1. 2 「有『營』食肆」運動 簡介會 Briefing session on Campaign.

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2 2 「有『營』食肆」運動 簡介會 Briefing session on “EatSmart@restaurant.hk” Campaign

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4 4 港人出外用膳 每週五次或以上 資料來源 : 2007 年食肆基線調查 27 44 6 百份比百份比

5 5 希望有更多健康選擇的市民 年齡分佈圖 資料來源 : 2007 年食肆基線調查 年齡 ( 歲 ) 93 92 95 93 89

6 6 「有『營』食肆」運動先導計劃 Pilot Project

7 7 先導計劃 Pilot Project 食肆的角色: Role of Pilot restaurants: – 提供更多較健康而又美味的菜式 Provide more delicious yet healthy dishes – 明確標示健康的菜式 Label the healthy dishes clearly – 並向客人作出宣傳及推廣 Promote to patrons

8 8 先導計劃 Pilot Project 參加者超過 300 間, 統計數字來自其中 50 間 More than 300 outlets took part Data collected from 50 restaurants 訪問了 500 位顧客及 200 位食肆員工 500 patrons and 200 restaurant staff were interviewed

9 9 食肆員工調查 Restaurant Staff Interview 50 間「有『營』食肆」每日合共提供有『營』菜式 685 款,當 中有 13 間食肆由原先沒有提供健康菜式進步成為有健康菜式供 應的「有『營』食肆」 50 Pilot Restaurants provided a total of 685 EatSmart Dishes on their menu on any one day. 13 of these restaurants started off with no healthy option at all. 95% 食肆員工稱選擇健康菜式的顧客增加了 95% of restaurant staff reported more customers choosing Healthier Dishes 62% 食肆稱健康菜式銷售數字有所上升 62% of restaurants reported increased sales in healthier dishes 98% 認為在食肆推行健康飲食是可行的 98% of restaurant staff thinks it is viable to promote healthy eating in restaurant settings

10 10 顧客調查 Customer Interview 95% 食過健康菜式的顧客覺得健康菜式符合要求 95% are satisfied with the healthier dishes 98.8% 支持食肆提供健康菜式 99% supported restaurants providing the healthier dishes 75% 會因食肆提供健康菜式而再次光顧 75% would patronize this restaurant again for its provision of healthier dishes

11 11 認知和行為 Awareness and Ordering pattern 500 Customers  263 237 114  123 27  236 Awareness of the Pilot Project Ordered Healthier Dish 48.1% 10.3% 4.7 times more likely to order

12 12 EatSmart@restaurant.hk Camapaign 全港推行 Territory wide Launch

13 13 基本要求 Basic Requirement 食物業牌照或符合相關規定 Business registration license and/or other permit(s) or license(s) relating to its business 恆常供應最少五款「有『營』菜式」,包括「蔬果之選」及「 3 少 之選」菜式 Commit to providing at least 5 EatSmart Dishes of “More Fruit & Vegetables” and “3 Less” dish(es) on its regular menu throughout the calendar year 善用產品資訊和購買點推廣資料 Optimal use of product information and point-of-purchase promotional information 存放顧客意見表 Place Customer Opinion Form in all outlets

14 14 報名程序 達到基本要求: 1. 持有有效牌照 2. 承諾推廣健康飲食 3. 善用推廣材料 4. 簽訂承諾書,協議遵守本指引 提交文件: 1. 申請表 2. 有效牌照副本 3. 提名參加簡介會的職員名單 職員出席簡介會 職員掌握簡介會內容 完成培訓後 10 天內參照衛生署所訂的指標, 設計最少五款「有『營』菜式」提交食譜, 當中應包括「蔬果之選」及「 3 少之選」 審議食譜和提供意見 步驟 1 申請 步驟 2 簡介會 步驟 3 提交食譜

15 15 報名程序 申請人提交食譜後 20 天內將接獲回饋意見並確認 已成為有「營」食肆 簽訂承諾書,遵守本計劃的規定 長期提供餐牌標誌顯示的最少五款健康菜式 應用「有『營』食肆」運動標貼及推廣物料 保證長期提供最少五款健康菜式 按照衛生署所訂指標 ( 記存檢對清單 ) 構思更多 元化的健康菜式 有效地應用「有『營』食肆」計劃標貼及推廣材料 主動與顧客溝通,表達食肆致力推廣健康飲食 步驟 4 批核參與資格 步驟 5 監察與支緩 維持資格至該曆年年底 步驟 6 續期

16 16 意見反映及支援 Feedback and Support 顧客 Customers 衞生署 Department of Health 食肆 Food premises

17 17 「有『營』食肆」好處多 Benefits of Becoming An EatSmart Restaurant 樹立以顧客為本及承擔社會責任的經營者的形象 Identification as customer-centric business operators that respond positively to the health needs of clients 免費獲衞生署提供宣傳產品,藉「有『營』食肆」運動的各式推廣優化食肆的 形象及知名度 Free promotion materials from the DH: the ES Campaign offers many promotional channels to enhance the image and popularity of your food premise 參與「有『營』食肆」運動的推廣活動及合作推廣項目 You can take advantage of various forms of ES Campaign promotional activities and collaborative programmes 食肆資料可獲免費列載於「有『營』食肆」專題網站內供市民查閱 Food premise will also be listed on the EatSmart Website for customer browsing 可獲衞生署提供宣傳材料、培訓課程、資源和專業支援服務,幫助員工增廣營 養學知識、改善烹調技巧及出品質素 Training, educational resources and professional support are available to enhance nutritional knowledge, cooking technique and food quality

18 18 總結 Conclusion 跨界別合作改善人口健康 Multi-sectoral collaboration to improve public health 關注及改善膳食營養的計劃 A Healthy eating promotion and awareness raising Campaign 食肆的責任 Responsibility of the trade 市民的責任 Responsibility of citizens

19 19 立即加入 Join the EatSmart Force www.eatsmart.gov.hk

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