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chapter7 cargo insurance

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1 chapter7 cargo insurance

2 INTRUDUCTION In international trade, there are a number of risks, which,if they occur, will involve traders in financial 1osses, For instance cargoes in transit may be damaged due to breakage of packing, clash or fire etc. These hazards, and many others, may be insured against. Every year, a certain amount of cargo was destroyed or damaged by perils of the sea in transit, but whichever particular cargo it would be it can not be anticipated.

3 INTRUDUCTION All cargo owners take the risk of loss through the perils. However, foreign traders can insure themselves against many of these risks. Based on the principle that the fortunate helps the unfortunate, the industry of insurance has been developed to overcome these financial losses.

4 INTRUDUCTION When actual losses occur, cargos may not be recovered physically. However, the financial interests of the seller and the buyer are protected by the insurance.

5 保险实质   保险是一种经济补偿的手段,以概率论和大数定律为依据收取保险费,集中具有同一危险的多数单位的资金,建立保险金,利用“分散危险,分摊损失”的办法,对少数参加者(被保险人)由于特定灾害事故所造成的损失进行经济补偿,或对人身伤害给付保险金.

6 Marine Insurance

7 1. instruction At present, according to the different transportation methods, there are ocean marine transportation insurance, overland transportation insurance, air transportation insurance and parcel post transportation insurance in our country.

8 1. instruction Among all these, ocean marine transportation insurance is mostly and widely used in international trade practical business. The ocean marine transportation insurance is also the first used insurance and so has the longest history among the all.

9 2. Definition Marine insurance is defined as a contract of insurance whereby the insurance in return for premium collected undertakes to indemnify the insured in a manner(一定程度) and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incidental(附属)to marine adventure.

10 2. Definition Such insurance involving the marine conveyance of cargo from one country to another is, then, marine cargo insurance, which is seen as an indispensable adjunct(必不可少的部分) to foreign trade.

11 2. Definition However, the term “marine insurance” is somewhat misleading because the contract of marine insurance can, by agreement of the parties of the trade, be extended so as to protect the insured against losses on inland waters or land which are incidental to the sea voyage.

12 3. risk, loss and coverage According to the loss or damage caused by risks included in different coverage and the expenses involved, the insurance company is responsible for indemnifying the insured goods. Obviously, risk, loss and coverage are closely related to each other.

13 3. risk, loss and coverage By purchasing insurance, the assured protects interests against three things the risk of loss the actual loss the expenses incurred to avoid or reduce loss.

14 Risks

15 海洋运输货物保险保障的风险 海上风险 外来风险 自然灾害 意外事故 一般外来风险 特殊外来风险

16 1. introduction While the cargo traveling to another country, it is likely to encounter various perils which may cause the goods to suffer loss of one kind or another.

17 2. Kinds of perils Marine risks in connection with cargo in transit can be classified into two types: perils of the sea and extraneous risks. Perils of the sea are caused by natural calamities and fortuitous accidents; the latter, by various extraneous reasons, including general extraneous risks and special extraneous risks.

18 1). Perils of the sea 海上风险 (1) Natural calamities: 自然灾害
(2) Fortuitous accidents: 意外事故

19 (1)Natural calamities: 自然灾害
They are caused by the forces resulting from the changes of nature, e.g., vile weather, thunder, lightning, thunderstorm, tsunami(海啸), earthquake, flood, etc. These events should be exceptional to some extent and ordinary action of the wind and waves are not considered natural calamities.

20 (2)Fortuitous accidents: 意外事故
They include accidents resulting from unexpected causes, the carrying conveyance being grounded, stranded, fire, or in collision with floating ice or other objects, as well as fire or explosion.

21 attention All the perils must occur at sea and must be because of sea; otherwise, they are not covered by the insurance. For example, there is no coverage for loss that occurs because of the willful misconduct(故意的违法行为) of the insured.

22 2). extraneous risks (1) general extraneous risks is also called ordinary risks, such as theft, pilferage, rain damage, shortage, breakage, sweating and heating, intermixture and contamination, odor, hook damage, breakage of packing, rusting, etc. (2) special risks such as strike, war, failure to deliver, etc.

23 Perils General ~ Special ~ Natural Calamities Perils of the Sea
Extraneous risks Natural Calamities Fortuitous Accidents General ~ Special ~

24 海上风险 海上风险(perils of the sea)又称海难。一般是指船舶或货物在海上航行中发生的或随附海上运输所发生的风险,包括自然灾害和意外事故; 外来风险(extraneous risks)是指由于海上风险以外的其他外来原因引起的风险,可分为一般外来风险和特殊外来风险。

25 海上风险 自然灾害:不以人的意志为转移的自然界破坏力量所引起的灾害。如恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水、火山爆发、浪击落海等,这些灾害在保险业务中都有其特定的含义。 意外事故:由于偶然的,难以预料的原因造成的事故,如船舶搁浅、触礁、沉没、焚毁、互撞或遇流冰或其他固体物体,如与码头碰撞以及失火、爆炸等原因造成的事故。

26 恶劣气候:也叫暴风雨,引起船只颠簸、倾斜造成船体、机器设备的损坏
沉没:船体的全部或大部分已经没入水面以下,并失去继续航行的能力 搁浅:船底同海底或浅滩保持一定时间的固定状态。 触礁:船舶在航行中,船身擦过或碰过水中的礁石或其他障碍物仍继续前进的情况。

27 碰撞:船舶与其他船或固定的或流动的物体猛力接触。

28 外来风险 一般外来风险是指被保险货物在运输途中由于偷窃提货不着、淡水雨淋、短量、玷污、渗漏、破碎、受潮受热、串味、生锈、钩损、包装破裂等一般外来原因所造成的风险损失。(11种) 特殊外来风险是指由于战争、罢工、交货不到、拒收、进口关税、舱面、黄曲霉素、存仓火险等特殊外来原因所造成的风险损失。(8种)

29 Losses

30 1. losses 1) Total loss 全部海损 (1) Actual Total Loss: 实际全损
(2) Constructive Total Loss: 推定全损 2) Partial loss 部分海损 (1) General Average: 共同海损 (2) Particular average: 单独海损

31 1) Total loss 全部损失 It is classified into 2 kinds:
(1) Actual Total Loss: It means that the insured subject matter is totally and irretrievably lost不可避免的损失. (2)Constructive Total Loss: It is estimated that the actual total loss of cargo is inevitable or the cost of salvage or recovery could have exceed the value of the cargo.

