Ecstasy of St. Teresa,1645-52, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome  

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1598-1680

Bernini, David, 1623-24, Galleria Borghese, Rome Bernini, Apollo and Daphne, 1622-25, Galleria Borghese, Rome

Hermes Demeter Pomegranate pomum (apple) granatus (seeded) Persephone Frederic Leighton, The Return of Persephone,1891, Leeds Museum and Galleries, England Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Proserpine, 1874, Bernini, The rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, Galleria Borghese, Rome


舊宮 烏菲茲美術館

(goddesses of the seasons) Zephyrs Chloris Venus Flora Horae (goddesses of the seasons) Sandro Botticelli (波提切利), The Birth of Venus (維納斯的誕生), 1485-86, Uffizi Gallery , Florence

(charm, beauty, creativity) Cupid Zephyr Venus Chloris Flora Mercury three Graces (charm, beauty, creativity) Sandro Botticelli, Primavera, 1478, Uffizi Gallery , Florence

5 euro Michelangelo, David, c. 1501-4

百花大教堂 舊宮 烏菲茲美術館 舊橋


Arles Vincent van Gogh (梵谷), Cafe Terrace At Night (星空下的咖啡屋), 1888


Florence Château d'Amboise


Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, c. 1503-6

Alexander Baumgarten, (1714 - 1762) 美學?藝術史?藝術評論? 1750年鮑姆嘉通(Baumgarten)首度以《Aesthetics》為名稱呼其所著研究感性認識的一部書 美學:研究美(Art)與藝術(Beauty)的學科 美學的對象是感性認識的完善,是研究低級認識的科學…是以美的方式去思維的藝術,是美的藝術的理論。 Alexander Baumgarten, (1714 - 1762)

哲學兩個重要研究領域 本體論(ontology)-形而上學(metaphysics),研究事物存在與其本質 知識論(epistemology)-研究人類心智認識能力

哲學兩個重要研究領域 本體論(ontology)-形而上學(metaphysics),研究事物存在與其本質 知識論(epistemology)-研究人類心智認識能力 人類心智活動的三個領域 知(理性認知,understanding):邏輯學 情(感性認知,emotion): 美學 意(意志,will,reason):倫理學

美學?藝術史?藝術評論? 美國DBAE (Discipline-Based Art Education)教育方案界定之藝術領域四大學科: 1.藝術創作 2.藝術史 3.藝術評論 4.美學

藝術鑑賞 幾個美學上重要的對立命題 模仿 vs.創造 知性 vs.感性 內容 vs.形式

模仿? 創造? “… everything that is responsible for creating something out of nothing is a kind of poetry; … and everyone who practices a craft is a poet”. (Symposium 205C) 藝術模仿自然,但與真實性隔了三層(a third remove from the truth) 任何從無到有的創作都是詩…從事工藝創作者都是詩人。 Plato (427 BC – 347 BC )

戴爾· 奇胡利 (美,Dale Chihuly, 1941-) Seaforms

Glass Artists Face Off in Court 模仿? 創造? The New York Times June 1, 2006 TIMOTHY EGAN Glass Artists Face Off in Court 搶大自然版權 玻璃藝術家對簿公堂 Just because he was inspired by the sea does not mean that no one else can use the sea to make glass art. If anything, Mother Nature should be suing Dale Chihuly. Dale Chihuly in his studio Lake Union in Seattle. Bryan Rubino, at his studio in Shelton

模仿? 創造? Kant: “Genius is the inborn predisposition of the mind through which nature gives the rule to art.” 美的藝術出自天才 藝術之美在於我們明知那是藝術,卻又酷似自然。 Immanuel Kant (1724−1804) Michelangelo Buonarroti, Slave, 1530-36

知性? 感性? “On the subject of their dislike there is a difference between all these people, arising from the different kinds and degree of their knowledge…”(博克,《論崇高與美兩種觀念的根源》) 審美趣味不受理智干預 Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797 )

知性? 感性? 知識影響個人的審美判斷 -阿帕列斯(Apelles)與鞋匠的故事 Pliny, Natural History, 23-79 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Alexander and Campaspe with Apelles, 1696-1790, Getty Museum

知性? 感性? 知識影響個人的審美判斷 -土耳其蘇丹的故事 Giovanni Bellini, Head of St. John the Baptist, c. 1464-68, Musei Civici, Pesaro Gentile Bellini, The Sultan Mehomet II, 1480, National Gallery, London

