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Graduate Students of USC’s Price School

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2 Graduate Students of USC’s Price School
Introduction 介绍 Graduate Students of USC’s Price School 南加州大学公共政策学院研究生 MHA 卫生管理硕士 Nancy Chu Daniel Cortez Lisa DerOhanessian Sevana Meserkhani Anthony Parr MPA 公共管理硕士 Heidi Chan Joanna Diaz Justine Dodgen Leah Haynesworth Tingting Li MPL 城市规划硕士 Rong Dai Yang Ge Yue Kang Kun Li MPP 公共政策硕士 Yi Chen Jun Li Jingyao Sun Yu Ye IPPAM 国际公共政策与管理硕士 Ryan Liauw

3 Introduction 介绍 Spent 6 months researching and analyzing case studies about CCRC’s from 深入研究多国CCRC模式 China 中国 Japan 日本 U.S. 美国 Conducted site visits in Beijing 北京实地考察 : Hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers 医院、养老院、康复医院 U.K. 英国 Scandinavia 北欧国家

4 Acknowledgements 致谢 Taikang Life Mike Chen
The graduate students of University of Southern California, Price School of Public Policy would like to thank the following for their generous support and this learning opportunity: 南加州大学公共政策学院研究生团队 感谢泰康人寿及陈林海先生的大力支持! Taikang Life Mike Chen

5 Project Purpose 项目宗旨 Information about China’s and the United States’ senior care industry 对比中美养老产业 Recommendations that are financially feasible, culturally appropriate, and aligned with Taikang 提出经济、可行、符合中国文化以及泰康需求的建议 Increase the resident enrollment within Yan Garden 提高燕园入住率  Yan Garden will serve as a model 树立行业典范 本项目的宗旨是为通过理清中美CCRC产业信息以及中国养老需求为燕园提供适合中国文化及需求的可行性建议。我们的最终目标是提高燕园入住率使其成为泰康其他CCRC项目甚至中国CCRC产业的典范。 -the purpose of this project is to provide Taikang with information about the U.S. and Chinese CCRC industries -We will provide recommendations that are culturally appropriate and aimed at success for taikang -Our ultimate goal will be to increase resident enrollment at Yan Garden so that it may serve as a CCRC model for future Taikang projects and CCRC’s in China as a whole *

6 Major Recommendations 主要建议
Resident advisory board 住户委员会 One on one mentoring program 一对一导师计划 Taikang Connect 健康管理网络 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目 Framing cost and location 挖掘价格地段优势 Trial experiences 短期试住 我们首先就三大部分提出六点建议以帮助诸位理清思路。 在社会整合方面,我们建议燕园组建居民委员会并实行一对一导师计划。 在管理运营方面,我们认为燕园应该组建健康管理网络并开展持证护理人员训练项目 在市场营销方面,我们建议燕园应更深入挖掘其地段优势并邀请潜在客户入园进行短期试住 -We would like to highlight some of our recommendations for consideration before we begin our presentation -we will go into further detail -we recommend implementing a resident advisory board in addition to creating a one on one mentoring program in a partnership with local universities -implementing a certified nursing assistant training program -as well as framing cost and location in a positive light *

7 Types of Senior Care in US 美国老年护理类型
-In this slide, we can see the various types of senior care in the U.S. - we see that the CCRC offers the highest levels of care but at additionally at teh highest cost - It is interesting to note that Assisted Living remains in the middle, with medium cost and medium levels of care provided -However, it is important to mention that in the U.S., in Home senior care services offer low cost care at every level of supervision. Through our research, we have found that this is not the case in China. In home senior care services are not as prevelant as in the U.S. 图片中展示的是美国老年类型,横轴表示各机构的服务覆盖范围,纵轴则是相对应的价格。 我们可以看出养老社区 提供了最高等级的护理,服务对象从活力老人一直到完全不能自理的老人。当然,CCRC 收取了较高的费用。 一个有趣的发现,专业家庭护理提供的协助护理无论在价格以及服务等级上都处于中间档次。 同时我们可以看出在美国,各阶段老人的居家养老费用都相对较低。 Source:

