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My Favorite Food ——Chen Ying. Home Cooking: Coke chicken wing 可乐鸡翅 (鸡翅有温中益气、补精添髓、 强腰健胃等功效。) (鸡的营养物质大部分为蛋白质和脂肪, 吃多了会导致身体肥胖。鸡肉中欠缺 钙、铁、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素 、尼克酸以及各种维生素和粗纤维,

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Presentation on theme: "My Favorite Food ——Chen Ying. Home Cooking: Coke chicken wing 可乐鸡翅 (鸡翅有温中益气、补精添髓、 强腰健胃等功效。) (鸡的营养物质大部分为蛋白质和脂肪, 吃多了会导致身体肥胖。鸡肉中欠缺 钙、铁、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素 、尼克酸以及各种维生素和粗纤维,"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Favorite Food ——Chen Ying

2 Home Cooking:

3 Coke chicken wing 可乐鸡翅 (鸡翅有温中益气、补精添髓、 强腰健胃等功效。) (鸡的营养物质大部分为蛋白质和脂肪, 吃多了会导致身体肥胖。鸡肉中欠缺 钙、铁、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素 、尼克酸以及各种维生素和粗纤维, 长期食用易导致身体亚健康。) Chicken nutrients most of protein and f at, to eat many will cause the body fat. Chicken in owe lack calcium, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and various vitamin and crude fiber, l ong-term consumption can lead to t he body and health Chicken wings with temperature in yiqi, jing tian pulp, strong waist jianwei effect and so on.

4 糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs (糖醋排骨是糖醋菜中具有代表性的一道 大众喜爱的传统菜,它选用新鲜猪子排 作料,肉质鲜嫩,成莱色泽红亮油润, 口味香脆酸甜,颇受江南一带食者的欢迎。) Of sweet and sour food is sweet and sour pork ribs is representative of a popular traditional dish, it selects the fresh pig son ingredients, meat is tender, l ai, colour and lustre is red oil moisten, crispy taste sweet and sour, is quite popular with the predator, the jiangnan area. (排骨提供人体生理活动必需的优质蛋白质, 脂肪,尤其是丰富的钙质可维护骨骼健康。) Spare ribs with human physiological activities required quality protein, fat, especially rich in calcium could maintain bone health.

5 Red-Cooked Eggplant 红烧茄子 (抗衰老:茄子含有维生素 E ,有防止出血和抗衰 老功能,常吃茄子,可使血液中胆固醇水平不致 增高,对延缓人体衰老具有积极的意义。) Anti-aging: eggplant contains vitamin E, prevent bleeding and anti-aging function, often eat eggplant, may increase cholesterol levels in the blood is not, to postpone the aging has the positive significance (茄子属于寒凉性质的食物。 所以夏天食用,有助于清热解暑.) Eggplant belongs to cold nature of the food. So the summer edible, helps to clear heat has soared

6 Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐 ( 此菜色泽淡黄,豆腐软嫩而有光泽、其味麻、 辣、酥、香、嫩、鲜、烫,豆腐表面盖有一层 淡红色的辣油,可保持豆腐内的热度不使很快 散失,趁热吃滋味更佳,花椒面也扑鼻。在数 九寒冬季节食用,更是取暖解寒的美味佳肴。 ) The pale yellow, soft and tender bean curd luster, its taste hemp, spicy, tender, fresh, hot, sweet, crisp, with a layer of faint red chili oil, bean curd surface can keep the tofu in dissipating heat does not make soon, eat hot taste better, pepper noodles and tangy. Eat the bitter winter season, more of a heating solution cold delicacies.

7 干锅土豆片 Dry pot potato chips ( 土豆含有大量淀粉以及蛋白质、 B 族维生素、 维生素干锅土豆片 C 等,能促进脾胃的消化功能。 ) Potatoes contain much starch and protein, B vitamins, vitamin dry pot chips C, etc., can promote the digestive function of the spleen and stomach. (降糖降脂、美容养颜,抗衰老。) Hypoglycemic lipid-lowering, beauty to raise colour , anti-aging 。

8 Dongpo eggplant 东坡茄子 Its characteristic is special aroma your meicai vegetable eggplant, have with chili rash all over your body. (其特点是梅菜特殊的香气沁入茄子中, 有借助辣椒窜遍全身。)

9 Chicken with chilies 辣子鸡 The cuisine : Even compared with food from Sichuan , China's mecca of spicy dishes , Chongqing cuisine scores high in spiciness and numb - inducing ingredients . (烹饪风格:即使常常拿来和川菜作对比, 重庆仍旧是当之无愧的中国辣菜圣城, 在麻辣程度上重庆菜首屈一指。) The dish : La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn , toasted sesame and dried bird's - eye chilis to create a plate of hot , red deliciousness . 菜肴:辣子鸡是将酥脆的鸡胸脯块与干胡椒、 芝麻和干辣椒一同翻炒,从而做出一盘子火辣辣红彤彤的美味。

10 清蒸大闸蟹 Steamed Dazha Crabs 螃蟹:螃蟹含有丰富的蛋白质及微量元素, 对身体有很好的滋补作用。螃蟹还有抗结核 作用,吃蟹对结核病的康复大有补益。 Crab: contains rich protein and trace elements, have very good nourishing effect to the body. Crab and anti-tuberculosis role, eat crab is of great benefit to tuberculosis rehabilitation. Hairy crabs in the Yangtze river water system production is the largest, the most delicious taste. (大闸蟹以长江水系产量最大,口感最鲜美。)

11 水煮肉片 Boiled sliced meat (水煮肉片为四川名菜之一,因肉片未经划 以水煮熟故名水煮肉片。吃时肉嫩菜鲜, 汤红油亮,麻辣味浓,最宜下饭,为冬季 家常美食之一。) Boiled meat as one of the sichuan speciality. Help yourself, because the meat without row oil to water, boiled meat. When eating fresh, tender meat dish Shang Gong sleek, spicy taste thick, the most appropriate orders, one of the homely food for winter.


13 春卷 Spring rolls, also called the ripening, wafers. Traditional food is the han folk festival. Spring rolls are evolved by ancient ripening 春卷,又称春饼、薄饼。是汉族民间节日 传统食品。春卷是由古代的春饼演化而来的。 Spring roll

14 牛肉饼 Burgers is a common food in our lives, smelling the aroma pubi, outside degeneration in the crisp sweet, tender and mild. ( 牛肉饼是我们生活中常见的食物, 闻着香气扑鼻,外酥松脆香、里 鲜嫩微辣。 ) minced beef cutlet 牛肉饼也称 “ 千层牛肉饼 ” ,已经有一千二百多年的历史。 Burgers are also referred to as "thousand layer burgers", has a history of more than one thousand two hundred years.

15 Noodles slender spikes have thews, yellow color and oil moisten, delicious taste. 面条纤细根根有筋力,色泽黄而油润,滋味 鲜美。 Wuhan hot-and-dry noodles is the characteristic snack for breakfast. 热干面是武汉颇具特色的早餐小吃。 Wuhan dry noodles 武汉热干面

16 Yangzhou fried rice 扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Fried rice and yangzhou Fried rice with egg, the spread in the folk. 扬州炒饭又名扬州蛋炒饭,原流传于民间。 Eggs: dryness, enhance immunity, eyes Green beans: the spleen and replenishing qi, heat-clearing and detoxicating Carrots, liver, spleen, eliminating phlegm cough 鸡蛋:润燥、增强免疫力、护眼明目 青豆:健脾、益气、清热解毒 胡萝卜:养肝明目、健脾、化痰止咳

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