曹丕《典論》論文 Cao Pi (187-226A.D.) comments on the importance of writings 蓋文章,經國之大業,不朽之盛事;年壽有 時而盡,榮樂止乎其身;二者必至之常期, 未若文章之無窮。 Writing is the great work of ruling.

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Presentation on theme: "曹丕《典論》論文 Cao Pi (187-226A.D.) comments on the importance of writings 蓋文章,經國之大業,不朽之盛事;年壽有 時而盡,榮樂止乎其身;二者必至之常期, 未若文章之無窮。 Writing is the great work of ruling."— Presentation transcript:

1 曹丕《典論》論文 Cao Pi (187-226A.D.) comments on the importance of writings 蓋文章,經國之大業,不朽之盛事;年壽有 時而盡,榮樂止乎其身;二者必至之常期, 未若文章之無窮。 Writing is the great work of ruling a country and has immortal greatness. Life has a limit; glory and happiness stay in one’s body. Both have an end but writing is without end.

2 劉勰《文心雕龍》情采篇 Liu Xie “ The Literary Mind and Craving Dragons ” (?-520 A.D.) 「虎豹無文,則鞹同犬羊;犀兕有皮,而色 資丹漆,質待文也。 …. 文采所以飾言。」 “ When tigers and leopards are without their skins, they look like dogs and goats; male and female rhinoceros have their skins but they are materials to be painted with colors. Writing needs elegant appearance. ”

3 景教文獻譯文 Translations in the Nestorian Documents Christ Missiah 序聽迷詩所 Christ Missiah 序聽迷詩所 Jesus 移鼠 Jesus 移鼠

4 景教採用佛教道教的詞彙 Buddhist and Taoist terms in Nestorian Documents 天尊、世尊 (God) 、布施 (alms giving) 、施 主 (alms giver) 、法王、法主 (bishop) 、寺 (temple) 、僧 (monk) 、天堂 (heaven) 、地獄 (hell) 、惡魔 (devil) 、禮拜 (worship) 、受戒 (discipline) 、罪業 (sin) 、善業 (good work) 、 罪過 (sin, fault) 、無量 (boundless) 、大德 (monk) 、眾生 (lives) 、愚癡 (foolish) 。 天尊、世尊 (God) 、布施 (alms giving) 、施 主 (alms giver) 、法王、法主 (bishop) 、寺 (temple) 、僧 (monk) 、天堂 (heaven) 、地獄 (hell) 、惡魔 (devil) 、禮拜 (worship) 、受戒 (discipline) 、罪業 (sin) 、善業 (good work) 、 罪過 (sin, fault) 、無量 (boundless) 、大德 (monk) 、眾生 (lives) 、愚癡 (foolish) 。

5 元代天主教傳教士 Catholic Missionaries in Yuan Dynasty 柏朗嘉賓 (John of Piano Carpini, OFM, 1182- 1252)1246 年見欽察汗王拔都 (Kipchak Khan Batu) 。 柏朗嘉賓 (John of Piano Carpini, OFM, 1182- 1252)1246 年見欽察汗王拔都 (Kipchak Khan Batu) 。 亞塞琳 (Ascelino di Lombardia, OP ) 1247 年見邊 境將軍貝住 (Baidju) 。 亞塞琳 (Ascelino di Lombardia, OP ) 1247 年見邊 境將軍貝住 (Baidju) 。 隆如美 (Andre de Lonjumel, OP)1249 年往蒙古大 可汗宮廷與蒙古人修好。 隆如美 (Andre de Lonjumel, OP)1249 年往蒙古大 可汗宮廷與蒙古人修好。 羅伯魯 (Rubruc, OFM)1253 年赴蒙古宣傳福音。 He met Khan Mongke ( 蒙哥)。 羅伯魯 (Rubruc, OFM)1253 年赴蒙古宣傳福音。 He met Khan Mongke ( 蒙哥)。