8 Senior Care in US 美国养老方式
Percentage of long-term care services: United States, 2012 Types of services Number of users 65+ Percentages Adult day services center 273,200 4.36% Home health agency 4,742,500 62.04% Hospice 1,244,500 14.89% Nursing home 1,383,700 16.56% Residential care community 713,300 8.54% Total spent: 134 billion -This chart illustrates the different percentages of seniors living in different communities in the U.S., -62% of elders are living at home with the help of a home health industry -16.5% are in a nursing home -8% are living in a CCRC 左边的表格展示的是在美国,不同养老方式在老年人口中所占的比例。62%的老人选择住在家里接受家庭养老机构提供的上门养老服务。16.5%的老人选择住在养老院。另有8%的老人选择住在CCRC,也就是养老社区。 -However, when it comes to financing long term care in the U.S., 58% is subsidized by the government and 27% is paid out of pocket 右边的饼图展示了美国养老支付方式,58%老年护理的费用是由政府承担,老人自己只要支付27%。 Source: CDC/NCHS, National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, 2012

9 U.S. Success in Elderly Care 美国养老产业成功要素 Financing Senior Care in US
美国养老支付方式 Percentage of long-term care services: United States, 2012 Types of services Number of users 65+ Percentages Adult day services center 273,200 4.36% Home health agency 4,742,500 62.04% Hospice 1,244,500 14.89% Nursing home 1,383,700 16.56% Residential care community 713,300 8.54% Access to care 多种养老模式选择 Partial payment structure 政府补贴型支付模式 Emphasis staff training 注重员工专业培训 Geriatric specialties 专注老年人健康 因为泰康模仿的是美国的养老模式,因此我们对美国养老产业进行深入研究,并总结出其成功要素: 首先,美国已发展出多种养老模式如CCRC, 养老院,家庭健康机构,美国文化也使得老年人适应机构养老信任这些养老机构可以帮助他们安度晚年。 第二,大部分的养老费用是由政府以补贴的形式支出如医疗保险与医疗救助,因此大大减少老年人养老的经济负担。 第三,美国养老机构注重员工的专业培训,政府方面也严格的监控从业人员以确保老年的健康并享受到优质的服务。 最后,美国养老机构非常注重老年人的医疗需求并专为老年人口制定医疗计划。 well developed, why? why is this important to taikang access to care, many options and culture is accepting of elderly care, trust in the system partial payment strucutre, gvt subsidies, Medicare, Medicaid Staff training - heavily regulated government mandates for patient safety and quality geriatric specialties - we emphasis medical needs specifically designed for the elderly population Source: CDC/NCHS, National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, 2012

10 U.S. & Chinese Senior Health Care 中美养老产业
China 中国 Suggestion 建议 Development stage 发展阶段 Well-developed 成熟完善 Early stage 早期发展 Room for future development 亟待发展 Finance model 支付主体 Mainly covered by government 政府 Mainly self-paid 个人 Combined with commercial insurance 结合商业保险 Building reputation 建立口碑 Accreditation and franchise 认证与连锁 No rating standard 无评级标准 International accreditation and franchise 申请国际认证 连锁经营 -The U.S., in comparison in China, has a fully developed CCRC system. However, in China, CCRC’s are in the early stages -additionally, U.S. Senior health care is paid for by government while in China relies on out of pocket payments *

11 Population Health 人口健康
China 中国 Life expectancy: 74 years old 平均寿命:74岁 Healthy life expectancy: 66 years old 平均健康寿命:66岁 36.5% of elders need rehabilitation 36.5%的老人需要复健 16.6% are disabled and are willing to move into senior care 16.6%的老人为残疾人并有意愿搬入养老机构 65% of elders >65 have a chronic disease 65%的65岁以上老年人患有慢性疾病 The trend in other countries, like the United States for example, is creating a healthcare model that focuses on the health of the entire population, emphasizing preventative care. A major feature of Taikang Connect will be adopting this population health model. This model is proactive in that it encourages routine, preventative care and aims to keep members of Taikan Connect healthier longer. **In countries [like the USA], a proactive health model has been shown to save $$$ compared to the traditional reactive, treat-illness-as-it-happens model.**{need statistic} 在其他发达国家如美国,其医疗体系的主流趋势是建立一个覆盖所有人口、侧重疾病预防的模式。这一模式的采用也将成为泰康健康管理网络的一大特色。这一体系将在居民的健康问题上扮演较为积极主动的角色,因为它将提供日常化、预防性的健康护理服务,并旨在让每一个参与了泰康健康管理网络的住户能够拥有更强健的身体。 **在一些国家(如美国),一个积极主动的健康管理模式同传统应急式的、有病治病的模式相比节省了……美元。**(需要更多数据) *

12 Population Health 人口健康
Beijing 北京 Total number of elders in Beijing: 2.92 million 北京老年人口:292万 320,000 need assistance or long term care 10.4%(32万)老人为半自理或需要长期护理 89.6% or 2.6 million are independent 89.6%(260万)为独立老人