內容? 形式? Taste is the faculty for judging an object or all kind of representation through a satisfaction or dissatisfaction without any interest. The object of such a satisfaction is called beautiful. 1,650萬元港幣(1989年11月) 雍正琺瑯彩四雁《飛鳴宿食》,鴻禧美術館 美是一種不涉及利害計較(慾念與概念),純粹的快感

內容? 形式? 葛林柏格以康德美學為基礎,強調藝術的純粹化、抽象化,成為二十世紀上半期現代藝術(Modernism)的主導。 Clement Greenberg (1909-1994) 康德實乃現代主義藝術之啟蒙者也 Jackson Pollock (1912-56), Abstract Expressionist Steve Klein Jackson Pollock(帕洛克), Convergence, 1952

內容? 形式? Dec. 17, 1928 Rumanian Sculptor Constantin Brancusi had to pay $4,000 to bring his Bird in Flight into the U. S. (TIME, March 7, 1927). Works of art are duty free. But Sculptor Brancusi's bird had neither head, feet nor feathers. It was four and a half feet of bronze which swooped up from its base like a slender jet of flame. Customs Inspector Kracke said it was not art; merely "a manufacture of metal . . . held dutiable at 40% ad valorem."

內容? 形式? Bird in Space Constantin Brancusi 1928 Bronze 137x22x16cm MOMA, New York 布朗庫西 (1876-1956)

內容? 形式? Last week Sculptor Brancusi won his case. In its decision the Customs Court dogmatically defined art: "It is a work of art by reason of its symmetrical shape, artistic outlines and beauty of finish." Even the most wretched of logicians knows enough not to repeat the same term in both subject and definition ("art" —"artistic outline"). But Sculptor Brancusi had his money refunded.

從美學到藝術鑑賞 丹托《在藝術終結之後》: -現代主義藝術的特色 :藝術家必需先為自己找到創作的哲學基礎。 -現代主義藝術的特色 :藝術家必需先為自己找到創作的哲學基礎。 -葛林柏格以康德美學為基礎,主導二十世紀上半期現代藝術的風貌。 -1960年代以後,普普藝術終結了現代藝術,純粹形式不再是評定藝術品的最高指標。 -回歸黑格爾:美是理念的感性顯現 Andy Warhol's (安迪.沃荷,1928-1987) Brillo Box. Arthur C. Danto (1924- )

Laurie Schneider Adams 當代藝術批評與鑑賞方法論 形式主義(Formalism) 圖像研究(Iconography) 傳記與自傳研究(Biography and Autobiography) 女性主義(Feminism) 馬克思主義(Marxism) 心理分析(Psychoanalysis) 符號學(Semiotics) 結構主義(Structuralism) 後結構主義(Post-Structuralism) 解構主義(Deconstruction) Laurie Schneider Adams

形式主義(Formalism) 強調造形的意味 ( significant of form): line, shape, space, color, light, balance, order, proportion, rhythm… 忽略藝術家背景及文化因素 著重藝術品所帶來的情感效應(emotional effects) 其發展約與印象派及後期印象派同時 (1870-1890-1920)

形式主義(Formalism) 主要影響人物: Immanuel Kant (康徳,徳,1724-1804) Clive Bell (貝爾,英,1811-1964) Roger Fry (佛萊,英,1866-1934) Clement Greenberg (葛林柏格,美,1909-1994) Immanuel Kant Clive Bell Roger Fry Clement Greenberg

形式主義 (Formalism) [These artists] say in effect to the Impressionists: "You have explored nature in every direction, and all honour to you; but your methods and principles have hindered artists from exploring and expressing that emotional significance which lies in things, and is the most important subject matter in art . . . (The Impressionists and their Legacy, P.645, Barnes & Noble, 1995) 1910年Roger Fry 於倫敦一場以 Gaugin, Cézanne與 Van Gogh為主的 post-impressionist 畫展的介紹詞: Gaugin, Woman Holding a Fruit, 1893  van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889  Cézanne, Still Life with Watermelon and Pomegranates, 1900-1906 

