AN INTRODUCTION OF JIAHUI HEALTH. 亨者,嘉之会也。 Good things converge. 《易经》 I Ching (Yi Jing), the book of changes.

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2 亨者,嘉之会也。 Good things converge. 《易经》 I Ching (Yi Jing), the book of changes.

3 Jiahui Health provides a full spectrum of health care to help people live a better life. 嘉会医疗提供从健康管理到专业医疗在内的全方位健康服务,帮助人们提升生活质量。 JIAHUI WELLNESS 嘉会健康 Health management 健康管理 JIAHUI WELLNESS 嘉会健康 Health management 健康管理 JIAHUI CLINIC 嘉会诊所 Out-patient & Rehab 门诊及康复治疗 JIAHUI CLINIC 嘉会诊所 Out-patient & Rehab 门诊及康复治疗 JIAHUI INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL 嘉会国际医院 In-patient & outpatient 住院及门诊 JIAHUI INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL 嘉会国际医院 In-patient & outpatient 住院及门诊 Jiahui Health 嘉会医疗

4 JIAHUI INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL 嘉会国际医院 Foreign invested, tertiary level international hospital 外资三级综合医院 A total investment of USD 500 million. 总投资 30 亿人民币 Scheduled to open in 2017 计划于 2017 年开业 Located in Xuhui District Shanghai 位于上海市 徐汇区 Evidence-based medicine. Interdisciplinary care 循证医学,跨学科协调诊疗 Approved capacity of 500 licensed beds (246 beds at Phase I) 共设 500 张床位(第一期 246 张) Long-term partnership with two Harvard affiliated teaching hospitals - Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital 与两家哈佛医学院附属教学医院 —— 麻省总医院、布列根和妇女医院保持长期合作

5 JIAHUI CLINIC 嘉会诊所 Primary and specialty care to serve local communities: 服务于周边社区的全科及专科医疗 Adult primary care 成人全科 Pediatrics 儿科 Dermatology 皮肤科 Ear-nose-throat 耳鼻喉科 Eye 眼科 Dentistry 口腔科 Medical imaging 医学影像科 Highlight service lines 特色医疗服务: Well-baby 健康宝宝疫苗和体检 Women’s health 妇女健康 Sports medicine, etc. 运动医学等

6 JIAHUI WELLNESS 嘉会健康 Health management 健康管理服务: Pain management 疼痛管理 Mental health (stress, depression, sleep) 心理健康(压力、抑郁、睡眠) Dietary & nutrition 饮食与营养 Evidence-based, integrated approach 依据科学的跨学科健康管理 First wellness center scheduled to open in August 2016, next to Nanjing Xi Lu metro station. (Opposite of SMG tower) 第一家健康中心位于南京西路地铁站旁(上 海电视台对面),计划于 2016 年 8 月开业


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