6 元代最成功的天主教傳教士 The most successful Missionary in Yuan dynasty 孟高維諾 (Giovanni da Montecorvino, OFM)1289 年帶同教宗國書,取道印度到達 中國。 1294 到北京 (Beijing) , 1297 年在北 京建立第一座天主教聖堂 (First Catholic Church) 。 1308 年被祝聖為北京總主教 (consecrated Archbishop of Beijing) 。他學 習蒙古文,按照拉丁禮規,用蒙古文舉行 彌撒。 1328 年安逝如北京 (died) 。 孟高維諾 (Giovanni da Montecorvino, OFM)1289 年帶同教宗國書,取道印度到達 中國。 1294 到北京 (Beijing) , 1297 年在北 京建立第一座天主教聖堂 (First Catholic Church) 。 1308 年被祝聖為北京總主教 (consecrated Archbishop of Beijing) 。他學 習蒙古文,按照拉丁禮規,用蒙古文舉行 彌撒。 1328 年安逝如北京 (died) 。 1410 年,北京教區被教會除名。 1410 年,北京教區被教會除名。

7 利瑪竇的前驅 Forerunners of Matteo Ricci 1552 St. Francis Xavier died in Shangchuan Island (上川島 ) 。 1552 St. Francis Xavier died in Shangchuan Island (上川島 ) 。 1555 Melchior Nunez Barreto, S.J. (巴來多神父 ) the first Jesuit landed in China Mainland. 1555 Melchior Nunez Barreto, S.J. (巴來多神父 ) the first Jesuit landed in China Mainland. 1578 Alexander Valignano ( 范禮安 )landed in Macau. 1578 Alexander Valignano ( 范禮安 )landed in Macau. 1579 Michele Ruggieri ( 羅明堅 ) arrived in Macau. 1579 Michele Ruggieri ( 羅明堅 ) arrived in Macau.

8 羅明堅 (Michele Ruggieri 1543-1607) 的中文造詣 羅明堅的十誡譯文( 1582 ) Ruggieri’s translation of the Ten Commandments: 羅明堅的十誡譯文( 1582 ) Ruggieri’s translation of the Ten Commandments: 一、要誠心奉敬一位天主,不可祭拜別等神像。 二、勿呼請天主名字,而虛發誓願。 You shall worship only one God and no other gods. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 一、要誠心奉敬一位天主,不可祭拜別等神像。 二、勿呼請天主名字,而虛發誓願。 You shall worship only one God and no other gods. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 嗃呣羨的十誡譯文( 1593 ): 嗃呣羨的十誡譯文( 1593 ): 第一件:惜僚氏,勝過各眾物。第二件:不可亂 咀誓。 第一件:惜僚氏,勝過各眾物。第二件:不可亂 咀誓。

9 羅明堅《天主實錄》的序文 Preface of Ruggieri ’ s “ The True Exposition of the Lord of Heaven ” 嘗謂五常之序,惟仁義為最先,故五倫之內,以 君親為至重。人之身體髮膚,受於父母。為人子 之報父母者,皆出於良知良能,不待學而自然親 愛者也。 … 惟以天主行實,原於天竺,流布四方, 得以救拔魂靈升天,免墜地獄。其俯視金玉寶馬, 徒為玩好,而無益於世者,相遠果何如耶?僧思 報答無由,姑述實錄而變成唐字,略酬其柔遠之 恩於萬一云爾。 …… 實錄未見之先,有如黑夜無 光,不知生死之原。實錄既見之後,自明天主根 由,而知所以善善而惡惡者,其若撥雲霧而覩日 月矣。 嘗謂五常之序,惟仁義為最先,故五倫之內,以 君親為至重。人之身體髮膚,受於父母。為人子 之報父母者,皆出於良知良能,不待學而自然親 愛者也。 … 惟以天主行實,原於天竺,流布四方, 得以救拔魂靈升天,免墜地獄。其俯視金玉寶馬, 徒為玩好,而無益於世者,相遠果何如耶?僧思 報答無由,姑述實錄而變成唐字,略酬其柔遠之 恩於萬一云爾。 …… 實錄未見之先,有如黑夜無 光,不知生死之原。實錄既見之後,自明天主根 由,而知所以善善而惡惡者,其若撥雲霧而覩日 月矣。

10 羅明堅的中文詩 Chinese Poems of Ruggieri 第二十四首 嘆唐話未正 第二十四首 嘆唐話未正 數年居此道難通 只為華夷話不同 數年居此道難通 只為華夷話不同 直待了然中國語 那時講道正從容 直待了然中國語 那時講道正從容 No.24 On regretting my poor knowledge of Chinese No.24 On regretting my poor knowledge of Chinese Several years have I resided in this place and still find it hard to teach the Christian religion. Several years have I resided in this place and still find it hard to teach the Christian religion. It is all because there is a difference between the foreign and the Chinese language. It is all because there is a difference between the foreign and the Chinese language. I must go on waiting until I have mastered the Chinese language, I must go on waiting until I have mastered the Chinese language, Then I shall be able to preach with ease. Then I shall be able to preach with ease.