戴爾· 奇胡利 (美,Dale Chihuly, 1941-) Seaforms

形式主義(Formalism) 奇胡利, Seaforms "Davy's Gray Sea Form Set with Black Wrap Lips. American, designed and made by Dale Chihuly with Kate Elliott and other glassblowers, probably at Pilchuck Center, Seattle, 1985. Glass, clear greyish tinted, with coloured glass inclusions; an eight part assemblage consisting of one large 'container' in the shape of a wavy-edged shell with six smaller forms of varying dimensions and shapes nesting inside the other and a small sphere. Marks: CHIHULY 1985 incised on base of the largest. 24.7 cm. long. C.lll & A-G-1987.“ (Ceramics and Glass Acquisitions at the V & A., Burlington Magazine, May, 1990, p. 388)

形式主義(Formalism) 奇胡利, Seaforms 玻璃製品,以透明灰著色玻璃為主,搭配局部彩色玻璃。整件作品由八個單位組成,其中最大的一件帶波紋邊的貝殼狀容器裝載其他六個不規則形狀小的小作品,附帶另一個球狀體。

形式主義(Formalism) 布朗庫西 (1876-1956) Very few works of abstract art have crossed the line from flashy contemporary pieces to timeless works of art. But Brancusi's Bird in Space has succeeded brilliantly. There is not much to this piece, a stout base, a diminishing waist, and an expanding shape on top, but it all adds up to a feeling of soaring majesty. This is a sculpture that frees one's mind and you are immediately lifted into the air, both mentally and physically. (http://www.mystudios.com/treasure/brancusi/brancusi-review.html) Bird in Space Constantin Brancusi 1928

形式主義(Formalism) 布朗庫西 (1876-1956) …它給人憑添一種飛躍昂揚的感覺。這是一件可以解放人類心靈的雕塑品,當第一眼看到他,你的身心彷彿瞬間被高舉入雲霄。 Bird in Space Constantin Brancusi 1928

形式主義 (Formalism) “…the landscape forms are set in a bluish mist. The relatively small size of the distant mountains compared with the woman reflects the use of linear perspective. Their blurred edges and muted surfaces, however, attest to the use of atmospheric as well as linear perspective…” (Laurie Schneider Adams)

形式主義 (Formalism) 整個背景籠罩在灰藍的薄霧中,畫中的女士與相對縮小的遠山形成強烈的線性透視的效果。模糊的輪廓與柔和的表面質感,驗證了畫家對於大氣透視法的巧妙運用

Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, c. 1503-6 形式主義 (Formalism) Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci, c. 1503-6

美的形式原理 Principles of Form Proportion Balance Repetition Contrast Harmony Rhythm Texture 比例 平衡 反覆 對比 和諧 律動 質感

圖像研究 (Iconography) Iconography: eikon—image graphe—writing 圖像研究: 強調對圖像內涵而非形式的解讀 層次一:解釋圖像的自然意義 層次二:解釋藝術圖像的傳統意義 層次三:解釋作品的內在意義或內容 帕諾夫斯基( Erwin Panofsky,1892-1968)

圖像研究 (Iconography) Giotto (喬托), Nativity, c. 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua.

圖像研究 (Iconography) Giotto (喬托), Nativity, c. 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua.

圖像研究 (Iconography) 層次一:解釋圖像的自然意義

圖像研究 (Iconography) Gospel of Luke (路加福音): 層次二:解釋藝術圖像的傳統意義 Gospel of Luke (路加福音): And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night (2:8)…and the angel said unto them, “Fear not, for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”(2:10) Giotto (喬托), Nativity, c. 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua.

圖像研究 (Iconography) Gospel of Luke (路加福音): 層次二:解釋藝術圖像的傳統意義 Gospel of Luke (路加福音): 在伯利恆之野地裡有牧羊的人,夜間按著更次看守羊群 …… 有主的使者站在他們旁邊 …… 對他們說,不要懼怕,我報給你們大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的;因今天在大衛的城裡,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。 Giotto (喬托), Nativity, c. 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua.

圖像研究 (Iconography) Gospel of Luke (路加福音): 層次二:解釋藝術圖像的傳統意義 Gospel of Luke (路加福音): ? 在伯利恆之野地裡有牧羊的人,夜間按著更次看守羊群 …… 有主的使者站在他們旁邊 …… 對他們說,不要懼怕,我報給你們大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的;因今天在大衛的城裡,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。 Stable Midwife Virgin Marry ? Christ Joseph Giotto (喬托), Nativity, c. 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua.