32 全部损失 1. 实际全损 实际全损是指被保险货物完全灭失或完全变质,或者货物实际上已不可能归还被保险人而言的损失。
(1)保险标的物完全灭失。 (2)保险标的物已丧失商业价值或失去原有用途。 (3)被永久剥夺所有权。船舶失踪,达到一定时期,半年仍无音讯,则可视为全部灭失。

33 全部损失 2. 推定全损 指货物发生保险事故后,认为实际全损已经不可避免,或者为避免发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目的地的费用之和超过保险价值的损失。

34 全部损失 在推定全损的情况下,被保险人获得的损失赔偿有两种情况:一种是被保险人获得全损的赔偿;另一种是被保险人获得部分损失的赔偿。

35 委付(Abandonment) 委付(Abandonment)是指被保险人在保险标的处于推定全损状态时,向保险人声明愿意将保险标的的一切权益,包括财产权及一切由此而产生的权利与义务转化给保险人,而要求保险人按全损给予赔偿的一种行为。若被保险人不办理委付而保留对残余货物的所有权,则保险人将按部分损失予以赔偿。 保险人有权决定是否接受。但不管是否接受都得全部赔偿。

36 2) Partial loss 部分海损 (1) Particular average: 单独海损
(2) General Average: 共同海损

37 average The word average has a special meaning in cargo insurance, It means partial loss or non-total loss to a ship or cargo. partial loss in turn means: 1) total loss of part of the insured cargo or; 2) damage of or the part of the insured cargo.

38 (1) Particular average It means that a particular cargo is damaged by any cause and the degree of the damage does not reach a total loss, i.e., only a partial loss, which shall be borne by the owner of this individual consignment.

39 (2) General Average: It refers to a certain special sacrifice and extra expense intentionally incurred for the general interests of the ship owner, the insurer, and the owners of the various cargoes abroad the ship.

40 In another word, A general average must be a partial, deliberate and reasonable sacrifice of the ship, freight, or goods, undertaken for the common safety of the adventure in time of peril and /or extraordinary expenditure(临时费用) with the like object such as the charge for towing a stranded ship.

41 DIFFERENCE1 Particular average means a loss that is borne solely by the owner of the lost property (ship or cargo) general average means a sacrifice made for the common safety of both the cargo and the ship.

42 for instance Partial damage of cargo by sea water is a particular average. partial damage of cargo by water that has been used to put out a fire is general average since the damage has been made in order to save both the ship and the cargo on board the ship of all the cargo owners, (Of course, the damage caused by the fire is still a particular average.)

43 DIFFERENCE2 Particular average is recoverable from the insurance underwriter if it has been covered; general average is spread among the interests affected and all including owners whose property doe not sustain a loss must make proportionate contributions, which are then recoverable from the insurance underwriter.

44 案例分析 1.船长认为装有树脂的货仓内冒烟便认为是有火情,于是命令灌注蒸汽进船,但是船到目的地后发现舱内并没有着火的迹象,由蒸汽造成的损失是否属于共同海损? 2.某船触礁后严重渗漏,船方决定立即进坞修理,但潮水并不适宜立即进坞,因为可能会造成码头的损坏。但后来船方为了摆脱沉没的危险不得不强制进码头,最后造成了码头的损坏,这是否属于共同海损?

45 案例分析 3.某船因为事故造成螺旋桨损坏,为了修船,船不得不倾斜其位置,船上不少冷藏货,因为岸上没有冷库,无法卸岸后再修船,由于船体倾斜造成货物积压损坏。这种损坏是否属于共同海损?

46 部分损失 单独海损是指除共同海损以外的意外损失,即由于承保范围内的风险所直接导致的船舶或货物的部分损失。该损失仅由各受损者单独负担。这种损失只是使该公司一家的利益遭受影响,跟同船所装的其它货物的货主和船东利益并没有什么关系,因而就属于单独海损。

47 部分损失 2、共同海损 共同海损是指载货的船舶在海上遇到灾害或者意外事故,威胁到船、货等各方的共同安全,为了解除这种威胁,维护船货安全,或者使航程得以继续完成,由船方有意识地、合理地采取措施,所作出的某些特殊牺牲或支出某些额外费用,这些损失和费用叫共同海损。

48 部分损失 构成共同海损须具备以下条件: 共同海损的危险必须是实际存在的,或者是不可避免地产生的,而不是主观臆测的;
必须是主动有意采取的行为; 必须是为船货共同安全而采取谨慎的合理的措施; 必须是属非常性质的损失。

49 常见共同海损的类型 1.为船货共同安全,减轻船重,防止船舶沉没,将部分货物或船舶设备抛入海中;
2.为急于抛弃货物,在船边或舱面开凿洞口,使船身、甲板等遭受的损失; 3.为扑灭船上火灾,灌浇海水、淡水或化学灭火剂造成船或货的损失;

50 常见共同海损的类型 4.采取紧急的人为搁浅措施造成船或货的损失; 5.为使船舶搁浅后能重新起浮,过度开动船上机器造成机器损坏。

51 部分损失 共同海损和单独海损的区别: 1.造成海损的原因有别。单独海损是承保风险所直接导致的船货损失;共同海损则不是承保风险所直接导致的损失,而是为了解除船、货共同危险有意采取合理措施而造成的损失。 2.损失的承担责任有别。单独海损由受损方自行承担;而共同海损,则应由各受益方按照受益大小的比例共同分摊。

52 共同海损案例 某船舶在航行中发生共同海损,船舶外侧钢板受损约12万元,货物发生共同海损牺牲为20万元,共同海损支付的费用共为3万元,承运人的损失为5万元,各方的分摊价值分别为: 船舶:1000万元 货主A :180万元 货主B: 200万元 货主C: 200万元 运费: 20万元

53 首先计算共同海损损失占共同海损分摊价值的比例,称为共同海损百分比。即:
共同海损百分比=共同海损损失总额/共同海损分摊价值总和X100% 船舶共同海损分摊金额=船舶共同海损分摊价值X共同海损百分比 货物共同海损分摊金额=货物共同海损分摊价值X共同海损百分比 运费共同海损分摊金额=运费共同海损分摊价值X共同海损百分比

54 计算 共同海损损失总额=12+20+3+5=40万元 共同海损分摊价值总和=1000+150+200+200+20=1600万元
共同海损百分比=40/1600*100%=2.5% 各方分摊金额为: 船方分摊金额为:1000*2.5%=25万元 货主A :180*2.5%=4.5万元 货主B :200*2.5%=5万元 货主C :200*2.5%=5万元 承运人 : 20*2.5%=0.5万元

55 2. Maritime charges--Expense
Losses sustained by the insured because of the risks come from not only the loss of the goods or the damage done to the goods, but also from the expenses the insured sustained in rescuing the goods in danger. Transportation insurance not only insures the losses caused by risks but also the losses of expenses. 2. Maritime charges--Expense

56 1) introduction Ocean marine cargo insurance also covers some expenses incurred in reducing the subject matter insured either by the assured himself or a party other than the insurance and/or the assured. This is intended to encourage efforts to save the subject matter insured.