11 第十一首 偶遇 No. 11 A Casual Thought 朝讀四書暮詩篇 優游那覺歲時遷 朝讀四書暮詩篇 優游那覺歲時遷 時人不識予心樂 將謂偷閑學少年 時人不識予心樂 將謂偷閑學少年 In the morning I study the Four Books, in the evening I read poems, In the morning I study the Four Books, in the evening I read poems, Living leisurely I forget how time flows, Living leisurely I forget how time flows, Bystanders who are not aware of my interior contentment, Bystanders who are not aware of my interior contentment, Fancy me taking a moment of leisure in the manner of a youth. Fancy me taking a moment of leisure in the manner of a youth.

12 羅明堅的詩 第二首 遊到杭州府 第二首 遊到杭州府 不憚驅馳萬里程 雲遊浙省到杭城 不憚驅馳萬里程 雲遊浙省到杭城 携經萬卷因何事 只為傳揚天主名 携經萬卷因何事 只為傳揚天主名 No. 2 A Visit to Hangzhou Prefecture No. 2 A Visit to Hangzhou Prefecture Valiantly I make the trip of ten thousand miles, Valiantly I make the trip of ten thousand miles, And wandering about I came to Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province; And wandering about I came to Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province; If you wish to know why I brought voluminous sacred writings with me, If you wish to know why I brought voluminous sacred writings with me, It is because I wish to make known God ’ s name. It is because I wish to make known God ’ s name.

13 近體詩仄起慣例: 近體詩仄起慣例: 仄仄平平仄仄平 平平仄仄仄平平 仄仄平平仄仄平 平平仄仄仄平平 平平仄仄平平仄 仄仄平平仄仄平 平平仄仄平平仄 仄仄平平仄仄平 Rule of a poem beginning with an oblique tone: Rule of a poem beginning with an oblique tone: / / ─ ─ / / ─ , ─ ─ / / / ─ ─ / / ─ ─ / / ─ , ─ ─ / / / ─ ─ ─ ─ / / ─ ─ /,/ / ─ ─ / / ─ ─ ─ / / ─ ─ /,/ / ─ ─ / / ─




17 十二種收在四庫全書的利氏著作 12 Books of Ricci in “ The Four Collections of Books ” 1. 天學初函 First Collection of Heavenly Studies. 1. 天學初函 First Collection of Heavenly Studies. 2. 乾坤體義 Explanation of the Structure of Heaven and Earth. 2. 乾坤體義 Explanation of the Structure of Heaven and Earth. 3. 測量法義 Theory and Method of Measurements ( 附測量異同、勾股義 appendix: Explanation of the Triangle). 3. 測量法義 Theory and Method of Measurements ( 附測量異同、勾股義 appendix: Explanation of the Triangle).

18 4. 渾蓋通憲圖說 Astrolabe and Spheres: Charts and Commentary. 4. 渾蓋通憲圖說 Astrolabe and Spheres: Charts and Commentary. 5. 圜容較義 Treatise on Isoperimetric Figures. 5. 圜容較義 Treatise on Isoperimetric Figures. 6. 同文算指 Treatise on Arithmetic. 6. 同文算指 Treatise on Arithmetic. 7. 幾何原本 Elements on Geometry. 7. 幾何原本 Elements on Geometry. 8. 辨學遺牘 Posthumous Polemic against the Idolatrous Sects. 8. 辨學遺牘 Posthumous Polemic against the Idolatrous Sects. 9. 二十五言 Twenty-five Sayings. 9. 二十五言 Twenty-five Sayings. 10. 天主實義 The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven. 10. 天主實義 The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven.

19 11. 畸人十篇 Ten Discourses by an Extraordinary Man. (附西琴曲意八章 Appendix: Eight Songs for Harpsichord). 11. 畸人十篇 Ten Discourses by an Extraordinary Man. (附西琴曲意八章 Appendix: Eight Songs for Harpsichord). 12. 交友論 On Friendship. 12. 交友論 On Friendship.

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