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Good morning, everyone! Monday, May 7th, 2007

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1 Good morning, everyone! Monday, May 7th, 2007
Unit 1 History of NC Good morning, everyone! Monday, May 7th, 2007

2 Questions: Why is NC popular in shops and factories? What is CAP?
Who made the first NC machine? When? What mediums did the earlier NC machines run off? Which one is more common? What kind of system has been developed recently?

3 Notes Para 1 Shop n.车间 System n.机制 Flexible a.灵活的,柔韧的
In simple terms 简而言之 By means of 通过…的方法 Position v. 定位 Determine Perform In other words Para 2-3 Via Take the place of Instead of

4 Para 4 Corporation Experiment U.S. Air Force Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 Curvature n.1. 弯曲2. (几何)曲率 Cincinnati n.辛辛那提市(美国俄亥俄州) refinement n.1. 优雅,高雅;有教养[U]2. 提炼,精炼,提纯[U] Gasoline is produced by the refinement of petroleum. 汽油是由石油经过提炼生产出来的。 3. 精炼的产品;精细的改进[C] 4. 精确,精细;细微的区别[U][C]

5 Para 5 Universal A set of

6 Translate the following sentences:
Numerical control has become popular in shops and factories because it helps solve the problems of making manufacturing systems more flexible. In simple terms, a numerical control machine is a machine positioned automatically along a preprogrammed path by means of coded instructions. Machines may be programmed manually or with the aid of a computer. Manual programming is called manual part programming.

7 Advances in microelectronics and microcomputers have allowed the computer to be used as the control unit on modern numerical control machinery. This computer takes the place of the tape reader found on early NC machines. Early NC machines ran off punched cards and tape, with tape becoming the more common medium. Due to the efforts required to change or edit tape, computers were later introduced as aids in programming.

8 Computer aided programming languages allowed a part programmer to develop an NC program using a set of universal “pidgin English” commands, which the computer then translated into machine codes and punched into the tape. Although some companies have been reasonably successful at implementing DNC, the expense of computer capability and software and problems associated with coordinating a DNC system renders such systems economically unfeasible for all but the largest companies. Recently a new type of DNC system called distributive numerical control has been developed. It employs a network of computers to coordinate the operation of a number of CNC machines.

9 洋泾浜英语 WEDNESDAY, 21. MARCH 2007, 13:07:08 译海闲话 洋泾浜英文又称为皮钦语,英语是Pigeon-English或Pidgin-English,而很多上海活则源于这一泊来品。 嗲:DEAR,撒娇的,媚态万千的。轧朋友:GET朋友,搞女人,结交异性("轧"是一个普遍运用的动词,可以进行各种自由组合,如"轧闹猛"(凑热闹)。拉三:LASSIE,妓女、卖淫者或生活不检点的青年女子。 慕客:MUG,流氓,引申为嫖客。大班:大BANKER,大老板、富豪。退灶私:退JUICE,丢脸、失面子。克拉:COLOUR,色彩,时髦的、衣着光鲜的,现已少用。接(划)领子:接LEADS,接提示、接暗示、得到暗示("划"为上海方言,意为给出、抛出)。着台型:(衣)着DASHING,出风头、自我表现,自我炫耀。哇塞:WORSE,更糟的,更恶劣的,被引申为专门形容心情的难受和恶劣。落佻:ROTTER,英国俚语,无赖的、无耻的、下流的、卑鄙的。噱头:SHIT,吸引观众的低级趣味的表演,引顾客上当的骗局。嘎三壶:GOSSIP,聊天,闲谈。邋遢:LITTER,杂乱、凌乱和不修边幅。蹩脚:BILGE,船底污水,引申为肮脏的、下三滥的、劣质的)。大兴:DASHY,假的、冒牌的、劣质的)。赤佬:是英语"CHEAT"(欺骗)和中文"佬"的混生词语,一个鲁迅时代最流行的洋泾浜俚语(隐语)。小(老)开:小(老)KITE,对有钱人的泛称。门槛精:MonKEY精,聪明的、精明的。戆大:GANDER,傻瓜,呆鹅,