57 2) Kinds of Expenses Sue and labor expenses Expenses Salvage charges
施救费用 Expenses Salvage charges 救助费用

58 (1)Sue and labor charges: It shall be covered by the insurer.
(2)Salvage charges: According to the relative laws, the insurer shall pay to the salvor. But there is a principle, i.e., “no cure-no pay”.

59 费用 1、施救费用(sue and labour expenses) 系指保险标的在遭遇保险责任范围内的灾害事故时,被保险人或其代理人、雇佣人员和保险单受让人对保险标的所采取的各种抢救、防止或减少货损的措施而支出的合理费用。

60 费用 2、救助费用(salvage charges)

61 3.施救费用和救助费用的区别 1)采取行为的主体不同:施救是由被保险人及其代理人等采取的行为,而救助是保险人和被保险人以外的第三者进行的。
2)给付报酬的原则不同:施救费用是施救不论有无效果,都予赔偿,而救助则是“无效果、无报酬”。 3)保险人的赔偿责任不同:施救费用可在保险货物本身的保额以外,再赔一个保额;而保险人对救助费用的赔偿责任是以不超过获救财产的价值为限。

62 summary: 海上损失与费用 费 用 损失 全部损失 部分损失 施救费用(sue and labor expenses)
实际全损(actual total loss ) 推定全损(constructive total loss) 单独海损(particular average) 共同海损(general average) 施救费用(sue and labor expenses) 救助费用(salvage charges) 损失 全部损失

63 海运货物保险承保范围全图


65 COVERAGE 1. China Insurance Clauses (CIC)我国海运货物保险条款
2. Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 伦敦货物协会保险条款

66 1. China Insurance Clauses (CIC)我国海运货物保险条款
China Insurance Clauses were made effective January 1,1981and are now offered by PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited. They are the most commonly used insurance clauses in China.

67 1. (CIC) Insurance coverage
1) Basic Insurance Coverage:FPA,WPA,and AR 2) Additional Insurance Coverage 3) warehouse to warehouse 4) exclusion of CIC

68 中国海洋运输货物保险 我国国际货物运输保险主要采用中国人民保险公司(The People’s Insurance of China, PICC)制订的保险条款(China Insurance Clauses ,简称C.I.C.) 基本险别 附加险别 一切险(AR) 平安险(FPA) 水渍险(WPA/WA) 一般附加险 特殊附加险

69 1) Basic risks-- FPA (Free from particular average平安险)
Free from Particular Average means no partial loss or damage is recoverable. It provides coverage only for general average and total loss of cargo together with ship or aircraft.

70 1) Basic risks-- FPA (Free from particular average平安险)
First, if the lost object is a separate package in a shipment such as one case out of a ten-case shipment, partial loss or damage is recoverable. FPA is the minimum coverage and offers limited protection. However, there are two exceptions in which partial loss or damage is recoverable. And if the vessel or craft is stranded, sunk or burnt, partial loss or damage is also recoverable. Therefore FPA actually covers some partial losses.

71 ⑴.本例中的被保险货物,在航行中连续遇到了两次损失,第一次损失发生于5月3日,是自然灾害造成的。按平安险条款,在一般情况下,对于自然灾害造成的这种部分损失是不负赔偿责任的。但本例情况,在5月3日发生自然灾害而使货物受到部分损失后,又于5月8日发生了船舶触礁的事故,按平安险的责任范围规定,在这种特殊情况下,自然灾害造成的部分损失,保险公司也负责赔偿。而意外事故造成的部分损失,保险公司也是负责的。因此,保险公司对本例所发生的损失均应负责赔偿。 ⑵.赔偿金额=(1000元+2000元)×110%=3300元。

72 FPA=海上风险引起的(全部海损+共同海损损失)+意外事故引起的单独海损

73 1) Basic risks-- WA/WPA (With Average/With Particular Average 水渍险)
WA provides cover against all loss or damage due to perils of the sea including partial loss or damage throughout the duration of the policy. This coverage provides protection against damage from sea water caused by “heavy weather”.

74 1) Basic risks-- WA/WPA (With Average/With Particular Average 水渍险)
It covers partial loss due to vile weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and/or flood as well as the risks covered under F.P.A. condition as mentioned above. 水渍险=自然灾害引起的单独海损+FPA

75 1) Basic risks—A.R (All risks: 一切险)
Aside from the risks covered under the F.P.A. and W.A. conditions as above, this insurance also covers all risks of losses or damage to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from external causes in the course of transit

76 1) Basic risks-- A.R However, risks of war, strike and loss or damage or expense proximately caused by delay or inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured are not covered.

77 一、基本险——平安险 free from particular average , F. P. A.
1.由于自然灾害所造成的整批货物的全部损失。 2.由于运输工具搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞,与 流冰或其它物体碰撞以及失火爆炸等意外事 故所造成的货物全部或部分损失。 3.上述(2.)情况下,货物在此前后又在海上 遭受自然灾害所造成的部分损失。 4.在装卸或转运时,一件或数件货物落海所造 成的全部损失和部分损失。

78 一、基本险——平安险 free from particular average , F. P. A.
5.被保险人采取抢救、防止或减少承保责任内 货损的措施而支付合理费用。 6.运输工具遭受海难后,在中途港或避难港停 靠,由于卸货、装货、存仓以及运送货物所 造成的特别费用。 7.发生共同海损所引起牺牲、分摊和救助费用; 8.根据运输契约中订有“船舶互撞责任”条款, 规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。

79 一、基本险——水渍险 with particular average , W. P. A.
水渍险英文原意是指单独海损负责赔偿。 目前,水渍险的责任范围,除包括上列“平安险”的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气候、雷电 、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。

80 一、基本险——一切险 all risk A.R 一切险的责任范围除包括“平安险”和“水渍险”的所有责任外,还包括货物在运输过程中,因一般外来原因所造成的被保险货物的全损或部分损失。 实际上,一切险是平安险,水渍险以及一般附加险的总和。

81 一、基本险——总结 平安险承保:自然灾害引起的全部损失+意外事故造成的全部或部分损失
水渍险承保:自然灾害引起的全部或部分损失+意外事故造成的全部或部分损失 一切险承保:自然灾害引起的全部或部分损失+意外事故引起的全部或部分损失+一般外来原因引起的损失(11种) 保险责任范围比较: 一切险 > 水渍险 > 平安险

82 2) Additional Insurance Coverage 附加险别
(1) General Additional Insurance Coverage一般附加险 (2) Special Additional Risk特殊附加险

83 (1) General Additional Insurance Coverage一般附加险
偷窃提货不着险(Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery: TPND) 淡水雨淋险(Fresh Water and Rain Damage) 渗漏险(Risk of Leakage) 短量险(Risk of Shortage) 钩损险(Hook Damage)

84 (1) General Additional Insurance Coverage一般附加险---11种
污染险(Risk of Contamination) 碰损破碎险(Risk of Clash and Breakage) 生锈险(Risk of Rust) 串味险(Risk of Odor) 受潮受热险(Damage Caused by Heating and Sweating)

85 Pay attention to: No additional risk can be purchased to insure goods independently. Since the scope of cover of general additional risks is already included into that of All Risks, it is not necessary for the goods to be insured by additional risks if it is insured by All Risks.