13 Timeline of Anerica CCRC Development 美国养老社区发展时间轴

14 Timeline of China CCRC Development 中国养老社区发展时间轴

15 Lessons Learned from the U.S. 美国经验
No preventative care, caused costs to rise 没有预防保健,导致成本增加 Ratio of staff to residents is 1:1 is beneficial compared to China’s 1:2 美国员工住户(1:1)比高于中国(1:2),每位住户得到的护理更多 Regulation of: 行业规范: Staff 员工 Quality of Care 护理质量 Safety 安全

16 机遇 Opportunities One Child Policy 独生子女政策
-additionally, much like in the U.S. the aging society is growing at a higher rate than previously anticipated. An increase in medical technology has led to people living longer, healthier lives 首先,和美国类似的是,随着医疗技术的提升以及生活条件的改善,人均寿命在不断延长,所以老龄人口不断膨胀。 -opportunity for CCRCs since this One Child Policy has created a need for elderly care 其次,独生子女政策更是催生了当前中国巨大养老需求的一个重要因素。 -The one child policy has influenced the rising senior population. Family structure has changed due to the 4:2:1, where now grandparents outnumber the children who can care for the elderly in the family 众所周知,在独生子女政策的影响下,大部分家庭都变成了一个4:2:1的结构,每对夫妻在抚养自己的孩子的同时,还要赡养两边的双亲,也就是四个老人。这对年轻人来说无论在经济上还是精神上都是巨大的压力。并且,这样一个421的家庭结构导致了整个社会的人口结构变化。年轻人口的减少相对应地导致了老年人口的比重陡然上升。因此现有的居家养老模式将会逐渐转变为机构养老,这也是社区养老的一大机遇。 *

17 Cultural Barriers 观念阻碍
Perception of Filial Piety 孝道 9073 Aging Pattern “9073”养老格局 90%: Living with family 7%: Community care 3% : Elderly care Preference for a Lively Environment 热闹 -Cultural Barriers play a role in why success has stalled at Taikang. 为了消除移植美国模式时可能产生的水土不服现象,我们必须克服中国与美国在文化观念方面的差异。 -In China, elders traditionally expect their family members to take care of them 从传统的角度来讲,受儒家文化影响,中国人比较注重孝道,老人们会更希望他们由自己的子女家人来照顾他们。 -90% live with family, 7% are in community care, and 3% are in elderly care and this is due to their preference for a lively environment 调查显示,在中国,目前90%的老人还是和家人住在一起的,仅有7%的老人由社区照顾,而在养老机构养老的老人只占老年人口的3%。 *

18 Cultural Barriers 观念阻碍
Values for Property Rights 产权 Home Ownership Rate: China 90% vs. World 60% 住房自有率:中国90% vs. 世界60% Wait and See 观望 New Community 新兴社区的实际运营效果 Unwillingness to Move into CCRCs when healthy 不愿过早入住 -In china, citiziens value their property rights. The chinese elders prefer to purchase and own their property rather than rent, currently 90% of chinese poeple own their property while the number around the world is 60% 中国人自古看重产权。相比租房,中国的老年人更热衷于买房。当前,中国的住房自有率是90%, 而全球的平均住房自有率仅有60%。 -Elders in china are also seeking to see how the new community will do. They are waiting to see what the results will be in addition to their refusal to move when they are currently healthy 同时,CCRC在中国还是一个很新的概念。很多中国人还不了解住在CCRC里是一种怎样的体验,所以他们更多地还是持一种观望心态。 另外,很多人并不愿意在还是健康的时候就和家人小孩分开,搬进养老社区里面。 *

19 Needs of the Target Population 目标人群的养老需求
Physiological 生存需求 -Basic Living 基本生活 -Health 健康: Keep Health 养生保健 Health Service 健康服务 -Living Environment 生活环境 Social 社交需求 -Family 家庭 -Inside Community 社区内部 -Outside Community 社区外部 Self-identity 自我认同 Self-development 自我提升 同时通过我们的研究,我们总结了燕园目标客户的养老需求:第一点是生存需求包括基本生活,健康以及生活环境。基于燕园的客户都处于中高阶层,因此他们不需要担心基本生活。但是研究显示学历越高,社会阶层越高的老年人更关注他们的健康状况,所以燕园要更为注重老年人的养老保健以及健康服务。 第二层需求为社交需求包括与家庭成员以及社区内外的社交需求。第三层是自我认同,研究表明自我认同需求与老年人的社会地位成正比。这些老人原来身居高位,所以在退休后会有巨大的心理落差,为了填补这些落差,他们更加需要自我认同感。此外还有自我提升需求。 -as a result of our research, we have recognized the needs of Taikang’s target population -These include four main points - Physiological, Social experience inside and outside of the community as well as with family, self - identity and self development *

