TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Study Abroad Program Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Program (3+2) 海外進修課程暨學碩士雙學位課程介紹.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Study Abroad Program Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Program (3+2) 海外進修課程暨學碩士雙學位課程介紹."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Study Abroad Program Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Program (3+2) 海外進修課程暨學碩士雙學位課程介紹

2 Temple University is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, convenient to both New York City and Washington, DC. Temple 大學位於賓州的費城, 到紐約市和華盛頓特區皆極為 方便。

3 ... In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 5 th largest city in the United States ( 美國第 5 大都市 ) Philadelphia was the United States’ first capital and is the site where the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution were written. ( 費城是美國的第一個首都,也是美國獨立宣言起草和美國憲法的發源地 ) More than 60 colleges and universities ( 市內有 60 多所大學院校 ) Ethnic neighborhoods such as Little Vietnam, Chinatown, Italian Market and more ( 校園附近有文化民族的聚居區,如小越南,中國城,意大利市集等 ) Home to Philadelphia Phillies, 76ers, Eagles and Flyers ( 擁有各種受歡迎球隊 )

4 Temple University Public Research University founded in 1884 Temple University 是所公立 ( 州立 ) 研究型大學,成立於 1884 年 ( 有 132 年歷史 ) 28 th Largest university in the U.S. 學生人數名列全美第 28 的大學 4 th largest provider of professional education in the U.S. 所開設的專業教育課程的總量位居美國第四位 ( 專業學位, 例如 : 法律, 醫學, 驗光學等 )

5 Temple University 421 academic degree programs include 143 bachelor’s programs, 189 master’s programs, 58 doctoral programs and 7 professional degree programs. 提供 421 種學位課程,包括 143 學士、 189 個 碩士、 58 個博士學位和 7 個專業學位課程。 Main Campus is 2.5 km from Center City Philadelphia, accessible by bus, subway and train. 主校區距費城市中心只有 2.5 公里,可乘坐 公車,地鐵和火車到達。 160 km from New York City; 225 km from Washington D.C. 距離紐約市 160 公里,距離華盛頓特區 225 公里。

6 Temple University 學生人數 Number of students : over 39,000 ( 大學部約 28,000) 圖書館藏書量 Number of books in Paley Library : over 3 million 資訊中心電腦 Number of computers in the Tech Center : 700 學生社團 Number of student organizations on-campus: 271 科技視訊教室比例 Percentage of smart classrooms: 87% 超大體育館 Size of Temple’s Liacouras Center: 3200 sq. meters ( 近千坪 ) 校內餐廳、超市、商店 On campus restaurants, supermarket, shops and services

7 Temple University Named a Princeton Review Best College 名列Princeton Review 最佳大學 之一 (2016) 1st In the World to Successfully Remove HIV from Human Cells 醫學院世界首創將HIV 病毒成功 的從人類細胞中移除 #1 in Graduate Entrepreneurial Mentorship, Princeton Review 研究所的創業輔導制度名列 Princeton Review 第一 (2014)

8 U.S. News & World Report 的排名 # 115 in National Universities Rankings 美國大學排名 115 (2016) #1 Online MBA program, U.S. News & World Report 線上MBA 課程排名第一 #4 Risk Management & Insurance – 風險管理和保險學系排名第四 #13 International Business - Undergraduate Business Specialty 大學部國貿學系排名第13

9 Study at Temple – Study Abroad Study Abroad - allows students to study at Temple for one year, paying tuition to Temple. 在天普大學上正式課程一年, 支付學費給天普大學 選項一 IELP: Intensive English Language Program that provides six levels of instruction on listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar to international students. 上 IELP 課程, 加強英文語文能力 選項二 Global Programs Language Studies: Students may study at Temple’s Intensive English Language Program (IELP) while taking one or two undergraduate courses for academic credit during their first or second semester. 同時上英文課程和選修正式課目

10 Global Programs Language Studies TRACK ONE Language minimum TOEFL iBT 70 - 73 Students take advanced English language courses in the morning and one (1) undergraduate course for credit (3-4 credits) in the afternoon. 托福成績達 iBT 70 – 73 者, 可以在上午上英文課, 下午同時選修 1 堂大學部相關課程。 Study at Temple – Study Abroad TRACK TWO Language minimum TOEFL iBT 74 - 78 Students take advanced English language courses in the morning and two (2) undergraduate courses for credit (3-4 credits) in the afternoon. 托福成績達 iBT 74 – 78 者, 可以在上午上英文課, 下午同時選修 2 堂大學部相關課程。

