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学院资助范围(所有在校本科生)  Poster or oral presentation (壁报交流或者是口头交流)  Exchange programs ( 学院提供的交换项目)  Self-applied electives/ lab studies (自己申请的 3 个月内的实习或者实验室学习)

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Presentation on theme: "学院资助范围(所有在校本科生)  Poster or oral presentation (壁报交流或者是口头交流)  Exchange programs ( 学院提供的交换项目)  Self-applied electives/ lab studies (自己申请的 3 个月内的实习或者实验室学习)"— Presentation transcript:

1 学院资助范围(所有在校本科生)  Poster or oral presentation (壁报交流或者是口头交流)  Exchange programs ( 学院提供的交换项目)  Self-applied electives/ lab studies (自己申请的 3 个月内的实习或者实验室学习)

2 资助金额 交通费:成都至目的地往返经济舱机票费, 报销上限为 1 万元。 住宿费:参加学术会议者,给予报销境外目 的地当地住宿费,报销上限为 300 元 / 天,天 数按会议日程核算。其他项目参加者住宿费 报销上限为 600 元 / 周。 生活补助: 800 元 / 周(最长不超过 12 周)。 详见 --- 对外交流 ---“ 华西临床医学院学生出国资助政策 ”

3 交换项目 ( 临床医学 )  University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) -- Longest existing (2 months) ( 2-3 persons per year)  University of Toledo (1 month) (4 persons)  The Chinese University of Hong Kong (UCHK) (1 month) (5 persons)  University of Florida (1 month) (4 persons)  CSC-funded program (1-year) (11 persons or more)  Stable programs at West China ( 学院项目 ) 最多: 27 人

4 Requirements for 1-year CSC program (CSC 项目的要求,跟其他项目要求不一样)  成绩要求 : 前 3.5 年平均成绩不低于 85 分或平均学分绩点不低于 3.5 分(本项目必须满足的要求);  外语水平要求 (满足其中一项即可): 1. 雅思 6.5 分,或者托福 95 分 2. 通过国外拟留学单位组织的面试、考试等方式达到 其语言要求。(注:前几届入选学生大多数是由国外 面试老师提供语言证明。未来希望同学们尽量提供托 福或雅思等国际认可的外语成绩)

5 Requirements for short-term programs (学院提供的短期项目要求)  Inclusion criteria (2014 年 的要求 ) 凡满足以下条件之一者,即可提出面试申请 13-14 年度专业排名前十或综合排名前十 且英语六级通过 曾荣获全国大学生英语竞赛全国一等奖及 以上者 曾荣获模拟联合国全国及以上级别表彰者 国家级大学生创新实验计划项目负责人

6 学院提供的短期项目程序 After meeting one of the inclusion criteria  Round 1: Interview by West China Staff (学院面试)  Round 2: Interview by Dr. Gao ( Umass 项目, 其他项目国外学院不面试)  Round 3: Submit materials and apply for specialties

7 UMMA 项目的选拔时间:临八大五,临五大四 (单独选拔。如果一年以内有其他项目出现,则 根据本次选拔的排名依次进入) 其他项目,如 Toledo ,香港中文大学的项目选拔 时间:临八大六,临五大五

8 康复、护理、超声交换项目  香港理工大学  丹麦 VIA 大学  加拿大 Manitoba 大学  澳大利亚格林菲斯大学  美国托马斯杰斐逊大学 择优选拔

9 What are interviewers concerned?  Basic English language skills  Medical English level  Communication skills  Purpose and attitude 2

10 Exchange routes ( 交换渠道 )  Self Apply  Stable programs at West China ( 学院项目 )

11 如何自己申请国外项目?