20 Health Service Recommendations 建议:健康服务
Preventative Health 预防保健 : Staying Healthy Through Education and Prevention(STEP) “教育预防结合”项目 Highlight 特点: Professional Counseling and Coaching 专业指导 Exercise Evidence-based 科学锻炼 因此,我们建议泰康实施“教育预防结合”项目来加强其健康服务。该项目在美国的养老社区广泛运用。主要是通过专业指导来帮助活力老人进行科学的锻炼。 Source: AHRQ *

21 Health Service Recommendations 建议:健康服务
STEP“教育预防结合”项目 Training Course 培训课程 Certain Amount of Exercise定量锻炼: 150min/week 150 分钟/周 Types of Exercise 运动类型 Aerobic 有氧运动 Strength and Flexibility 肌肉与灵活性练习练 Balance 平衡感运动 该项目主要包括两部分: 一是老年人参加专员 *

22 Community Involvement Recommendations 建议:深化社区融合
Resident-led advisory board 住户委员会 In order to further build community involvement within Taikang and address the needs of self identity and self development for the seniors, we recommend implementing an advisory board. This board would consist solely of residents to discuss any issues they may have or any activity planning that they wish to do. It would serve as the middle person between Yan Garden administration and the residents and encourage community behavior *

23 Community Involvement Recommendations 建议:深化社区融合
Continued Mental Health Development 持续的心理健康发展 Work with Universities: 与高校合作 Create seminars for residents to teach at the university or Yan Garden 经验分享研讨会 Residents may audit/attend courses at the University 研修大学课程 Students can perform for the residents 大学生义务演出 In order to address mental health development, we would like to recommend that Taikang build strong mutually beneficial relationships with the local universities. By partnering with the universities, the residents can give guest lectures for students at either the university or Yan Garden. Additionally, to maintain critical thinking skills, residents may audit or attend courses at the universities. The students can also plan to perform as entertainment and interaction with the elders as well. *

24 Community Involvement Recommendations 建议:深化社区融合
One on one mentoring program 一对一导师计划 Students may observe residents (Psychology & Gerontology) 大学生研究基地 (心理学&老年学) Life/Career Advice 人生/就业指导 This photo was taken by one of our students at a local nursing home here in Beijing. We spent an hour in discussion with this gentleman regarding his life and his work. He told us a beautiful story about how he was once a professor at a prestigious university. He taught art and he can be seen here writing poems in calligraphy. He shared with us that his time with us was rewarding. Based on this experience, we believe establishing a one on one mentoring program with the residents and university students would be mutually beneficial for both parties. Students can observe residents as a part of their coursework while simultaneously recieving life and career advice. *

25 Management Operations Recommendations 运营管理建议
Short Term Recommendations (Feasible within 1 year): 短期策略建议(一年内) Start Framework for Taikang Connect Implement Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program Long Term Recommendations (Feasible 3+ years) 长期策略建议(三年以上 ) Robust Taikang Connect Based on the lessons learned from other countries’ senior care models and incorporating the cultural desires of the Chinese people, we have some operational recommendations for Taikang and Yan Gardens. 我们将他国在养老方面的先进经验同中国老人的文化需求相结合,为泰康和燕园提出了如下管理经营策略。 In the short term, it is recommended that Taikang begins establishing a network of healthcare professionals, such as doctors and specialists, cooperating with hospitals and clinics near Yan Garden in a healthcare network we will call Taikang Connect, which we will describe further. Also, to address the problem of nurse shortages in China as well as improving the reputation of Yan Garden, we will describe our recommendation for a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training program. 在短期内,我们建议泰康着手同医疗人士如医生和保健专家建立联系,同燕园附近的医院及诊所合作并建立健康管理网络。我们将在之后的演示中详细介绍同健康管理网络相关的信息。同样地,为了解决中国所面临的护理人员短缺问题并树立燕园在医疗服务方面的良好形象,我们将建议泰康开展持证护理人员培训。 In the long term, we believe that healthcare reform will follow similar trends as we have studied in both the United States and countries in Europe, shifting to a population health model, and therefore we recommend Taikang continues to build its healthcare network, Taikang Connect, to be in the best position to control that new market. 长期来看,我们相信中国的医疗体制改革将把中国的医疗服务的重点转向保健领域,这体现了一种同欧美国家较为相似的趋势。所以我们建议泰康继续建立其专属的医疗网络,即“健康管理网络”,以求更好地管理和控制这一新兴市场。 *

