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Daily proverbs: 1.It takes two to make a quarrel. 2. Two heads are better than one. 3. A coin has two sides.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily proverbs: 1.It takes two to make a quarrel. 2. Two heads are better than one. 3. A coin has two sides."— Presentation transcript:

1 daily proverbs: 1.It takes two to make a quarrel. 2. Two heads are better than one. 3. A coin has two sides.

2 advantages disadvantages

3 The Effects of the Internet on Our Lives

4 Questions: 1.What are the two speeches about? 2.Who is the supporter of pro-internet side?Who is the supporter of con- internet side? 3. What is the style of this text? A. compository writing B. essay C. argument D. story Skimming and scanning

5 opinion positive effects a positive tool sub-arguments supporting facts conclusion Its value of looking for information ability to form friendship 1.With the ________ of a button or the______ of a mouse, a students can_______ knowledge no matter where he is.2.Internet users can __________with experts on all_______of ________. 1.Friendships can be based on ______ _____. 2.The _________ can stay in their home, and communicate with the _______ world. touch click acquire communicate sortstopics common interest disabled outside

6 Four Basic Elements of an Argument point of view sub-arguments supporting facts conclusion

7 self-study tasks: 1.Write down an outline of the second speech 2.Underline some useful words and phrases

8 Writing : 当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。 有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。 请你以 “ film or book , which do you prefer ?” 为题,按照以下要求写一篇英 文短文。(山东 06 年高考) 1. 表达自己的观点 2. 说明理由并给予例证 3. 字数不少于 120 个字。

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