86 (2) Special Additional Risk 特殊附加险
Special additional risk differs from general addition risk in that the former covers loss or damage caused by some special extraneous reasons such as politics, law, regulations and war. On the other hand, like general additional risk, special additional risks can not be used to insure goods alone either.

87 (2) Special Additional Risk 特殊附加险
*War Risk *Strike Risk *On deck risk *Import duty risk clause *Rejection risk *Aflatoxin risk

88 (2) Special Additional Risk 特殊附加险
*Failure to delivery clause *Ocean Marine Cargo War Risk *Fire Risk Extension Clause for Storage of Cargo at destination HongKong, including Kowloon or Macao

89 保险案例1 我某公司按CIF条件向中东某国出口一批货物,根据合同投保了“水渍险”附加“偷窃、提货不着险”。但在海运途中,因两伊战起船被扣押,而后进口商因提货不着便向我保险公司进行索赔,我保险公司认为不属于保险范围,不予赔偿,是否合理?

90 保险案例2 我某纺织品公司向澳大利亚出口坯布100包,我方按合同规定投保水渍险,货在海运中因舱内食用水管破裂,致使该批坯布中30包浸有水渍。但保险公司拒绝赔偿。

91 保险案例3 我某出口公司按CIF条件成交货物一批向中国人民保险公司投保了“水渍险”,货物在转船过程中遇到大雨,货到目的港后,收货人发现有明显的雨水侵渍,损失达70%,因而向我方提出索赔,我方能接受吗?

92 保险案例4 在80年代,有一进口商同国外买方达成一项交易,合同约定的价格条件为CIF,当时正值海湾地区爆发战争,装有出口货物的轮船在公海上航行时,被一发导弹误中而沉。由于在投保时,没有加保战争险,不能取得保险公司的赔偿。买方为此向卖方提出索赔,理由是,卖方明知海湾有战事公海上不平安,而没有投保战争险,致使买方利益受损。

93 保险案例5 某出口公司以CIF条件向南美某国出口花生酥糖1000箱,投保一切险。由于货轮陈旧、航速太慢且沿线到处揽货,结果航行3个月才到达目的港。花生酥糖因受热时间过长而全部软化,难以销售。保险公司对此是否负责赔偿?

94 案例分析6 某公司出口某货物,投保一切险加战争险,该船抵达目的港开始卸货时,当地发生武装冲突,部分船上货物及部分已卸到岸上的货物被毁。问:保险公司如何赔偿?

95 二、附加险 附加险是不能单独承保的险别。它必须依附于基本险项下,即只有投保基本险其中的一种之后,才可加保附加险。

96 二、附加险—一般附加险(11种) (General Additional Risk)
承担一般外来风险所造成的损失,不能独立投保。 1. T.P.N.D  (Theft, Pilferge and Non-Delivery 偷窃、提货不着险)      保险有效期内,被保险货物被偷走或窃走,以及货物运抵目的港后,货物的全部或整件未交的损失,由保险公司负责赔偿。  

97 二、附加险—一般附加险(11种) 2.R.F.W.D (Fresh Water Rain Damage 淡水雨淋险)
货物运输中,由于淡水、雨水以及冰雪融化所造成的损失,保险公司都应负责赔偿。淡水包括船上淡水舱、水管漏水以及舱汗。   3.Risks of Shortage  (短量险)  因包装破裂或散装货物发生数量散失

98 二、附加险—一般附加险(11种) 4.Inter-Mixture & Contamination Risks (混杂、沾污险) 承保后物在运输过程中混进杂质所造成的损失   5.Leakage Risks   (渗漏险)      流质、半流质的液体物质和油类物质在运输过程中因为容器损坏而引起的渗漏损失  

99 二、附加险—一般附加险(11种) 6.Clash & Breakage Risk (破损、破碎险)指保险人承保货物碰损和破碎的损失
7.Taint of Odour Risks(串味险)指承保货物在运输途中因受其它/带异味货物的影响而造成的串味的损失  8.Sweating & Heating Risk  (受潮受热险) 指承保货物在运输途中因受气温变化或水蒸气的影响而使货物发生变质的损失 

100 二、附加险—一般附加险(11种) 9.Hook Damage Risks (钩损险)
被保险货物在装卸过程中因为使用手钩、吊钩等工具所造成的损失   10.Rust Risk  (锈损险)    保险公司承保货物在运输过程中因为生锈造成的损失   11.Breakage of Packing Risks  (包装破损险)保险人承保因包装破裂造成货物短少、沾污等损失

101 二、附加险—特殊附加险(Special Additional Risk)
主要承担特殊外来风险所造成的损失 1.战争险 罢工险 黄曲霉素险 交货不到险 5.舱面险 进口关税险 7.拒收险 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳 门存仓火险责任扩展条款

102 二、附加险—特殊附加险 1.海上货物运输罢工险
 保险人承保被保险货物因罢工等人为活动造成损失的特殊附加险。 我国保险人对罢工险的保险责任范围包括:①罢工者、被迫停工工人或参加工潮暴动、民众斗争的人员的行动所造成的直接损失;②任何人的敌意行动所造成的直接损失;③因上述行动或行为引起的共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。

103 二、附加险—特殊附加险 1.海上货物运输罢工险

104 二、附加险—特殊附加险 2.海上货物运输战争险
1)定义   保险人承保战争或类似战争行为导致的货物损失的特殊附加险。被保险人必须投保货运基本险之后,才能经特别约定投保战争险。

105 二、附加险—特殊附加险 2.海上货物运输战争险 (保险责任)
2)战争险的保险责任包括: ①直接由于战争、类似战争行为和敌对行为、武装冲突或海盗行为所致的损失。 ②由于上述原因所引起的捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押所造成的损失。 ③各种常规武器,包括水雷、鱼雷、炸弹所致的损失。 ④由于上述原因所引起的共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。