圖像研究 (Iconography) 層次三:解釋作品的內在意義或內容

圖像研究 (Iconography) 以賽亞書第一章,先知責備子民說:「牛認識主人,驢認識主人的槽;以色列卻不認識我,我的子民不明白我」。 層次三:解釋作品的內在意義或內容 以賽亞書第一章,先知責備子民說:「牛認識主人,驢認識主人的槽;以色列卻不認識我,我的子民不明白我」。

圖像研究 (Iconography) 層次三:解釋作品的內在意義或內容 馬太福音:「 當人子在他榮耀裡、同著眾天使降臨的時候、要坐在他榮耀的寶座上。 萬民都要聚集在他面前,他要把他們分別出來,好像牧羊的分別綿羊山羊一般。  把綿羊安置在右邊、山羊在左邊。於是王要向那右邊的說、你們這蒙我父賜福的、可來承受那創世以來為你們所預備的國」。

圖像研究 (Iconography) 層次三:解釋作品的內在意義或內容 Gaze 馬太福音:「 當人子在他榮耀裡、同著眾天使降臨的時候、要坐在他榮耀的寶座上。 萬民都要聚集在他面前,他要把他們分別出來,好像牧羊的分別綿羊山羊一般。  把綿羊安置在右邊、山羊在左邊。於是王要向那右邊的說、你們這蒙我父賜福的、可來承受那創世以來為你們所預備的國」。


Artemis, Ephesus Museum, Turkey Ishtar Great Mother Goddess St. John the Baptist Artemis, Ephesus Museum, Turkey Herod Herodias Salome Gustave Moreau, Salome Dances for Herod, 1876, Moreau Museum, Paris. Moreau, Apparition,1877, Fogg Art Museum Cambridge.

Artemis, Ephesus Museum, Turkey Ishtar Great Mother Goddess St. John the Baptist Ephesus Museum Artemis, Ephesus Museum, Turkey 古巴比倫 Herod Herodias Salome Gustave Moreau, Salome Dances for Herod, 1876, Moreau Museum, Paris. Moreau, Apparition,1877, Fogg Art Museum Cambridge.

Artemis, Ephesus Museum, Turkey Ishtar Great Mother Goddess St. John the Baptist Artemis, Ephesus Museum, Turkey Herod Herodias Salome Gustave Moreau, Salome Dances for Herod, 1876, Moreau Museum, Paris. Moreau, Apparition,1877, Fogg Art Museum Cambridge.

Benozzo Gozzoli, The Dance of Salome 1461-62,National Gallery of Art, Washington Titian, Salome with the Head of John the Baptist, 1515, Doria Pamphilj Gallery, Rome

Oscar Wilde Ireland 1854 – 1900 dance of the seven veils Aubrey Beardsley, illustrations for the first English edition of Wilde's play Salome (1894, original 1891).

Richard Strauss German 1864-1949 Alice Guszalewicz as Salome in the Richard Strauss opera, c. 1910. 1910 poster by Ludwig Hohlwein

Richard Strauss German 1864-1949 Controversial Richard Strauss opera Salome, By Chris Kilpatrick, 04/02/2015, Belfast Telegraph (Northern Ireland)

Ishtar in Hades by E. Wallcousins. Ishtar and Tammuz Ishtar, Old Babylonian period Queen of Night Ishtar in Hades by E. Wallcousins. Gustave Moreau, Salome Dances for Herod, 1876, Moreau Museum, Paris.

圖像學 (Iconology) Iconology: the “science” (logos) of imagery Logy-logos: thought, reason 圖像學: 把美術作品作為社會史和文化史中某些環節 (context) 凝縮了的徵兆,而進行解釋。 強調對圖像象徵意涵(symbolical values)的詮釋 圖像學著重創作動機,也就是藝術家創作時的旨趣(motifs),其目的在藉由綜合藝術家個人人格特質、宗教態度、以及所處的時代社會背景,來探索藝術品所反應的中心思想。

Sangreal: San Greal: Holy Grail; 聖杯 Sangreal: Sang Real: Royal Blood; 皇室之血 Mary Magdelene (抹大拉的馬利亞) Peter John? Judas Georges de La Tour, Repenting Magdalene , c. 1638-40, Louvre 達文西 ,最後的晚餐,米蘭聖瑪麗亞德爾格契修道院 ,1495-1498

圖像研究(Iconography) 康熙民窯青花人物故事筆筒 ----《丙吉問牛圖》 劉海戲金蟾 老子騎青牛過函谷關