26 Management Operations Recommendations 运营管理建议
Taikang Connect 健康管理网络 Continuum of Care 持续护理 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目 Health Savings Plan 健康储蓄计划 [DELETE...but not yet] Within Taikang’s healthcare network, Taikang Connect will provide access to the resident’s full continuum care. *

27 Taikang Connect 健康管理网络
Short Term: Cooperative Relationships with Medical Professionals 短期目标:与专业医疗人员建立合作关系 Overall Goal: Closed Health System Network 最终目标:完整的医疗网络 In the short term, the goal of Taikang Connect is to start building cooperative relationships with medical professionals. These are professionals that can provide necessary services for the population at Yan Garden. 在短期内,泰康健康管理网络的目的在于同医疗人员建立合作关系。这些医疗人员将为燕园住户提供必要的服务。 In the long term, it should be a goal to have a closed network of contracted professionals that are incentivized to provide quality care with the most cost-efficient practices. In order to accomplish this, physicians will need to feel their time is well compensated, so they change their mindset to focus on patient-centered, quality care, instead of the current high-cost, over utilized services scheme. To complete this closed network, Taikang should continue to be vigilant with changing health policy, study other countries’ health reform, and prepare for the optimal time to create their own health insurance payer system for Taikang Connect members in order to control costs further. This goal is completely reliant on government policy, however, as currently insurance companies do not dictate healthcare pricing. 健康管理网络的长期目标则是同医疗人员签约并由此组建一个完整的医疗人员网络,以最经济的方式提供最优质的服务。为了实现这一目标,泰康方面需要使医疗人员确信他们在时间上的投入将获得良好的回报,因而他们将改变他们自身原有的想法并跳出眼下治疗成本高昂、治疗过程繁复的医疗窠臼,专注提供以病人为中心的优质健康护理服务。泰康若想要建立这样一个完整的医疗网络,就必须密切关注如今处于调整期的医疗政策,学习他国的医疗改革经验,并准备在恰当的时间点创立属于他们自己的医疗保险以求更好地控制成本。然而,这一目标的达成与政府政策的制定密不可分,因为当下的保险公司在医疗收费问题上没有发言权。 *

28 Continuum of Care 持续护理 Rehabilitation 康复训练 Medical Auxiliary Services
Medical Auxiliary Services 辅助医疗服务 Skilled Nursing Facility 专业护理团队 Resident Independent Living Community 活力老人生活区 Yan Garden 燕园 Medical Practices 医疗实践 -Within Taikan Connect, residents will have full access to their continuum of care, or all services needed throughout their lifetime. -Yan Garden residents have on-site Independent Living Community, Assisted Living Community, and a Skilled Nursing Facility, as well as a Rehabilitation Hospital nearby. -Additionally, once Taikan Connect has successfully created cooperative relationships, members will enjoy access to all other services that cannot be provided directly by Yan Garden, from familiar and reputable doctors within Taikang Connect. Assisted Living Community 协助生活区 Payers/Insurance 支付方/保险 Social Wellness 幸福感 *

29 Taikang Connect 健康管理网络
Case Manager 健康管 Resident 住户 Physician 医生 Healthy Lifestyle Practices To create quality population health at Yan Garden, we recommend the use of a case manager. Case Management Used in nursing and social work as early as the 1850s. The importance of the case manager role has been recognized within the US government’s medical care programs since the 1970’s. Collaborative process designed to manage medical/social/mental health conditions more effectively Achieve an optimal level of wellness and improve coordination of care while providing cost effective, non-duplicative services Focus on active preventative health keeping residents health before they are sick doctor & dental appointments reminders, prescription management, engagement in healthy lifestyle Best Practices of Care management: 1. Provided face-to-face contact between patients and care managers 2. Focused on transitions of care from the hospital to other settings 3. Coached patients in self-management techniques 4. Transfers medical records *

30 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目
Current shortage of certified nursing assistants in China 持证护理人员短缺 2 million demand vs. 1 million supply 200万需求量 vs. 100万在职人员 Low education level 护理人员教育程度普遍偏低 83% of nursing assistants only finish middle school or primary school education. 初中或小学学历:83% 15.6% do not have any formal professional degree. 无正规专业学历: 15.6% Low certification rate 低持证率 Only 5.71% of senior care nursing assistants are certified in China. 目前中国的老年护理员中持证仅者占5.71%