106 二、附加险—特殊附加险 2.海上货物运输战争险 (除外责任)
3)除外责任包括: ①由于敌对行为使用原予或热核制造的武器 ( 如原子弹、氢弹等 ) 所致的损失和费用; ②根据执政者、当权者,或其他武装集团的扣押、拘留引起的承保航程的丧失和挫折而提出的任何索赔。

107 二、附加险—特殊附加险 3.交货不到险 自被保险货物装上船舶时开始,在 6 个月内不能运到原定目的地交货。不论何种原因造成交货不到,保险人都按全部损失予以赔偿. 被保险人应将货物的全部权益转移给保险人,因为造成交货不到的原因并非运输上的,而是某些政治原因 ( 如被另一国在中途港强迫卸货等 ) ,所以,被保险人在投保该险别时必须获得进口货物所有的一切许可手续,否则投保该险是无效的。

108 二、附加险—特殊附加险 3.交货不到险 该附加险与提货不着险和战争险所承保责任范围有重叠处,故人保在条款中规定,提货不着险和战争险项下所承担的责任,不在交货不到险的保险责任范围之内。

109 二、附加险—特殊附加险 3.进口关税险 被保险货物受损后,仍得在目的港按完好货物交纳进口关税而造成相应货损部分的关税损失。

110 二、附加险—特殊附加险 3.进口关税险 进口关税险的保险金额度根据本国进口税率确定,并与货物的保险金额分开,在保险单上另行列出。而保险人在损失发生后,对关税损失部分的赔付以该保险金额为限。 投保进口关税险,往往是针对某些国家规定,进口货物不论是否短少、残损均需按完好价值纳税而适用的。

111 二、附加险—特殊附加险 4.舱面货物险 有些货物因体积大或有毒性或有污染性或根据航运习惯必须装载于舱面,为对这类货物的损失提供保险保障,可以加保舱面货物险。承保装载于舱面的货物被抛弃或海浪冲击落水所致的损失。 加保该附加险后,保险人除了按基本险责任范围承担保险责任外,还要依舱面货物险对舱面货物被抛弃或风浪冲击落水的损失予以赔偿。由于舱面货物处于暴露状态,易受损害,保险人通常只是在“平安险”的基础上加保舱面货物险,以免责任过大。

112 二、附加险—特殊附加险 5.拒收险 投保拒收险的条件是被保险人在投保时必须持有进口所需的一切手续 ( 特许证或许可证或进口限额 ) 。
当被保险货物出于各种原因,在进口港被进口国政府或有关当局拒绝进口或没收而产生损失时,保险人依拒收险对此承担赔偿责任。 投保拒收险的条件是被保险人在投保时必须持有进口所需的一切手续 ( 特许证或许可证或进口限额 ) 。

113 二、附加险—特殊附加险 5.拒收险 如果被保险货物在起运后至抵达进口港之前的期间内,进口国宣布禁运或禁止进口的,保险人只负责赔偿将该货物运回出口国或转口到其他目的地所增加的运费,且以该货物的保险金额为限。

114 二、附加险—特殊附加险 5.拒收险 被保险人所投保的货物在生产、质量、包装、商品检验等方面,必须符合产地国和进口国的有关规定。如果因被保险货物的记载错误、商标或生产标志错误、贸易合同或其他文件存在错误或遗漏、违反产地国政府或有关当局关于出口货物规定而引起的损失,保险人概不承担保险责任。

115 二、附加险—特殊附加险 6.黄曲霉素险 承保被保险货物 ( 主要是花生 ) 在进口港或进口地经卫生当局检验证明,其所含黄曲霉素超过进口国限制标准,而被拒绝进口、没收或强制改变用途所造成的损失。按该险条款规定,经保险人要求,被保险人有责任处理被拒绝进口或强制改变用途的货物或者申请仲裁。

116 二、附加险—特殊附加险 6.出口货物到香港 ( 包括九龙 ) 或是澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款
二、附加险—特殊附加险 6.出口货物到香港 ( 包括九龙 ) 或是澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 对于被保险货物自内地出口运抵香港 ( 包括九龙 ) 或澳门,卸离运输工具,直接存放于保险单载明的过户银行所指定的仓库期间发生火灾所受的损失,承担赔偿责任。 该附加险是一种保障过户银行权益的险种。因为,货物通过银行办理押汇,在货主未向银行归还贷款前,货物的权益属于银行,所以,在该保险单上必须注明过户给放款银行。

117 二、附加险—特殊附加险 6.出口货物到香港 ( 包括九龙 ) 或是澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款
二、附加险—特殊附加险 6.出口货物到香港 ( 包括九龙 ) 或是澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 货物在此期间到达目的港的,收货人无法提货,必须存入过户银行指定的仓库。从而,保险单附加该险条款的保险人承担火险责任。 该附加险的保险期限,自被保险货物运入过户银行指定的仓库之时起,至过户银行解除货物权益之时,或者运输责任终止时起满 30 天时止。若被保险人在保险期限届满前向保险人书面申请延期的,在加缴所需保险费后可以继续延长。

118 3)责任起讫范围 Basic Insurance General Additional Risk Strike Risks
W / W Clause (仓至仓条款) General Additional Risk Strike Risks Special Additional Risk 水面危险或运输工具上危险 War Risks

119 三、承保责任起讫期限(基本险) 1.采用“仓至仓条款”;
2.当货物从目的港的海轮卸离时起满 60天为限,既不论被保险货物是否进入收货人仓库,保险责任均告终止; 3.在保险期内被保险货物转运到非保险单所载明的目的地时,则以该项货物开始运转时终止; 4.当货物在运至载明的目的港之前的某一仓库发生分配、分派情况,则保险责任在货物运抵该仓库终止。

120 “仓对仓条款”Warehouse to Warehouse Clause,W/W)
保险公司对保险货物所承担的保险责任,从运离保险单所载明的起运港(地)的发货人仓库开始,一直到货物到达保险单所载明的目的港(地)收货人仓库为止。(在仓库发生的损失概不负责) “运离”:保险货物一经离开发货人仓库,保 险责任即为开始; “到达”:保险货物一经进入收货人仓库,保 险责任即告终止;

121 三、承保责任起讫期限(基本险) 战争险的责任起讫与基本险的责任起讫不同,它不采用仓至仓条款。战争险的承保期限仅限于水上危险或运输工具上的危险。(水至水) 1、海运战争险规定自保险单所载明的起运港装上海轮或驳船时开始,直到保险单所载明的目的港卸离海轮或驳船时为止。 2、若货物不卸离海轮或驳船,则保险责任最长延至货物到目的港之当日午夜起算15天为止。

122 三、承保责任起讫期限(基本险) 3、如在中途港转船,则不论货物在当地卸载与否,保险责任以海轮到达该港或卸货地点的当日午夜起算满15天为止,待再装上续运的海轮时,保险人仍继续负责。 罢工险与基本险一样,加保罢工险不另外收费

123 案例 我方以CFR贸易术语出口货物一批,在从出口公司仓库运到待运码头过程中,货物发生损失,该项损失应由何方负责?如买方已经向保险公司办理了保险,保险公司对该项损失是否给予赔偿?

