Drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases. Cough: Antitussive drugs Sputum: Expectorant drugs 痰液较多不适合用镇咳药 无咳出物的刺激性干咳,用镇咳药.

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases. Cough: Antitussive drugs Sputum: Expectorant drugs 痰液较多不适合用镇咳药 无咳出物的刺激性干咳,用镇咳药."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases

2 Cough: Antitussive drugs Sputum: Expectorant drugs 痰液较多不适合用镇咳药 无咳出物的刺激性干咳,用镇咳药

3 Antitussive drugs: 作用于咳嗽反射的中枢或外周部位,可使 咳嗽被抑制的药物 1. Centrally acting: Codeine 2. Peripherally acting: Benzonatate( 对丁氨苯甲酸甲 氧聚乙烯氧基乙酯 ) Expectorant drugs: 1. Sputum-diluting drugs: NH 4 Cl 、 KI 2. Mucolytic drugs: Ambroxol ( 氨溴素 )

4  Central antitussives  Narcotic drugs:  codeine 可待因  pholcodine 福尔可定  Drotebanol 羟蒂巴酚  Non-Narcotic drugs:  dextromethorphan 右美沙芬  pentoxyverine 喷托维林 ( 咳必清 )  Peripheral antitussives  benzonatate 苯佐那酯 A. Antitussives

5 物理、化 学刺激 感受器(刺激感受器、牵张感 受器等) 传入神经(迷走、喉上神经) 咳嗽中枢(延髓) 传出神经(迷走、喉返、膈神经) 效应器(声门、 呼气肌) 咳嗽反射 咳嗽反射示意图

6 Codeine 可待因 Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives 阿片生物碱一种,又称甲基吗啡

7 1. Pharmacological effects suppression of cough (1/4 of morphine) suppression of cough (1/4 of morphine) analgesia (1/12~1/7 of morphine) analgesia (1/12~1/7 of morphine) 2. Clinical uses Cough without sputum Cough without sputum 3. Adverse effects 呼吸中枢抑制 (at larger doses) 呼吸中枢抑制 (at larger doses) Addiction Addiction 小儿惊厥(过量) 小儿惊厥(过量) Contraindicated in patients with thick sputum Contraindicated in patients with thick sputum Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives

8 Other narcotic antitussives:  Dihydrocodeine (双氢可待因) ;  Drotebanol (羟蒂巴酚) ;  Pholcodine (福尔可定) Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives

9 Drotebanol (Oxymethebanol) 羟蒂巴酚 Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives

10 Drotebanol  Pharmacological effects  cough suppressant effects : around 10x more potent than codeine.  analgesic effects : several times stronger than codeine, but weaker than morphine  In animal studies it was found to be moderately addictive and produced limited physical dependence, but not as severe as that seen with morphine or pethidine Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives 镇咳有效量仅为可待因的 1/10 ,作用强于可待因,迅速而持久,口 服作用可持续 6 ~ 8 小时,皮下注射作用可持续 4 ~ 8 小时。其成瘾性、 抑制呼吸等副作用较可待因弱。对急慢性支气管炎、肺结核、肺癌 引起的咳嗽有效,尤适用于干咳。

11 Pholcodine (福尔可定) Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives an opioid cough suppressant

12 Pholcodine  Pharmacological effects  Its cough suppressant effects is similar with codeine  mild sedative effect  little or no analgesic effects  lower potential for dependence 用于新生儿和儿童,不易引起便秘和消化功能紊乱 Antitussives Narcotic Antitussives

13 Dextromethorphan( 右美沙芬, DXM) Dextromethorphan Non-Narcotic Non-Narcotic Antitussives 吗啡类左吗喃甲基醚 的右旋异构体 major metabolite dextrorphan( 右啡烷 )

14 Non-Narcotic Non-Narcotic Antitussives (1)Pharmacological effects: Depression of coughing center; (2)Clinical uses: Upper respiratory infection and dry cough. Contraindication: pregnancy(< 3 months), psychotic disorders, etc.

15 Pentoxyverine( 喷托维林, 咳必清 ) (1)Pharmacological effects: Depression of coughing center, Local anesthetic effects (2)Clinical uses: Upper respiratory infection, Cough without sputum. (3)Adverse reaction: Atropine-like side effects. Non-Narcotic Non-Narcotic Antitussives

16 others  Cloperastine (氯哌斯汀)  Promolate ( 普罗吗酯 )  Fominoben ( 福米诺苯 )  Zipeprol (齐培丙醇) Non-Narcotic Non-Narcotic Antitussives

17 Cloperastine ( 氯哌斯汀 ) (1)Pharmacological effects:  acting on the central nervous system or the respiratory center.  兼有 H1 受体阻断作用  轻度缓解支气管平滑肌痉挛,粘膜水肿 Non-Narcotic Non-Narcotic Antitussives

18 Zipeprol (齐培丙醇)  A centrally acting cough suppressant developed in 1970s Pharmacological effects:  中枢镇咳  局麻  平滑肌解痉  黏痰溶解 Non-Narcotic Non-Narcotic Antitussives

19  Benzonatate 苯佐那酯  选择性抑制肺牵张感受器  阻断迷走神经反射  抑制咳嗽冲动的传导  可应用于干咳,支气管镜,喉镜检查  Others:  Benproperine( 苯丙哌林 ) :兼有外周和中枢作用  Dropropizine ( 羟丙哌嗪 )  Noscapine ( 那可汀 ); moguisteine ( 莫吉司坦 )  Prenoxdiazine ( 普诺地嗪 )  Dioxopromethazine ( 二氧丙嗪 ) Peripheral antitussives