12 Find information 1. Google/Baidu “ medical elective + NAME of medical school/hospital” Harvard Medicine International Medical Students University of Toronto / Faculty of Medicine Elective Program University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division

13 Find info 1. Google “medical elective + NAME of medical school/hospital” 2. Click the link 3. Find eligibility and other criteria for international med students 4. Consider timing and fee http://www.meds /medicine/electiv es Oxford Univ. study medicine Electives Clinical attachments of up to 10 weeks for medical students from other universities in the UK and overseas …

14 Find info 1. Google “medical elective + NAME of medical school/hospital” 2. Click the link 3. Find eligibility and other criteria for international med students ( 要求) 4. Consider timing and fee Oxford Univ. To take part in the Elective programme you must be a medical student. We don't accept doctors who have graduated or are taking part in clerkships.

15 What level of English proficiency is required for admission? (英语能力要求 ) For Non- native speakers of English A certificate of your English ability in English (TOEFL, IELTS, ….)

16 1. Google “medical elective +NAME of medical school/hospital” 2. Click the link 3. Find eligibility and other criteria for international med students 4. Consider timing and fee Self apply steps When you plan to go? When to start to apply? Is there any elective fee for the program?

17  Dates for submitting an application All places on the Elective Programme have been allocated until September 2016. Applications should be submitted between 1 May - 1 October 2015 and in November 2015 applications will be considered by the Medical School Selection Panel for places on the Elective Programme that runs from September 2016 - August 2017. Dates for submitting an application Q: If you wanted to apply for an elective in Nov. 2015, when should you apply? Between 1 May and 1 October 2013

18 What fees are charged for Elective students? There are no tuition fees for Elective students at Oxford. ( 不需缴费! )

19 Suggested start time: 12 mon prior ( 提前 12 个月准备! ) Time till approval: 4-6 mon/ longer Plan early, Start early 华西学生的缺点:没有提前计划!

20 US programs  Via West China School of Medicine  UMMS; University of Toledo; University of Florida  Self Apply Institute Max length Deadline EnglishOfficial site Harvard3mon3m preT 100+&call UID=%7B70BF363A-A4CE-4AC6-A07F-DC4DA9936057%7D Cleveland2mon4-6m preNA rnationalPhysicianObserverProgram/tabid/5479/Default.aspx#920990 -available-specialties Mayo1mon3-6m preUSMLE1&T student-clerkships Yale2mon4-6m preT l/about/application.aspx

21 国外部分医学院的网络链接和要求

22 Canada programs InstituteMax length DeadlineEnglishOfficial site U Toronto6wNov. of pre yr NA e/international/index.cfm McGill8w5-9m preNA students/application-procedure/students-recognized- international-medical-schools McMaster2-4w6-12m preT or letter from Home U rog/electives.html

23 UK programs InstituteMax length DeadlineEnglishOfficial site Cambridge1monJune 1 pre yr IELTS 7.0 tion/elective/entry-requirements-fees/ Oxford4-10wOct1 for sep next yr T or IELTS /medicine/electives UCL4-8w6-12m preIELTS 6.5 undergraduate/electives U Edinburgh4w6-8m preT 110 IELTS 7.5 37624!/fileManager/APPLICATION%20 PACK%202016.pdf

24 Australia programs InstituteMax length DeadlineEnglishOfficial site U Sydney4-8wNA students/electives/applications.php Queensland4-8wFeb-Mar Aug-Nov NA students/inbound-medical- electives/application-process.aspx

25 PREP language  Review anatomy!!!  Read case reports – format/language used in records  Watch med TV shows/ Listen to podcasts  Name of diseases and common meds

26 Resources ( 医学英语资源 )  Medscape  UpToDate  Best practice  Pubmed  Wikipedia  医学英语口语 (医生诊疗英语会话 --- 曾广翘,复旦大学出版社)

27 Resources ( 听力资源)  Podcasts (播客)  NEJM, qw  Lancet, qw  BMJ, qw  TED talks  House call doc Current Issue: June 11, 2015 Weekly Audio Summary ( 每周音频总结) Listen Download

28 Resources ( 听力资源) Current Issue: June 11, 2015 Weekly Audio Summary Too difficult, too academic( 学术的 )? Read the abstract of the papers (free)Key words, main content Benefits: Listening + writing

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