31 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目
National certification: national standards & moderate cost 国家职业资格认证:国家标准,投入适中 Certification level 认证等级 Cost of training (RMB per person) 培训费用(RMB/人) Junior level nursing assistant 初级 ¥ Secondary level nursing assistant 中级 ¥980-1680 Senior level nursing assistant 高级 ¥ -Benefits of certifying Yan Garden’s nurse assistants outweigh the costs as certifications will improve the level of care provided by Yan Garden’s staff -Additionally, a benefit would be current and potential residents will trust the staff more, improving Yan Garden’s reputation -With the cost of training a Senior Level nursing assistant, the benefits greatly outweigh the costs especially as this one-time investment can be exponentially beneficial since the nurse assistant, once certified, can return and train and certify all other nurse assistants at Yan Garden *

32 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目
International certification: international standards & higher cost 国际认证: 国际标准,投入较高 Follows the Red Cross Certified Nursing Assistant methodology 遵循红十字会的护理人员执业资格认证标准 An 180-hour course to meet the certification requirements 提供180学时的训练课程 Training cost: $1500 per person 培训费用:1500美元/人 The certification can help Yan Garden improve service quality, maintain good reputation and distinguish itself from other competitors. 更多的执业资格认证能够帮助燕园提高服务质量,打造良好声誉, 并从众多竞争者中脱颖而出 If domestic certifications prove successful in improving care, attracting, and retaining residents, then another option to explore is international certification. This option, however, is much more costly so another cost analysis will need to be conducted at that time. *

33 Marketing Yan Garden Recommendations 燕园营销策略
Short Term Recommendations (Feasible within 1 year): 短期策略建议(一年内) Uniqueness of Independent Living 突出独立老人 Uniqueness of health management 突出健康管理 Framing Cost and Location 挖掘价格/地段优势 Trial Visit 短期试住 Dinner Experiences 晚宴体验 Residents’ Video Testimonial 住户体验视频 Long Term Recommendations (Feasible 3 years) 长期策略建议(三年以上 ) Professional Conferences 承办专业会议 基于泰康提供给我们的信息,我们在北京参观养老院及复健中心的所见所闻,以及我们之前所做的学术研究成果,我们提出了下列市场营销建议来增加燕园的入住规模。我们建议泰康将目标人群设定为具有独立生活能力的老年群体并为这一社区打造高端品质、贵宾服务的形象。 我们将在此详细讨论短期和长期的营销策略,包括突出自身优越性、挖掘地段和价格优势、短期试住、晚宴体验、发布住户体验视频,以及同高精尖行业人士建立社会联系等。 我们的市场营销策略比照了美国弗罗里达州Sun City的推广模式。无论是从地理位置还是从客户定位而言,Sun City同燕园都十分相似。和Sun City一样,燕园也应该在营销活动中反复强调设施、服务治疗和环境等因素。 Based on the information provided to us by Taikang, the site visits of various senior care facilities in Beijing, and our previous academic research, we are making the following marketing recommendations to increase the residential occupancy at Yan Garden. We recommend Yan Garden target independent living seniors and market the community as a high-end community with quality services. We will discuss the following short term and long term strategies in detail, including promoting uniqueness, framing cost and location, trial visits, dinner experiences, resident video testimonial, and establishing relationships with professional networks *

34 Current Cost Structure 现有的收费模式
The cost of Yan Garden compared to its competitors 燕园的收费水平与其竞争机构的对比 介于燕园的入住费用是潜在客户目前最大的顾虑,我们在此展示了北京范围内多个养老机构的收费标准比较。 As the cost of Yan Garden has been a major concern for potential residents, we have provided this comparison of various senior care facilites within Beijing. * Organization 机构 Low Monthly Fee 最低月费 High Monthly Fee 最高月费 Deposit 押金 Other Fee 其他费用 Cun Cao Chun Hui 寸草春晖 (nursing home 养老院) ¥4,000 ¥6,000 ¥50,000 Non Beijing Residents ¥100,000 deposit 非北京户口押金100,000 Intech Rehabilitation Center 英智康复中心 (Assisted living 半自理) ¥7,000 ¥10,000 ¥15,000 Yan Garden 燕园 (CCRC) ¥6,800 ¥10,400 ¥200,000 ¥600,000 Higher entry fee pays down lower monthly payment 另交押金60万,月租减至6,800 Golden Heights 恭和苑 ¥11,000 ¥6,000 for each person when couples moving in 双人入住时,每人月租为6,000