10 打:dozen,十二个。水门汀:cement,水泥(地板)。热水汀的水汀:steam暖气。三纹鱼:salmon指的是鲑鱼,旧时译做“萨门鱼”。 飞:fit或fitting,常指机械中起传动作用的齿轮,如三级变速自行车称为“三飞”等。火腿店:暗指白俄的妓院。这些酒吧妓院在洋人口中叫做ham shop,暗指有“大腿出售”。被上海人意译成为“火腿店”。 发烧友:fancier指对音乐,歌星等狂热迷恋崇拜的人,首先由香港人翻译过来的。司的克:stick手杖。开司米: cashmere,现在泛指羊毛织品。 老狄克:有人认为“狄克”也是来自stick,指涉世较深,社会阅历丰富的人。旧时手杖多为留洋归来自诩文明的人所使用,所以又称为“文明棍”。毕的生司:empty cents,意思是“身无分文”。派司: pass,意思较多,可以当名词指证件。回丝:waste工场里用来擦机器的废纱,丝。在家庭里也经常被用作清洁工作。 红头阿三:旧时对上海公用租界里的印度巡捕的称呼。有人认为是印度人和人交谈,总是以“I say……”开头,所以称为“阿三”。麦头:英语mark的洋泾浜语,意思是货品外面的商标,现在已经少用。 麦克:Much很多。如:“伊钞票多得来麦克麦克。” 时髦:smart。这个字最先流行于沪上,后来风靡全国。 派克:大衣。英语里称parka(风雪大衣)。老虎窗:roof,屋顶上的窗子。 仆欧:指旅馆、饭店里的男服务员。枪势:chance,如 “混枪势”。 沙蟹:Show Hand,是一项紧张刺激的赌博游戏(香港赌神、赌侠系列中最常见的赌博方式)。 司拨灵锁:spring,一种旧时常见的弹簧门锁。 凡耳:valve阀门。罗宋汤的罗宋:Russian,旧时上海人对俄国的称呼。差头:charter,“出租,包车”。康乐球:corner ball:流行于旧上海的一种球类游戏。肮三: on sale,既是廉价拍卖,其货品质量自然不好,所以引申为促狭,下流等意思。 麦克风:microphone之音译。德律风:(telephone),电话。瘪三:在英语里乞讨说beg for,洋泾浜语说beg sir,于是乞丐逐渐被称为“瘪三”。 拉司卡:英语之last car之音译,老上海话里作“最后”的意思。如:“我是拉司卡一个人。” 拨落头:plug电插头。斯达特:starter,日光灯上的启动器。的确凉: dacron一种布料。老克勒的克勒:clerk,也就是“职员”的意思。算是上海最早的白领。譬如洋行的买办。凡士林:Vaseline,护肤防裂品。凡哑铃:violin,小提琴。拿魔温: number one工头。来沙尔(消毒剂):lysol 1947年一代越剧红伶筱丹桂喝这个自杀身亡的事件轰动上海滩。阿摩尼亚:ammonia,阿斯匹林:aspirin 迪斯科:disco。法兰:flange 。白脱:butter,奶油。麦其林:margarine 。泵:pump

11 Pidgin English按《上海闲话》的作者姚公鹤的说法,这是一种 “以中国文法英国字音拼合而成,为上海特别之英语” 汪仲贤撰文的《上海俗语图说》中曾记载了洋泾浜歌诀:  来是“康姆”去是“谷”,廿四铜钿“吞的福”;  是叫“也司”勿叫“拿”,如此如此“沙咸鱼沙”(So and so);  真崭实货“佛立谷”,靴叫“蒲脱”鞋叫“靴”;  洋行买办“江摆渡”,小火轮叫“司汀巴”; “翘梯翘梯”请吃茶,“雪堂雪堂”请侬坐;  烘山芋叫“扑铁秃”,东洋车子“力克靴”;  打屁股叫“班蒲曲”,混帐王八“蛋风炉”; “那摩温”先生是阿大,跑街先生“杀老夫”; “麦克麦克”钞票多,“毕的生司”当票多;  红头阿三“开泼度”(Keep door),自家兄弟“勃拉茶”;  爷要“发茶”娘“卖茶”,丈人阿伯“发音落”……

12 附洋泾浜英语歌诀: 来是“康姆”去是“谷”,廿四铜钿“吞的福”; 是叫“也司”勿叫“拿”,如此如此“沙咸鱼沙”(So and so); 真崭实货“佛立谷”,靴叫“蒲脱”鞋叫“靴”; 洋行买办“江摆渡”,小火轮叫“司汀巴”; “翘梯翘梯”请吃茶,“雪堂雪堂”请侬坐; 烘山芋叫“扑铁秃”,东洋车子“力克靴”; 打屁股叫“班蒲曲”,混帐王八“蛋风炉”; “那摩温”先生是阿大,跑街先生“杀老夫”; “麦克麦克”钞票多,“毕的生司”当票多; 红头阿三“开泼度”(Keep door),自家兄弟“勃拉茶”; 爷要“发茶”娘“卖茶”,丈人阿伯“发音落”

13 Exercises: 1.p5

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