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Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging 生理性磁共振影像 彭旭霞 助理教授 國立清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging 生理性磁共振影像 彭旭霞 助理教授 國立清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging 生理性磁共振影像 彭旭霞 助理教授 國立清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系 1

2 Course Information Instructor: Hsu-Hsia Peng 彭旭霞 (BMES R415) Time: Tuesday 09:00~12:00 Classroom: BMES R401 TEL: +886 3 5715131 ext. 80189 E-mail: Office hour: Tuesday 13:00~15:00 (appointment via E- mail in advance) Course materials: 2

3 Prerequisites ( 建議先修課程 ) 核磁共振影像原理及應用 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Principles and Applications) It is NEVER easy to take MR-related courses. 絕對要有 ” 課很重 ” 的心理準備 3

4 Text Book/Optional References 課程參考資料及用書 Powerpoint slides ( 自編課堂投影片 / 講義 ) (In fact, there are so many materials…) 4

5 Acknowledgements 國立台灣大學生醫電資所 鍾孝文教授 國立清華大學醫環系 王福年教授 5

6 Course Objectives ( 課程目標 ) Develop basic concepts and physiological applications of MRI Develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills Learn to integrate and apply various concepts to a single problem 6

7 日期內容備註日期內容備註 20160216Introduction 20160419Parallel imaging 20160223Basic concepts of MRI 20160426MidtermMidterm (close book) 20160301Pulse sequencePaper title20160503Spiral imagingMidterm report 20160308fMRI 20160510BreakConference 20160315MRA with contrast agentSynopsis20160517Navigator echo 20160322Flow and MRAQuiz120160524Propeller imaging 20160329Phase-contrast MRIAbstract20160531Susceptibility effect 20160405Break 清明節 20160607Final PresentationQuiz2, Presentation 20160412Diffusion imaging 20160614 Syllabus 7

8 Phase Aliasing: leg vessels magnitude phase 8

9 Choose different Venc Venc = 10 cm/sec Venc = 30 cm/sec Venc = 70 cm/sec 9

10 日期內容備註日期內容備註 20160216Introduction 20160419Parallel imaging 20160223Basic concepts of MRI 20160426MidtermMidterm (close book) 20160301Pulse sequencePaper title20160503Spiral imagingMidterm report 20160308fMRI 20160510BreakConference 20160315MRA with contrast agentSynopsis20160517Navigator echo 20160322Flow and MRAQuiz120160524Propeller imaging 20160329Phase-contrast MRIAbstract20160531Susceptibility effect 20160405Break 清明節 20160607Final PresentationQuiz2, Presentation 20160412Diffusion imaging 20160614 Syllabus 10

11 Spine Phased Array 的組合影像 綜合個別線圈影像得到大的 FOV 11

12 Echo Planar Imaging RF GzGz GyGy GxGx t t t t kxkx kyky 12

13 Spiral Imaging RF GzGz GyGy GxGx t t t t kxkx kyky 13

14 Motion Artifacts of Heart Beats (Ghosts) 心跳假影 ECG Gating 14

15 接下來, 你可能會關心 … 15

16 Grading: Part I Delay of reports is not acceptable!! Quiz: 35% - 2 次 (15%+20%) - 當天一開始上課就考 - 可帶一張手寫 A4-size 雙面大抄 16

17 Grading: Part II Midterm: 45% - 考到前次上課 ( 含 ) 以前的內容 - 可帶一張手寫 A4-size 雙面大抄 17

18 Grading: Part III Final presentation (20%) - Journal paper (one main reference+two references) - Nature 、 Science ( 或其所屬之系列的國際期刊 ) - published year: 2011~ - title/subject : related to MRI (new knowledge/technique) 18

19 Grading: Part III Title and synopsis (2%) Abstract (2%) Midterm report (4%) Final presentation (12%) 19

20 How about the rules? 點名 ? 課堂上可不可以 … - 啃雞腿、吃泡麵 ? - 呼呼大睡 ? - 手機 ? 平板 ? 上課歡迎隨時提問 !! Q&A is always welcome. 20

21 此時, 你心中可能會想 … 這堂課好像不好修 / 不好混 ??? ( 你還有機會退選 …) 21

22 免不了要老生常談 … 問自己 : 為何來修這門課 ? - 這不是一門必修課 - 未必好混 一定非常不好混 - 分數未必很甜 遵從你內心的熱情 選擇對你有意義並且能讓你快樂的課,不要只是為了 輕鬆地拿一個 A 而選課,或選你朋友上的課,或是別人 認為你應該上的課。 by Tal Ben-Shahar 22

23 Now, It is your turn. Question? Any suggestion to this course? Any expectation? 23

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