35 Framing Cost 挖掘价格优势 Compare the cost of independent living at Yan Garden to high-end facilities in China and abroad 将燕园的收费水平及设施与国内外高端设施养老机构对比 例如:恭和苑:每月每床位11000元 Highlight the continuum of care and concierge services 突出持续护理理念与贵宾级服务 Emphasize the value of international-standards utilized to develop Yan Garden 强调燕园采用的国际标准 我们建议泰康将燕园塑造成高端养老机构。在营销活动中,泰康应将独立老人在燕园的入住费用同中国及国际上的高端养老社区项比较。比如恭和苑的收费是每个床位1万1人民币。 泰康还应该在营销活动中重点突出其高端设施和服务,凸显其品质卓越的一面。 泰康也要向国外的养老社区借鉴先进经验,我们认为这也是泰康的优势之处,并希望泰康能在营销活动中强调这一点。 It is recommend that Taikang frame Yan Garden as a high-end senior care facility. Marketing efforts should compare the cost of Yan Garden independent living to high-end facilities in China and internationally. For example, at Cun Cao Chun Hui the cost per bed is 11,000 RMB. The high quality of medical services and amenities should be framed as high end services Taikang looked abroad for best practices among CCRCs, we believe this is a selling point and should place emphasis on it. *

36 Facts of Current Location 燕园地段现状
Accessible to downtown Beijing by public transportation 通往市中心的公共交通便利 Lack of medical resources within immediate proximity 附近医疗资源相对较少 Six hospitals within 30 minutes’ drive from Yan Garden 3 of which are “Tier 3 Hospitals” - establish relationships with these hospitals for the future of Taikang Connect 30分钟车程内可达6家医院,其中3家为三级医院——住户将 通过健康管理网络同这些医院建立联系 老人对搬入燕园的又一顾虑是离开他们业已熟悉的家庭环境、社交环境及设施环境。我们建议泰康在营销过程中强调燕园住户可以通过乘坐公共交通到达北京市中心。住户依旧有机会走亲访友,亲友也可以借此到访燕园。 还有一个顾虑是燕园附近缺乏足够的医疗资源。 从燕园出发,半小时内可抵达6座医院,其中有三座为“三级医院”,也就是中国最好的医院。我们认为泰康应该与这些医院建立联系,为将来的健康管理网络做准备。 A concern that many seniors have about moving in to CCRCs is being away from family, friends, and amenities. We recommend highlighting that Yan Garden is accessible from downtown Beijing through public transportation. Residents will still have the opportunity to visit freinds and family, and friends and family can easily visit Yan Garden. Another concern that was expressed is the lack of medical resources within the immediate proximity to Yan Garden. There are six hospitals within a 30 minute drive from Yan Garden, 3 of which are “3 tier hospitals”, regarded as the highest levels in China. We beleive that these are hospitals that Taikang should develope relationships with, in preperation for the future of Taikang Connect. *

37 Framing Location 挖掘地段优势
Better qualities of life and air compared to city center 与市中心相比更好的生活质量、空气质量 Proximity to the national natural park and hot spring 临近国家公园和温泉 Access to resources & family by public transportations 便利交通,亲近家人 Opportunity for development of amenities nearby 公共交通助力周边区域发展 Variety of amenities on-site to meet residents’ needs 便利的设施极尽用户之所需 There‘s nothing you can’t do here, so we suggest you do it all! 尽情享受这里的一切! 我们建议燕园挖掘其地段优势。燕园同市中心有一定距离,居住环境幽静,空气质量也较好。此外,燕园还毗邻国家湿地公园。 住户的家人们可通过公共交通到访燕园,与园中的亲人相聚。 燕园附近的公共交通和广阔空间为将来周边设施的发展提供可能。 我们建议燕园将自身定位为自给自足的全能型社区,为其住户提供日常所需的所有服务。 We recommend that Yan Garden frame the location concerns as advantages. The distance to the city center offers a quieter life-style and air quality is better than in the city center. In addition, residents are closer to natural parks. Family members have the opportunity to visit residents at Yan Garden through public transportation. The open land in Yan Garden’s neighboring community provides an opportunity for future amenity development by other organizations. We recommend that Yan Garden be marketed as a self-sustaining community, that has all the services that residents may need. *