124 案例 某轮载货后,在航行中不慎发生搁浅,事后反复开倒车,强行起浮,但船上轮机受损且船底划破,致使海水渗入货仓,造成船货部分损失。该船行驶到邻近的一港口码头修理,暂时卸下大部分货物,前后花去10天时间,增加支出各项费用,包括船员工资。当船修复后装上原货物启航后不久,A舱起火,船长下令对该舱灌水灭火。A舱载有文具、茶叶等,灭火后发现文具用品一部分被烧毁,另一部分文具和全部茶叶被水浸湿。试说明以上各项损失的性质,并指出在投保何种险别情况下,保险公司才负责赔偿。

125 4) Exclusions of insurance policy
CIC insurance policies have some exclusions including loss or damage caused by the intentional act or fault of the assured, loss or damage falling under the liability of the consignor, loss or damage arising from the inferior quality or shortage of the insured goods prior to the insured goods, loss of market and/or delay in transit and any expenses arising therefrom.

126 四、除外责任 2、属于发货人责任所引起的损失。 3、在保险责任开始前,被保险货物已存在的品质不或数量短差所造成的损失。
1、被保险人的故意或过失所造成的损失。 2、属于发货人责任所引起的损失。 3、在保险责任开始前,被保险货物已存在的品质不或数量短差所造成的损失。 4、被保险货物的自然损耗、本质和特性缺陷以及市价跌落、运输延迟所造成的损失或费用。 5、战争险和罢工险条款规定的除外责任。

127 Introduction of the insurance coverage of marine cargo transport
Basic risks additional risks responsibilities and time limit of insurance the exclusion of basic coverage F.P.A W.P.A All risks General additional risks Special additional risks

128 2. Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) 伦敦货物协会保险条款
Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) was first made in 1912 by the Institute of London Underwriters. The newly revision came into effect on January 1, 1982 and are widely used around the world. There are three main clauses.

129 Coverage of ICC (1) Institute Cargo Clause A;
(2) Institute Cargo Clause B; (3) Institute Cargo Clause C; (4) Institute War Clause-Cargo; (5) Institute Strike Clause-Cargo; (6) Malicious Damage Clause;

130 说明:前三项可以独立投保;第四、五项征得
伦敦保险协会 海运货物保险条款(ICC) 协会货物条款(A)——ICC(A) 协会货物条款(B)——ICC(B) 协会货物条款(C)——ICC(C) 协会战争险条款(货物) 协会罢工险条款(货物) 恶意损害险条款 除恶意损害险外,其余5种均可单独投保。 说明:前三项可以独立投保;第四、五项征得 保险人的同意也可单独投保; 第六项只能作为附加险别投保。

131 补充资料: 伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款(ICC) 与我国(CIC)的不同点: 主要的险别用字母表示 险别的排列是由大到小
战争险和罢工险可以单独投保 承保的风险范围采用列明风险和除外责任的方式

132 (1) ICC(A) (1) ICC (A) provides cover against all risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured with certain exclusions, which include * Ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured; and

133 (1) ICC(A) * Loss, damage or expense attributable by:
< Willful misconduct of the assured, < Insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured, < Inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured,

134 (1) ICC(A) < Delay even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against, < Insolvency or financial default of the owners, managers, charterers, or operators of the vessel, and < The use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/ or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.

135 (1) ICC(A) In addition, ICC(A) does not cover loss, damage or expense caused by war, strike or the unseaworthiness of vessel or craft and unfitness of vessel, craft, conveyance, container or lift van for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where the assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein.

136 ICC(A)险对承保风险的规定 ICC(A)险条款对承保风险的规定采用“一切风险减除外责任”的方式:
承保除“除外责任”各条款规定以外的一切 风险所造成保险标的的损失。 共同海损条款 船舶互撞责任条款 ICC(A)险条款除外责任有四类: )一般除外责任;2)不适航、不适货除外责任;3)战争除外责任; 4)罢工除外责任;

137 (2) ICC(B) * The loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured attributable to fire or explosion, vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized, overturning or derailment of land conveyance, collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than water, discharge of cargo at a port of distress; ICC(B) covers risks that are specifically listed subject to certain exclusions similar to what are not covered under ICC(A). These risks include:

138 (2) ICC(B) * The loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by general average sacrifice, jettison or washing overboard, entry of sea, lake or river water into vessel craft hold conveyance container lift van or place of storage; and * total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading on to, or unloading from, vessel or craft.

139 (B)险条款对承保风险的规定 “列明风险”
1.火灾、爆炸; 2.船舶或驳船触礁、搁浅、沉没或倾覆; 3.陆上运输工具倾覆或出轨; 4.船舶、驳船或运输工具同除水以外的任何外界物体碰撞; 5.在避难港卸货; 6.共同海损牺牲; 7.抛货; 8.地震、火山爆发、雷电; 9.浪击落海; 10.海水、湖水或河水进入船舶、驳船、运输工具、集装箱、大型海运箱或储存处所; 11.货物在装卸时落海或 跌落造成整件的全损。 除外责任: (A)险的除外责任 + 海盗行为恶意损害险责任。

140 (3) ICC(C) * Loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured reasonably attributable to fire or explosion, vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized, overturning or derailment of land conveyance with any external object other than water, discharge of cargo at a port of distress; and ICC(C) also covers risks that are specifically listed subject to certain exclusions similar to what are not covered under ICC(A).These risks include:

141 (3) ICC(C) * Loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by general average sacrifice, jettison.

142 ICC(C)险条款对承保风险的规定“列明风险”
1.火灾、爆炸; 2.船舶或驳船触礁、搁浅、沉没或倾覆; 3.陆上运输工具倾覆或出轨; 4.船舶、驳船或运输工具同除水以外的任何外界 物体碰撞; 5.在避难港卸货; 共同海损牺牲; 7.抛货 。 (C)险的除外责任与(B)险的除外责任完全相同。

While ICC(A) provides cover against all risks subject to certain exclusions, ICC(B) and (C) provide cover only against specified risks.

144 Compare ICC WITH CIC ICC also provides coverage against war risks, strike and other risks; however, unlike CIC, ICC war risks and strikes can be taken out independently.

145 similarities OF ICC & CIC
Despite some differences in both the coverage and the exclusion, CIC and ICC in principle share many similarities. For example, FPA and ICC(B), and AR and ICC(A) are quite similar to each other in the risks covered.