11 What are the benefits of Study Abroad? Global Programs Language Studies only offered to partner university students 有合作的大學特別安排的上課方式 Assigned to academic advisor 個別課業輔導 Provide assistance in finding housing 協助住宿安排 Airport Pickups 接機服務 Shopping Runs 協同購買生活用品 Welcome Activities 歡迎活動

12 DBMD: Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Program allows students to complete undergraduate study at their home institution (3 years) and advanced undergraduate and graduate coursework at Temple (2 years). DBMD Program at Temple DBMD 雙聯學士碩士課程讓學生在他們的原校上課( 3 年) 完成本科學士課程,在 Temple 大學 (2 年 ) 完成大四和研究所 的課程。

13 How does DBMD work? Students spend three years at their home institution and two years at Temple. At the conclusion of the program, they have a bachelor’s degree from the home university and a master’s degree from Temple. Freshman ~ Junior Years Senior Year = 1 st Graduate Year 2 nd Graduate Year Home University’s Undergraduate Degree Temple University’s Master’s Degree DBMD 雙聯學制如何進行 ? 學生花三年學習時間在他們的原校上課,二年在 Temple 大學上課。在學程 結束時,他們從原大學獲得學士學位,並從 Temple U 獲得碩士學位。

14 Is DBMD for you? DBMD 入學要求 GPA3.0/4.0 托福網路測驗 (TOEFL®iBT) – 79 + * Fox Business School ( 福克斯商學院 ) – iBT 100 以上 * Media and Communications ( 媒體和傳播學院 ) – iBT 95 以上 IELTS™ Academic 雅思 - 6.5 * Fox Business School - 7.0/7.5 以上 * Media and Communications - 7.0 申請商學院需要 GMAT 或 GRE 成績, 至少百分之 65 以上 DBMD 適合你嗎 ? 大三或大四的國際學生 就讀 DBMD 時, 在母校只剩三 個以下的未修課程

15 DBMD Graduate Programs (Partial List) College of Science and Technology 自然科學 科技學院 College of Pharmacy 藥學院 College of Engineering 工學院 Fox School of Business and Management 商學院 School of Tourism and Hospitality Manage- ment 觀光餐旅 School of Media and Communi- cation 大傳新聞 College of Liberal Arts 社會人文 學院 Biology Chemistry Computer Science Geology Information Science & Technology Mathematics Physics Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacodynamics Medicinal Chemistry Bioengineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering Actuarial Science Financial Analysis and Risk Management Financial Engineering Human Resource Management Investment Management IT Auditing and Cyber Security Marketing Statistics Sport and Recreation Administration Tourism and Hospitality Management Communicatio n Management Journalism Media Studies and Production Economics Geography and Urban Studies Master’s of Liberal Arts Political Sciences Sociology Religion

16 Spring Admission ( 春季可入學科系 ) Fox School of Business & Management 商學院 Actuarial Science Human Resource Management Marketing College of Engineering 工學院 Bioengineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering College of Liberal ArtsCollege of Liberal Arts 文學院 Geography and Urban Studies School of Media & Communication 傳播學院 Communication Management Journalism School of Pharmacy 藥學院 Medicinal Chemistry/Drug Discovery Pharmacodynamics - thesis based Pharmaceutics QA/RA College of Science & Technology 理學院 Biology Chemistry Computer and Information Science Information Science & Technology Mathematics Physics School of Tourism & Hospitality Management 旅遊餐飲管理學院 Sport and Recreation Administration Tourism & Hospitality Management

17 What are the benefits of DBMD? DBMD 雙聯學制的好處是什麼 ? GRE waived (except GMAT required for Business) Graduate Assistantship to select students in second year (up to 100% tuition remission and stipend) Guaranteed on campus housing Tuition Scholarships 不需 GRE (申請商學院需要 GMAT 或 GRE ) 在 Temple 第二年,學生可參加研究生 助教甄選(高達 100 %的學費減免和補助) 保證可住在校內的學生宿舍 學費獎學金 ( 視各學系的經費而定 )

18 DBMD 學費依所選課程有所不同 相關科系 2 年學費 (U$) Business$32,500 - 46,000 Engineering$38,490 Liberal Arts$35,070 – 42,000 Science & Technology$38,460 Media & Communication$45,000 Tourism$55,000

19 DBMD 其他相關費用 校內住宿費 : $7,250 / 一年 校內餐費 : $2,000-3,000 / 一年 海外學生保險費 : $2,500 / 一年 其他 : 書費、交通費、生活娛樂 等

20 Lola Lin Marketing Manager, dmg Events Asia Shanghai, China STHM’s Outstanding Graduate Student Award 目前任職: dmg Event Asia, 行銷經理 曾於佛州迪士尼樂園實習 台灣畢業學校:國立台北大學 / 休閒運動管理學系 Temple 大學: 旅遊暨餐飲管理 Undergraduate Degree: Recreational Sports Management, National Taipei University Graduate (DBMD) Degree: M.T.H.M in Tourism & Hospitality Management, Temple University DBMD Alumni