38 Marketing Experiences 体验式营销
One-Week Trial Visits for Independent Living 短期试住 Discount rates 试住折扣 Invite family members, as they are often joint decision makers 长者入住需全家共同决策,入住体验可以邀请其他家庭成员陪伴 Match prospect residents with current residents who share similar interests 根据兴趣爱好,将体验住户与现有住户配对 Dinner Experiences 晚宴体验 Potential customers 潜在客户 Friends of residents 住户亲友 我们建议燕园为独立老人住户提供短期试住服务。这和签定合约之后的三个月试住期是不同的两种服务。 - 短期试住的目的在于为独立老人住户提供体验燕园生活,增进对燕园设施、服务质量和生活方式的了解。 - 燕园可为短期试住的老人提供折扣,并欢迎家庭成员与老人同住。在中国,老人的居住安排往往是全家决策的结果。我们希望能让家庭成员放心地将至亲之人托付给燕园照顾。 第二,我们建议燕园为潜在客户及其亲友提供免费的晚宴服务。我们相信这能为潜在客户提供实地考察燕园设施并同现有住户交流的机会。 We recommend that Yan Garden offer one week trial experiences for independent living seniors. This is separate from the three month trial contract that is currently offered. the goal is to provide independent seniors the opportunity to experience Yan Garden, its amenities, quality of service, and lifestyle. these experiences would be offered at a discounted rate, and open to family members. In China living arrangement for seniors is often a family decision, we want to make sure family members feel just as confident about sending their loved ones to Yan Garden Secondly, we recommend that Yan Garden offer free dinner experiences to potential customers and friends of residents. We beleive this is an opportunity for individuals to experience and see the facility, while speaking to current residents about their experiences. *

39 Residents’ Video Testimonial 住户体验视频
Build the reputation and credibility of Yan Garden 通过住户对燕园的积极反馈迅速建立声誉和信赖 Address major concerns, including: 回应未来住户的重点疑问,包括: Daily activities 日常活动丰富多彩 Social interactions 新朋旧友其乐融融 Mentoring program 良师益友富足精神 Lifestyles 生活方式悠闲自得 Health management 健康状况得到改善 Quality of services 员工服务细致入微 燕园的住户体验是营销策略的重中之重。我们知道如果能有一个燕园的住户能讲述他们在燕园结识新朋友,以及在燕园的专业护理之下改善健康状况的故事,其效果将远远高于由燕园员工所做的体验宣传。住户体验视频的目标在于通过介绍社区活动、导师计划、生活方式、健康管理和服务治疗来为燕园建立知名度和信赖度。 Yan Garden residents’ experiences are the strongest element to our marketing strategy. We know that when a current resident tells their experiences about meeting new friends at Yan Garden and feeling healthier as a result of the managed care at Yan Garden, this is much more impactful than if it were to come from a staff member. The goal of the residents’ video testimonial is to build the reputation and credibility of Yan Garden by addressing the activities offered, mentoring programs, lifestyle, health management and quality of services. *

40 Future Marketing Strategy 长期营销策略
Professional Conferences 专业会议,积聚人气 Develop future residents 发展未来住户 Provide health consulting 提供健康咨询

41 Summary of Major Recommendations 主要建议
Resident advisory board 住户理事会与住户委员会 One on one mentoring program 一对一导师计划 Taikang Connect 泰康健康管理网络 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目 Framing cost/location 挖掘价格与地段优势 Trial experiences for independent living 短期试住 I *

42 Conclusion 总结 Provide information to Taikang as it expands its CCRCs across China 为泰康养老社区的全国布局规划提供参考 U.S. versus China’s senior care industry, social integration, management operations, and marketing strategies 对比中美养老产业,为“泰康之家”的社会融合战略、管理经 营战略和市场营销战略建言献策 The recommendations are meant to increase resident enrollment and profitability of Yan Garden 宗旨:扩大燕园的入住规模和经济收益 Financially feasible, culturally appropriate, and aligned with the goals of Yan Garden and Taikang 始终坚持“经济、可行、符合中国文化及泰康需求”的标准 总而言之,为这个项目旨在泰康提供全国范围内建立养老社区的参考意见。我们通过对比中美养老产业,为燕园的社会融合战略、经营管理战略和市场营销战略建言献策。我们旨在扩大燕园的住户规模,并使燕园成为养老社区行业的典范。我们始终坚持经济、可行、符合中国文化及泰康需求的标准,为泰康提供实际有效的解决方案。 In conclusion, this project is meant to provide Taikang information about the US and China’s senior care industry, recommendations for social integration, management operations, and marketing strategies. The goal is to increase resident enrollment at Yan Garden, and develop Yan Garden as a model CCRC. The recommendations are meant to be financially feasible, culturally appropriate, and aligned with the goals of Yan garden. *

43 Thank You 致谢 我们再一次感谢泰康为我们提供这次学习和合作的机会。在此我们邀请我们整个工作团队到讲台上来,并欢迎在座各位提出问题和建议。 Again, we would like to thank Taikang for this learning and collaborative opportunity. At this time we would like to invite our some of our classmates up here and take any questions you may have. *

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