( 意大利高级专家组织 ). TURIN WHO ARE WE A no profit voluntary association with over 1000 experts coming from all fields both public and private (economy,

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Presentation on theme: "( 意大利高级专家组织 ). TURIN WHO ARE WE A no profit voluntary association with over 1000 experts coming from all fields both public and private (economy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ( 意大利高级专家组织 )




5 WHO ARE WE A no profit voluntary association with over 1000 experts coming from all fields both public and private (economy, industry, commerce…) I.S.E.S. was established 1993; it is co- founder of CESES “ Confederation of European Senior Expert Services” based in Brussels which includes 26 associations of European Union.

6 (意大利高级专家组织)为一非赢利性 质的志愿者机构,其宗旨是派遣退休专 家向海外国家提供顾问援助。援助对象 包括公有及私有的各类企业,目的是现 场解决专业技术及管理方面的问题。每 项合作的时间为 10 到 60 天。 高级专家的咨询服务是免费的:旅费及 生活费用由主办国或国际组织承担,合 作期间专家享受人寿保险及其它相关保 险。

7 MAIN I.S.E.S. ACTIVITY AREAS Textile and clothing Agriculture Administration Environment Civil and industrial constructions Economics Industry Marketing Health Transportation Tourism Urban development Automotive Industries

8 顾问领域包括: 农业,服装,皮革,纺织, 印染,环保,城建,教育, 能源,工业,医疗保健, 电信,交通,旅游, 城市规划等。

9 WHAT WE DO A) We send experts in Italy and worldwide to solve locally technical, administrative and commercial problems. B) We are developing projects in favour of young and elderly people. C) We are developing international health, industrial and economical projects.

10 I.S.E.S. MISSIONS A) To provide assistance in Italy and in developing Countries to public and private entities, solving locally, industrial, administrative and commercial problems. B) To support elderly people as “active senior” for their own benefit and for that of the community. C) To develop special projects for the benefit of young and elderly people.

11 I.S.E.S. 自 1990 年 5 月与中 国 S.A.F.E.A. 组织(国家外 国专家事务管理局)合作 以来,已和中国几个省市 进行了合作

12 LENGHT OF THE MISSIONS Two - three weeks. Longer period can be agreed upon

13 I.S.E.S. Via Giolitti 21-10123 TORINO (ITALIA) Tel.( 电话 ): +39011 8138 752 Fax.( 传真 ): +390118138 7771 E-mail( 电子邮件 ): ises@volontariato.torino.it www.isestorino.it

14 Mr. ENRICO GENNARO President I.S.E.S. Italian senior expert service www.isestorino.it ises@volontariato.torino.it enrico.gennaro@nt-planet.com +39 3356136741

15 谢谢 意大利高级专家组织 都灵

16 SanYa BeiJing 2000 NanJing 2001 1998 Project “ A New Public Health in an Old Country ” E.U.(Piedmont Region & Sweden)-China (Hubei); MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING: “ Health System Comparison & Integration between E.U. ITALY and … CHINA (MAE-MOST 2000-2002 and 2002-2005), KOREA(MAE-MOST 2000-2002), MONGOLIA (MAE-MOH: 2001-2005 and 2006-2010) ” PIEDMONT REGION-CHINA Health Project: “ Un Ponte della Salute 2004-2008 ” Patrocinate by Turin Municipality (from June 2002) MOU: 30 in China and 3 in Mongolia TaiAn HuangShi JingMen XiangFan Kunming Lhasa Turin1998 Rome2000 Zuhai Shenzhen RSM Xigats è Chengdu Guangzhou D.G.P.C. of M.A.E. – M.O.S.T. A.S.L. TO 4, I.S.E.S..- B.I.G.C., Hubei P.H.B. Carlo Bagliani Guilin ChangChun ’ 04 GaoChun HaiKou Zhengzhou 2002 Gyangtse Janbaijin YiChang XiaMen KaiFeng LuoYang UlaanBaatar 2002 Seoul 2001 YunCheng Jakarta 2002 Darkhan TaiYuan www.isestorino.it Xi’An LiYang Tianjin 2004 Kharkhorin Harbin ‘05 Chongqing Qiqiha’er Jouzhaigou WuHan 1998-2018 ShiYan YunXian,YunXi Suzhou ShangHai JingQuan 2012 Ya’an ‘14 Mianyang Tianchang ‘13 Mianyang YangZhou

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