20 B. Mucoactive drugs Mucous glycoprotein network Hydration: Sputum dilution Mucolysis

21 B. Mucoactive drugs §Expectorants ( Stimulating bronchial secretion 痰液稀释药) §Ammonium chloride 氯化铵 §glyceryl guaiacolate (Guaifenesin ) 愈创木酚甘 油醚 §Potassium iodide 碘化钾 §ipecac syrup 吐根糖浆

22 B. Mucoactive drugs § §Mucolytic drugs( 粘痰溶解药 ) §Bromhexine 溴己新 §N-Acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸 §Erdosteine 厄多司坦 §Fudosteine 福多司坦 §Lifusteine 立氟司坦 §Mucokinetics drugs (痰液调节药) §Ambroxol 氨溴索

23 Ammonium chloride 氯化铵  恶心性祛痰药的代表药  主要用作祛痰合剂的组成  刺激胃粘膜,通过迷走神经的反射,促支气管腺体的分泌, 同时,可提高管腔内渗透压,保留水分稀释痰液。  作用温和,对急慢性炎症较好。 痰液稀释药

24 Bromhexine 溴己新  抑制呼吸道腺体和杯状细胞合成酸性粘多糖,促使其分泌粘滞性低的分 泌物,使呼吸道的流变性恢复正常。还能促进粘膜上的纤毛运动和恶性 祛痰作用。痰液由黏变稀。 痰液调节药

25 Acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸  a derivative of cysteine;  Breaks disulfide bonds in mucus and liquefies it, making it easier to cough up.-- cough therapy  可雾化或气管内滴入给药,也可口服,防治手术后咳痰困难,及各种疾 病引起的痰液黏稠和咳痰困难。  有特殊臭味,对呼吸道有刺激性,哮喘及呼吸功能不全慎用 黏痰溶解药 痰液粘性来自于黏蛋白和 DNA 酸性黏蛋白是主要成分,二硫键

26 Ambroxol ( 氨溴索, 沐舒坦 )  a mucoactive drug with several properties including 可调节浆液与粘液的分泌 促进肺部表面活物质的合成 加强纤毛摆动(增加粘液纤毛运输系统的清除能力)  local anaesthetic effect  a very potent inhibitor of the neuronal Na+ channels  anti-inflammatory properties Clinical use:  适用于伴痰液分泌不正常及排痰功能不良的急性、慢性呼吸道疾病。例 如慢性支气管炎急性加重、喘息型支气管炎、支气管扩张及气管哮喘的 祛痰治疗。  术后肺部并发症的预防性治疗。  早产儿及新生儿婴儿呼吸窘迫综合症( IRDS )的治疗。 Mucokinetic drugs

27 myrtol ( 稀化黏素, 桃金娘油 )  可重建上、下呼吸道的粘液纤毛清除系统的清除功能,从而稀化和碱化 粘液,增强粘液纤毛运动,粘液移动速度显著增加,促进痰液排出。  还具有抗炎作用,能通过减轻支气管粘膜肿胀而起到舒张支气管的作用  consisting mainly of three monoterpenes:  (+)α-pinene (蒎烯 )  d-limonene (柠檬烯 )  1,8-cineole (桉叶素 ) Clinical use:  急慢性鼻窦炎和支气管炎,  也适用于支气管扩张、慢性阻塞性肺疾患、肺部真菌感染、肺结核、矽肺,  可在支气管造影术后使用,以利于造影剂的排出。 Mucoactive drugs

28 药物药效镇痛解痉成瘾性临床应用 可待因 1 ++ 剧烈干咳,尤 适用于胸膜炎 干咳伴胸痛者 右美沙芬 1 干咳 喷托维林 1/3 + 上呼吸道炎症 引起的干咳 尤适用于小儿 百日咳 苯丙哌林 3 + 刺激性干咳 常用镇咳药比较表

29 药物作用机制用法临床应用 氯化铵增加分泌物口服急、慢性呼 吸道炎症痰 多不易咳出 者 溴己新裂解粘多糖口服痰液粘稠难 于咳出 乙酰半 胱氨酸 裂解粘蛋白雾化吸入 气管滴入 粘痰阻塞气 道 祛痰药作用比较表

30 Codeine 主要用于治疗: A. 剧烈的刺激性干咳 B. 肺炎引起的咳嗽 C. 上呼吸道感染引起的咳嗽 D. 支气管哮喘 E. 多痰、粘痰引起的剧咳

31 喷托维林( Pentoxyverine )适用于: A. 剧烈的刺激性干咳 B. 肺炎引起的咳嗽 C. 上呼吸道感染引起的咳嗽 D. 支气管哮喘 E. 多痰、粘痰引起的剧咳

32 Ammonium chloride 祛痰作用原理是 ( ) A .直接刺激呼吸道粘膜,使呼吸道分泌物增多,痰 液稀释而易于咳出。 B .口服后刺激胃粘膜,反射地增加呼吸道分泌,痰 液稀释而易于咳出 C .使痰中粘性成分分解,痰液粘性降低而易于咳出 D .有抗菌、抗炎作用,使痰量减少 E .以上都不是

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