146 Basic Risk Additional Risk ICC(C) ICC(B) ICC(A) F.P.A. W.P.A. A.R.

147 Fundamental Principles
of Cargo Insurance

148 principles of insurable (可保利益)
principles of utmost good faith (最大诚信原则) principles of indemnity (补偿原则) principles of proximate cause (近因原则) principles of subrogation (代位追偿原则) 重复保险分摊原则

149 1. Insurable interest Insurable means the person insuring must have the absolute ownership of the subject matter insured. Interest, means that the person insuring must be the one who stands to bear some financial loss if risk materializes.

150 1. Insurable interest A person as the title holder is deemed to have an insurable interest in the goods when the loss of or the damage to the goods causes the owner of the goods to suffers a loss, fails to realize an expected profit, or incurs liability from the loss or damage. If a person does not possess the ownership or he will not suffer from any financial loss, he will have no insurable interest in the subject matter and will not be given the coverage.

151 1. Insurable interest Insurable interest will be transferred from the seller to the buyer in international trade. Since an insurance claim must be filed with the insurance policy or certificate and the supporting documents as proof that the goods have been insured and that the claimant has the insurable interest in the goods. the time the insurable interest transfers from the seller to the buyer is, the time the seller endorses the specific insurance policy or certificate to the buyer.

152 1、可保利益原则 (1)必须是合法的利益,不属于不正当获得 (2)必须是一种确定的可以实现的利益

153 2. Utmost good faith This principle requires both the assured and insurer to deal with each other with the highest standard of honesty.

154 案例分析 被保险人投保了一批罐头的一切险,保单上写明了所有的罐头必须打上出厂日期的号码。但实际上许多罐头并没有这种号码,被保险人后来发现部分罐头气胖,向保险公司提出索赔但是被拒绝,为什么?

155 2、最大诚信原则 (1)告知: 无意误告,出险后,保险人退还保费,但不给承保风险;有意误告,出险后,不退换保费,也不承保风险, (2)陈述
(3)保证 不管保证的事情大或小,都必须要做到,否则保险公司都会因此宣告保险合同无效

156 3. Indemnity This concept is concerned with the value of compensation.
Cargo insurance is a contract of indemnity, that is, to compensate for the loss or damage in terms of the value of the insured goods.

157 3. Indemnity It is the principle that assured cannot recover more than his actual loss as the objective目标 of insurance is only to provide compensation for the loss suffered by the assured. The assured should not to profit from insurance and he should be in the same financial position after the loss as before the insured event takes place.

158 3、补偿原则 保险人的赔偿必须以实际损失为限,被保险人不能从中获利,以免道德风险 必须以保险金额为限,不能高于保险金额 必须以可保利益为限

159 4. Proximate cause Proximate cause refers to the first peril in a chain of that result in a loss. This concept concerns solely with establishing the cause of loss or damage to cargo in order to reduce the underwriter’s liability to within tolerable limits. The loss must be a direct result of an insured peril.

160 case the fireman removed undamaged stock from a burning building to avoid its involvement in the fire and the stock was stacked in the open yard. Subsequently the stock was damaged by rain. Was the proximate cause of the damage the fire or the rain?

161 The answer for case if the rain damage occurred before the assured had an opportunity to protect it then the proximate cause of the damage would be the fire and fire is covered under a fire policy; if the stock was left unprotected for an unreasonably long period, the rain would be a new and independent cause of damage and damage caused by rain may not be covered under a policy.

162 近因原则适用于所有的保险,但解释和确立这一原则的诉讼大多与海上保险有关。
明确近因概念的重要案例是1918年Leyland Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd.。 案例见下页

163 “艾卡丽亚号”(Ikaria)于1915年1月30日被敌人潜艇鱼雷击中,船壳被炸开了两个大洞,一号船舱罐满了海水。 该船的水险保单承保了海上危险,但把“一切敌对行为或类似战争行为的后果”作为除外责任。该船驶进了法国勒哈佛尔港,停泊在一个繁忙军事运输的码头边上,港务局担心船会沉没并阻碍码头的使用,于是命令该船起锚或者到港外抢滩,或者锚泊在防波堤外。船长只能服从命令,停靠在防波堤外。由于海床不平和该船被鱼雷击中后头重脚轻的共同作用(低潮时船头搁浅,其他部分在水中),导致船壳严重扭曲,终于在2月2日涨潮时沉没了。

164 保险人主张:损失的近因是鱼雷,属于除外责任。
被保险人主张:时间上最后造成损失的原因才是近因,因此船舶的沉没是由于停靠在防波堤边反复搁浅造成的。 法庭判定:保险人胜诉,并拒绝以时间标准作为衡量近因原则的方法。

165 4、近因原则 保险人只对承保风险与保险标的损失之间有直接因果关系的损失负赔偿责任,对保险责任范围外的风险造成的保险标的的损失,不承担赔偿责任

166 5. Subrogation Subrogation means that when an underwriter has paid a loss under his policy, he is entitled to place himself in the position of the assured to take over all rights of the assured in respect of the loss he has paid such as the title to the subject matter insured and the right in a law suit in case of an accident like a car collision or ship collision, for insurance.

167 5、代位追偿原则 当保险标的发生了保险责任范围内的由第三者责任造成的损失,保险人向被保险人履行了损失赔偿的责任后,有权在已赔付的金额限度内取得被保险人在该项损失中向第三责任方要求索赔的权利。

168 6、重复保险分摊原则 为了避免获得额外利益,只能获得一份补偿 学会比例分摊责任法

169 Insurance Policy

170 1. Insurance document 2) Insurance Certificate 1) Insurance Policy
3) Combined Certificate 4) Endorsement保险更改批单 5) Open Policy预约保单

171 1) Insurance Policy Insurance policy, called policy, is a contract of insurance, describing the term, coverage, premiums and deductibles免赔额.

172 2) Insurance Certificate
Insurance Certificate is a simple form of Insurance policy, it is also contract of insurance, describing the term, coverage, premiums and deductibles but without contents on reverse

173 3) Combined Certificate
When the goods are exported to Hong Kong, and some countries in Southeast Asia, the insurance company sometimes adds the coverage and insurance amount on the commercial invoice which is made out by a foreign trade company. This is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy. It is the simplest insurance certificate in use.

174 4) Endorsement保险更改批单 After insurance has been taken out, if the insured wants to replenish补充or change the contents of the policy, he may apply to the company for amendment. After agreement by the company, another certificate which indicates the relative amendment will be issued. This certificate is called endorsement.

175 5) Open Policy预约保单 This type of policy is of great importance for export business, it is convenient method for insuring the goods where a number of consignments of similar export goods are intended to be covered. An open policy covers these shipments, as soon as they are made, under the previous arrangement between the insured and the insurance company.