21 Chi-Fang Tsao Office of International Affairs, NTNU 目前任職:國立臺灣師範大學, 國際事務處 曾任職 : 2014 畢業, 曾於校內 intern (Podiatric Medicine 和 Career Center) 台灣畢業學校:國立臺灣師範大學 / 中學英語教學 Temple 大學: 傳播管理 Undergraduate Degree: Secondary English Education, National Taiwan Normal University Graduate (DBMD) Degree: Communication Management, Temple University DBMD Alumni

22 Jung Hsuan (Kate) Chen Quality Control Specialist, Clinical Vaccine and Cell Production Facility, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 目前任職: 賓州大學 / 臨床疫苗和細胞生產 部門, 品管專家 台灣畢業學校: 東海大學 / 動物科學生化 科技學士 Temple 大學: 微生物和免疫學碩士 Undergraduate Degree: Animal Science and Biotechnology, Tunghai University Graduate (DBMD): M.S. in Microbiology and Immunology, Temple University DBMD Alumni

23 Shih-Hui Nicole Chuang Employed at Chang Hwa Bank, Taiwan “DBMD offers an excellent opportunity for students to study abroad while speeding up the academic process. The international services are impeccable and the advisors strive to make the transition as easy as possible.” 目前任職 : 台灣彰化銀行 台灣畢業學校:國立中山大學 / 財經管理學士 Temple 大學: 會計及財經管理碩士 Undergraduate Degree: Financial Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University Graduate (DBMD) Degree: M.S. in Accounting and Financial Management, Temple University DBMD Alumni

24 Futao Lu PhD candidate, Economics University of Hong Kong 目前: 香港大學 博士候選人 香港畢業學校: 香港科技大學 / 數學系 Temple 大學: 經濟學碩士 Undergraduate Degree: Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China Graduate (DBMD): M.A. in Economics, Temple University DBMD Alumni

25 Po-shen Kuo Hardware Design Engineer, TRI Innovation “Temple’s DBMD program has been a rewarding experience for me. The faculty are very knowledgeable about their subject matter, as well as accessible and patient with international students. “ 目前任職 : 德律科技, 硬體設計工程師 台灣畢業學校: 台灣科技大學 / 電機工程學士 Temple 大學: 電機工程及電腦碩士 Undergraduate Degree: Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Graduate (DBMD) Degree: M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Temple University DBMD Alumni

26 Ya-Ting Claire Ou Scientist at TTY Biopharm, Taiwan 目前任職 :台灣東洋藥品 / 研究員 台灣畢業學校: 國立成功大學 / 化工系學士 Temple 大學: 生物工程碩士 Undergraduate Degree: Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Graduate (DBMD) Degree: M.S. in Bioengineering, Temple University DBMD Alumni

27 Hao-Wei William Yang Production Manager at Next Media Animation, Taiwan 目前任職 : 製作經理 / 壹傳媒動畫部門 台灣畢業學校: 東海大學 / 外國語文學系學士 Temple 大學: 新聞學碩士 Undergraduate Degree: Foreign Language and Literature, Tunghai University Graduate (DBMD) Degree: M.J. in Journalism, Temple University DBMD Alumni

28 Application Calendar 注意考試日期 Schedule TOEFL or IELTS 春季班申請截止日 Spring Application - October 15 秋季班申請截止日 Fall Application - April 1 Academic calendar - 秋季班上課期間 2016/8 - 2016/12 - 春季班上課期間 2017/1 - 2017/5

29 How do I apply? Schedule TOEFL or IELTS test date If applying for Business, schedule GRE or GMAT date. Begin the application process at http://www.temple.edu/provost/international/gp/p rograms/dbmd.html http://www.temple.edu/provost/international/gp/p rograms/dbmd.html 先規畫好 TOEFL 和 IELTS 的考試日期 如果申請 商學院要考 GRE 或 GMAT 可上網下載申請表格

30 DBMD 影片介紹 DBMD 影片介紹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bex0ed0naQ

31 Questions?? Contact the Office of Global Programs 1801 N. Broad Street, 403 Conwell Hall Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA +1-215-204-9570 Global.programs@temple.edu www.temple.edu/international/gp 美國賓州貿易投資辦事處 Temple 大學駐台代表處 TEL: (02) 8789-8855 taiwan@temple.edu

32 See you in Philadelphia!!

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