176 Insurance Policy The Seller,transferable after endorsement
The insured: Claim at赔付地点: Date of Insurance: The Seller,transferable after endorsement Destination Not late than B/L

177 2. Assignment of the Insurance Policy
A marine policy is assignable by endorsement (or in any other customary manner). For example, the exporter often first makes himself the beneficiary when he is responsible for procuring insurance. An endorsement will then be needed in order to transfer the policy when negotiation is made.

178 2. Assignment of the Insurance Policy
After the transfer, the assignee can sure on the policy in his own name subject to any defense which would have been available against the person who effected the policy. The assignment may be made either before or after the loss, but an assured who has parted with or lost his interest in the subject-matter insured cannot assign.

179 保险合同的转让 货物保险合同的转让是通过转让保险单来实现的。 1.转让无需经过保险人的同意

180 2.必须在保险标所有权转移之前或同时进行 保险标的发生转移后,被保险人就丧失了保险利益,也就无法转让合同 3.损失发生后仍可转让保险合同 除非保险单规定不准转让,货物保险单是可以转让的,而且无论在货物灭失前或灭失后,均可转让。 4.保险合同受让人的权利不优于转让人 保险单的受让人可以以自己的名义对保险人提起索赔或诉讼。保险人可以对原被保险人提出的抗辩及于保单的受让人,但不能以对被保险人的抵销权对抗保单受让人。因此,如果原被保险人未正确履行如实宣告、正确陈述的义务,保险人解除合同的权利不因保单出让而受影响。

181 3. Insurance value Insurance value, in marine cargo insurance, is the actual value of the insurable cargo. It is generally calculated as: Cost of goods+ amount of freight+ insurance premium+ percentage of the total sum to represent a reasonable profit for the buyer. CIF

182 3. Insurance value Insurable value is the maximum amount payable by the insurance company in case of loss and premium is calculated and paid on the basis of this amount.

183 4. Premium The insurance premium is payable to the insurer when he issues the insurance policy or certificate. The premium charge for the insurance policy is calculated according to the risks involved.

184 4. Premium Premium is generally based on the value of goods covered and the statistical probability of loss. Insurance underwriters take a number of specific factors into consideration when they decide on the rate of insurance premium. See textbook pages 113

185 保险金额 保险金额是指保险人所应承担的最高赔偿金。按照国际保险市场习惯,通常按CIF或CIP总值加10%计算。所加的百分率称为保险加成率,它作为买方的经营管理费用和预期利润。 计算公式: 保险费=保险金额(投保金额)×保险费率 保险金额=CIF价X(1+投保加成率) =CIFX投保加成

186 保险费计算题一 某公司出口CIF合同规定按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险,如出口发票金额为15000美元,一切险保险费率为0.6%,战争保险费率为0.03%,试问:投保金额是多少?应付保险费多少?

187 保险费的计算例题二 一批货物由上海出口至某国某港口CIF总金额为30000美元,投保一切险(保险费率为 0.6%)及战争险(保险费率0.03%),保险金额按CIF总金额,客户要求加保一成。 应付的保险费 = 30000×(1+10%)× (0.6%+0.03% ) = ×(0.6% % ) = ×0.0063 = (美元)

188 Cargo Insurance Claims

189 1. Guidelines 1) Ownership of damaged cargo
The fact is that the cargo remains the property of the assured, and under limited circumstances will an insurance company agree to take title to or sell it

190 1. Guidelines 2) Onus义务 of Good Faith
An assured dose not have the right to abandon cargo or fail to take any action, which could result in averting避免 or minimizing a loss or damage.

191 1. Guidelines 3) Minimizing a known loss
Some assureds will question the right to incur an expense in order to minimize a loss before receiving the insurance company’s authority to incur that expense. Provided the expense incurred is reasonable relative to the amount of loss you are trying to avoid,the insurance Company will pay for those expenses.

192 2. Procedures 1) Substantiate the claim 证明损失 2) Document the claim
为索赔提供证据 3) Documents required 索赔单据

193 1) Substantiate the claim
A vital component of our claims procedures is the substantiating of the claim. The assured must prove that the claim has been caused as a result of the insurance coverage, particularly in terms of risks covered and the time period of the coverage.

194 1) Substantiate the claim
The first step is to examine the external condition of all packages upon delivery before signing the delivery receipt. If the damage is noted, you are to stop unloading or unpacking until a decision has been reached on the need for a survey.

195 1) Substantiate the claim
The second step is to note the exceptions on the delivery receipt. The assured should not give clean receipt when goods are in dubious可疑的 condition.

196 1) Substantiate the claim
The third step is to record all case numbers that appear damaged when noting delivery receipts. It is not enough to indicate “Five Cases Damaged” on the receipt. You must record the numbers appearing on each case. For example: “Case #5, #6, #7 And #12 are in damaged condition”.

197 2) Document the claim Along with noting delivery receipts, it is vital to place all carriers “on notice” in the event of a claim within time limitations. payment from them should never be the accepted without first advising the insurance company. Accepting payment from the carrier without notifying the insurance company prejudices the insurance company’s right of subrogation and violates a provision of your policy which may jeopardize the outcome of the claim危害索赔结果.

198 2) Document the claim The assured should also give immediate notice to the nearest branch or agency in the event of damage giving rise to a claim. This notice means that a claim has been filed.

199 2) Document the claim the insurer will appoint a suitable surveyor to inspect the goods and report on the nature and extent of the damage, usually a report or certificate of loss is issued to the assured who pays a fee for it. The assured should then send claim paper to the insurer with the certificate.

200 3) Documents required the following are the basic documents required to claim : * Insurance Policy or Certificate * Commercial Invoice * Packing List: * Bill of Lading * Additional documents--such as Container Damage Report, Tally Sheets, Police Statement (in the event of a theft), etc.

201 索赔 1、当被保险货物运抵目的地后,被保险人应及时提货。当发现被保险货物遭受任何损失,应即向保险单上规定的检验、理赔代理人申请检验,并向有关当局(如海关、港务局、检验局)索取货损货差证明。 2、对遭受损失的货物,被保险人应采取合理抢救措施,以减少损失。

202 索赔 3、如遇航程变更或发现保险单所载明的货物、船名或航程有遗漏或错误时,被保险人应在获悉后立即通知保险人。

203 索赔期限 索赔期限亦称索赔时效,是被保险货物发生保险责任范围内的风险与损失时,被保险人向保险提出索赔的有效期限。

204 谢谢观赏

205 Introduction of the insurance coverage of marine cargo transport
Take out Insurance Practice of marine cargo insurance Cautions for insurance Insurance claim


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